#durins folk



I would super love it if Felak-Gundu were, like, a mythological dwarven figure by the end of the third age, and none of them know he’s based on an elf who really existed.

Like in stories he’s a joly dwarf with a beard so full of jewels it looks more like an elaborate necklace, and in a comic mash-up of Finrod killing a werewolf with his teeth and Nargathrond falling to Glaurung, Felak-Gundu gets swallowed by a dragon but bites his way out, killing the dragon. And he has other silly adventures, because he’s mostly a story for children, and 2+ ages worth of bedtime story embellishment has taken place.

Elrond finds this out when he’s compiling his library at Imladris, and it is absolutely his favorite thing that has ever happened because of the giant game of telephone that is history amongst mortals. The dwarves he learns about the legends from just laugh at him when he tried to explain who Finrod was (You elves think everything is about elves!)

Celebrian collects illustrated childrens books about her great uncle the dwarf’s misadventures, and Elrond packs them and sends them with her when she sails to Valinor. Which means when she feels better she can have the joy of introducing Finrod to his alter ego.

Gimli is extremely skeptical of this when he hears about it from Arwen (I don’t think Galadriel would have brought it up in the limited time he knew her before she sailed), thinking at most, it’s such an old legend, they probably nick-named Finrod affectionately after the character if anything.

And then he goes to Valinor and there is an elf there who is his lady’s brother, who introduces himself in Khuzdul as the dwarven equivalent of like, Curious George (if that story were ancient) and he is utterly delighted!

‘My Glóin cosplay in a public event’ (This was submitted anonymously so if this is you p

‘My Glóin cosplay in a public event’

(This was submitted anonymously so if this is you please let us know in the ask box)

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mrkida-art:Here’s a concept of a young Dís for a short comic I’ll probably never finish. In it she


Here’s a concept of a young Dís for a short comic I’ll probably never finish. In it she runs away from home and pretends to be a human man for a time, as she is tall enough to pass as long as she hides her ears and avoid eye contact with other people.

Fun fact! My version of Dís is very tall for a dwarf, I hc that dwarrowdams in general are taller and bigger than the other dwarves, but she’s of an unusual height even for a dam. This is sometimes used undermine the royal family (and herself) as some dwarves question her heritage and suggest that she’s not a full blooded dwarf.  

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mrkida-art:A dwarrow king at work  I’d love to see more pics of Thorin’s tattoos - we all know Dwali


A dwarrow king at work 

I’d love to see more pics of Thorin’s tattoos - we all know Dwalin has them, and Thrain had a facial one - I’m convince that Thorin has some Awesome Chest, upper arm, back tattoos

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mrkida-art:Kili, son of Dís. The King under the Mountain and the ruler of Durin’s Folk


Kili, son of Dís. The King under the Mountain and the ruler of Durin’s Folk

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 Here’s a concept of a young Dís for a short comic I’ll probably never finish. In it she

Here’s a concept of a young Dís for a short comic I’ll probably never finish. In it she runs away from home and pretends to be a human man for a time, as she is tall enough to pass as long as she hides her ears and avoid eye contact with other people.

Fun fact! My version of Dís is very tall for a dwarf, I hc that dwarrowdams in general are taller and bigger than the other dwarves, but she’s of an unusual height even for a dam. This is sometimes used undermine the royal family (and herself) as some dwarves question her heritage and suggest that she’s not a full blooded dwarf.  

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