#duo maxwell

Here is my contribution to @bobo-is-tha-bomb fic “Star -Crossed Lovers High” for the @thisweekingundHere is my contribution to @bobo-is-tha-bomb fic “Star -Crossed Lovers High” for the @thisweekingund

Here is my contribution to @bobo-is-tha-bombfic “Star -Crossed Lovers High” 

for the @thisweekingundamevents Unorthodox Undercover Minibang.

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Fuck it! Duo Friday


Fuck it! Duo Friday

Little man, big voice

Sexy Duo

Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing taunting someone by slapping his butt like Sonic the Hedgehog. xD

Look Heero, you could try to….just communicate…some more.Just wanted to try one of those screenshot

Look Heero, you could try to….just communicate…some more.

Just wanted to try one of those screenshot redraws from a movie that i’ve watched since i was in 4th grade.

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 went into self-indulgent mode powered by nostalgia and wine. would my 13 yo version like this fanar

went into self-indulgent mode powered by nostalgia and wine. would my 13 yo version like this fanart? probably not haha

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Lots of happiness for all of you to come, a very good health and chances to realizes your dreams ! K

Lots of happiness for all of you to come, a very good health and chances to realizes your dreams ! 

Kisses and Hugs if you want them! <3 

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Duo: You need to react when people cry!

Wufei: I did. I rolled my eyes.




Heero: fist me

Duo: I— what the fuck?

Heero: [holds out fist for a fist bump]

Duo: right. that’s what you— right okay god jesus fucking chr—

Here, have a hastily-drawn shitpost

Dorothy: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they’re a wide-eyed mess.

Duo: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?

Heero: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.

Relena: Guys…

Wufei: I made tea.

Duo: Uuh thanks? I don’t drink tea though.

Wufei: I didn’t make tea for you.

Duo, laughing: Why tell me then?

Wufei: It’s a conversation starter.

Duo: It’s a shitty one, ‘Fei.

Wufei: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.


Heero: [clearly shaken]

Trowa: What the hell is wrong with you?

Heero: Duo just came by and said “good morning, Heero”

Trowa: …And?

Heero: He called me by my NAME. He’s breaking up with me!

Duo: I feel so much better. Like I’m surfing on a wave of positivity. Man, repressing your feelings is great!

Quatre: No.

Duo: Is stabbing someone immoral?

Trowa: Not if they consent to it.

Wufei: Depends who you’re stabbing.

Heero : Define ‘immoral’.





[over comm]

Trowa: Alright, this is an important question for our friendship - when you’re at the movie theaters and you get popcorn, do you get extra butter, regular butter, or no butter?

Duo: I add M&M’s to mine!

Trowa: …okay, give me a sec, I’m removing Duo from this call…

Duo: Wait hold on— [removed]

Heero: …

Wufei: …

Quatre: Trowa, at least give him a moment to explain himself!

Trowa: There is nothing he can say to justify that.

Just wait until Trowa hears about pissy shitties.

Trowa admits to making his pissy shitties with Dr. Pepper and Duo immediately removes him from the call instead

[over comm]

Trowa: Alright, this is an important question for our friendship - when you’re at the movie theaters and you get popcorn, do you get extra butter, regular butter, or no butter?

Duo: I add M&M’s to mine!

Trowa: …okay, give me a sec, I’m removing Duo from this call…

Duo: Wait hold on— [removed]

Heero: …

Wufei: …

Quatre: Trowa, at least give him a moment to explain himself!

Trowa: There is nothing he can say to justify that.

Duo: Name something you wish Relena would do to your face

Heero: I’m gonna say…sit on it


Duo: You know literally nothing about sports. I’ve heard you refer to basketball as “basketsball”!

Heero: It’s the technically correct term. There’s two baskets.

Noin: As you all know, I went on a…sabbatical last year.

Duo: Do you mean when you shacked up with the leader of White Fang who tried to smash Libra into the Earth Sphere?

Quatre: Duo, please. Raise your hand if you want to ask a question.

Duo: [immediately raises hand]

Noin: …Let’s just move on.

Trowa: Her name’s Dorothy Catalonia. She’s an unrepentant bitch, but she’s got amazing eyebrows.

Duo: Thin or thick brows?

Trowa: Kinda both.

Duo: Interesting…

Duo: Ayyye, what that mouth do?

Heero: Hurt your feelings, probably.

Heero: What are you doing?

Wufei: I’m performing a sage burning ritual to clear my house of demons

Duo, coughing: Fuck you, I’ve got asthma you whore!

[on their first date]

Hilde: Is ‘Duo’ short for something?

Duo: It’s actually long for 'Du’.


Heero: Do you love me?

Duo: ‘Course I do!

Heero: More than ice cream?

Duo: Know your place.

Heero: Rule one of being a Gundam pilot - use whatever tools or tricks necessary to complete the mission

Heero: Rule two - never get caught, and if you are caught, self-destruct

Heero: Rule three - trust your allies but if you can do the mission yourself, then do it alone

Heero: You got all that?

Duo, writing “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss” in his notes: Yeah yeah for sure
