

Caption: LDhack: if you write with a pen put your paper on a soft surface like a cloth. It makes the paper crinkly and tactical. Helps make writing feel and sound good!

By the-pinkest-dragon

Disclaimer: These ideas don’t belong to me, but was shared as comments to another comic with the idea that they would be turn into a comic series. I just did the art work.

The frist in the series of #LDhack!

Caption: #LDhack- I have an app on my phone that puts notes on my on my home screen. So whenever I open my phone I can see what I’m meant to be remembering.

By thatinnovertedartist

Disclaimer: These ideas don’t belong to me, but was shared as comments to another comic with the idea that they would be turn into a comic series. I just did the art work.

Hey all!

I’ve been missing this comic lately and had a idea for a new mini series. I want to call it LD life hacks or something like that. There isn’t a lot of information for adults with ld and I’m hoping together we can help change that. Please comment your LD life hack below and I may create it into a comic.

Thanks friends for all your help!

Last year I felt like a broken record. I would Apologize and try to explain that I was indeed trying

Last year I felt like a broken record. I would Apologize and try to explain that I was indeed trying but after a while I wasn’t sure if anyone believed me or if they though I would say anything to get off the hook.

This year I’m continuing to work on self forgiveness and not to let other’s opinions affect me so much.

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