

after months of anxiously waiting and overthinking, i finally got the grade for my BA thesis i submitted in september! and it’s much better than i expected, i almost can’t believe it… your girl is very happy now!

If I forget pleasantries, it’s not because I’m rude, I’m literally just trying to think of the right words to form sentences.

speaking of aphasia, my dad—like most of my friends and loved ones (and a startling percentage of acquaintances)—has dyslexia, and every time we have a serious conversation about transgender issues, he forgets the word “dysphoria” and instead ends up saying “gender dystopia.” which frankly is a much cooler term




some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.

I couldn’t remember the word “doorknob” ten minutes ago.

ok but the onelook thesaurus will save your life, i literally could not live without this website

omg, this is a lifesaver for anyone with anomic aphasia!!

- signed, an ADHD who forgot the word “coriander” and has been distractedly thinking about “cilantro seeds??” for the past couple hours

(side note: onelook thesaurus is also a reverse dictionary, which are things that have long existed in book form, a fact i consistently forget and rediscover with great glee. visual dictionaries are also awesome)

“Breathless”My final painting for #monthoffear. I can’t help but conflate the idea


My final painting for #monthoffear. I can’t help but conflate the idea of breathlessness with the inability to verbalize or express oneself, to externalize the internal. To connect with and be understood by others.
Thank you for your patience with my finishing this being delayed due to illness and life things, I am much better now!

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     pinegrove – aphasia

     pinegrove – aphasia

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Consent is Not a Vocabulary Exam

This post contains a graphic description of a sexual assault. If you would like to skip that section and go on to a discussion of consent, skip until you are past the picture of the cat. The rest of this post is less graphic but does discuss consent, sexual violence, and consensual sexual contact. If none of this appeals to you, then skip past the cherry blossoms picture to learn about Woodhull,…

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Caption: LDhack: if you write with a pen put your paper on a soft surface like a cloth. It makes the paper crinkly and tactical. Helps make writing feel and sound good!

By the-pinkest-dragon

Disclaimer: These ideas don’t belong to me, but was shared as comments to another comic with the idea that they would be turn into a comic series. I just did the art work.

The frist in the series of #LDhack!

Caption: #LDhack- I have an app on my phone that puts notes on my on my home screen. So whenever I open my phone I can see what I’m meant to be remembering.

By thatinnovertedartist

Disclaimer: These ideas don’t belong to me, but was shared as comments to another comic with the idea that they would be turn into a comic series. I just did the art work.

I Actally use a day planner all the time and it has help plan ahead and allow me to be move active in my social life.

Caption: planners are your friend! If you have trouble making plans or appointments verbally because they might be forgotten, use a planner! Makes planning stress free!

By itsme98z

Disclaimer: These ideas don’t belong to me, but was shared as comments to another comic with the idea that they would be turn into a comic series. I just did the art work.

Hey all!

I’ve been missing this comic lately and had a idea for a new mini series. I want to call it LD life hacks or something like that. There isn’t a lot of information for adults with ld and I’m hoping together we can help change that. Please comment your LD life hack below and I may create it into a comic.

Thanks friends for all your help!

As a student with an LD this was always one of the worst ways to out me to the rest of the classroom

As a student with an LD this was always one of the worst ways to out me to the rest of the classroom.

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Last year I felt like a broken record. I would Apologize and try to explain that I was indeed trying

Last year I felt like a broken record. I would Apologize and try to explain that I was indeed trying but after a while I wasn’t sure if anyone believed me or if they though I would say anything to get off the hook.

This year I’m continuing to work on self forgiveness and not to let other’s opinions affect me so much.

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