#quatre raberba winner

Lots of happiness for all of you to come, a very good health and chances to realizes your dreams ! K

Lots of happiness for all of you to come, a very good health and chances to realizes your dreams ! 

Kisses and Hugs if you want them! <3 

Post link

Dorothy, after stabbing Quatre: —but I’m not like, homophobic. I’m an ally.

Quatre: …Congratulations?

Trowa, dryly: We thank you for your service.

Duo: I feel so much better. Like I’m surfing on a wave of positivity. Man, repressing your feelings is great!

Quatre: No.

Duo: Is stabbing someone immoral?

Trowa: Not if they consent to it.

Wufei: Depends who you’re stabbing.

Heero : Define ‘immoral’.



[over comm]

Trowa: Alright, this is an important question for our friendship - when you’re at the movie theaters and you get popcorn, do you get extra butter, regular butter, or no butter?

Duo: I add M&M’s to mine!

Trowa: …okay, give me a sec, I’m removing Duo from this call…

Duo: Wait hold on— [removed]

Heero: …

Wufei: …

Quatre: Trowa, at least give him a moment to explain himself!

Trowa: There is nothing he can say to justify that.

Iria, after being asked to describe her brother: He’s… He’s gay… and he, he has a special connection to… classical music…

Iria: There’s— There’s many interesting things about him…

Noin: As you all know, I went on a…sabbatical last year.

Duo: Do you mean when you shacked up with the leader of White Fang who tried to smash Libra into the Earth Sphere?

Quatre: Duo, please. Raise your hand if you want to ask a question.

Duo: [immediately raises hand]

Noin: …Let’s just move on.

Quatre: How are you doing?

Wufei: I’m courting insanity.

Duo: I wanna go to the liquid zoo

Quatre: The what?

Duo: You know, a zoo but for like…the liquid animals

Trowa: …you mean the aquarium?

Duo: I guess yeah

The Venn diagram of my ambitions and my schedule are two circles that don’t touch at all, so here’s a WIP page (from a 3x5 project) that I cleaned up to slide into Month of Trowa’s ‘defying gravity’ and ‘performance’ prompts
