#learning disabled


This is my first tumblr post in years, but i could use an outlet.

I’m battling this narrative i’ve had of myself for as long as I can remember. I have learning disabilities and My whole life, i have been told i am stupid. I was told i couldn’t join band in school because i wasn’t smart enough to remember the notes. I was told I wasn’t smart enough to do a lot of things, and because I have learning disabilities, i believed them. I was also told i shouldnt go to college because I’m not smart enough.

I went to college anyways, and i am an honor student. I struggle a lot, because I learn differently. But just because i dont learn the same as other people doesnt mean that i am stupid. Now i have to keep reminding myself that everday.


funny picture brain go brrrbrrr :,)

I’m tried of people making fun of my spelling and grammar mistake. I will not correct you or point o

I’m tried of people making fun of my spelling and grammar mistake. I will not correct you or point out your mistakes unless you ask me too. If I do not understand right away I will reread the text and ask questions kindly.

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As a student with an LD this was always one of the worst ways to out me to the rest of the classroom

As a student with an LD this was always one of the worst ways to out me to the rest of the classroom.

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I went traveling ago weeks back and there are some aspectsI find harder because of my ld. One of the

I went traveling ago weeks back and there are some aspectsI find harder because of my ld. One of the ways I coped with this was asking people to read the names of signs out load to me so I could make sure I was in the right place.

What are some ways you coped while traveling with your ld?

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 Hello! A little whole ago a doctoral student name Liz messaged me about her project about a LDs. Unfortunately, I live in Canada and wasn’t able to help. If you are able too please consider taking a few minutes to complete the survey. 


“Do you have a learning disability? Tell us about your experiences by taking this survey! Participate in a new study about the marginalization of people with learning disabilities. Stigma and stereotypes surrounding learning disabilities continue to affect people’s lives in complex ways, and I am interested in hearing from YOU about how you deal with stigma and identity related to your learning disability. My name is Liz, and I am a doctoral student from identityLORE: the Laboratory for Oppression, Resilience, and Empowerment at Teachers College, Columbia University. I am looking to hear from individuals who are interested in participating in a survey about the life experiences of people with learning disabilities. This survey should only take about 10-15 minutes. Eligibility Criteria: • 18 years old • Diagnosed with a learning disability/disabilities • Live in the U.S. If you meet the above criteria and are interested in participating, please click on the link below to begin the short survey.

Additionally, please consider sharing this survey with anyone you know who may be interested in participating!” 


This study has been approved by the Teachers College, Columbia University Institutional Review Board: Protocol #18-125. If you have any complaints, questions, concerns, or would like to know the results, please feel free to contact me via e-mail at [email protected]

Last year I felt like a broken record. I would Apologize and try to explain that I was indeed trying

Last year I felt like a broken record. I would Apologize and try to explain that I was indeed trying but after a while I wasn’t sure if anyone believed me or if they though I would say anything to get off the hook.

This year I’m continuing to work on self forgiveness and not to let other’s opinions affect me so much.

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