#elder futhark runes


Runes are an Ancient Germanic Alphabet that many use for divination. They can also be used as sigils because each Rune holds its own meaning. Witches write out the Runic Alphabet on small stones, bones, or marbles and gently toss them into a vessel and scry based on where they land or what falls at all.

The Elder Futhark:

The Elder Futhark is the oldest form of the Runic Alphabet, and is consisted of three aspects of three different deities being Freyja’s, Heimdall’s, and Tyr’s Aetts. Each Rune has a meaning and its own correspondences. The Younger Futhark are also referred to as Scandinavian runes, is considered to be a reduced form of the Elder Futhark, but still remains a runic alphabet with sixteen characters. These were most prominently used through the ninth century.

Freya’s Aett:

ᚠ Fehu:

Freya’s Rune, domestic cattle, power and position gained by your own hand, earned prosperity or regard.

ᚢ Uruz: 

Auroch’s Horns, forces beyond our control are afoot, so stay serene and let it the process flow.

ᚦ Thursiaz:

Thor’s Rune, thorns and defense, protection within and around oneself or space, and security.

ᚱ Raido:

The Chariot, travel, intellect, logic, the arts, journey, action, effort, change, progress, and movement.

ᚲ Kenzaz:

The Torch, bending nature towards your will, paving your own way through with blazing passion..

ᚷ Gebo:

Sacrifice, substitution, replacement, exchange, trade, offering up something for something better in return.

ᚹ Wunjo:

Strength in bliss, companionship, splendor, delight, pleasure, happiness, company, and camaraderie.

Heimdal’s Aett:

ᚻ Hagalaz:

Precipitation, particularly Hail, Duality. Purging Chaos. The union of opposites. Fire and ice.

ᚾ Naudiz:

Determination, character, endurance, independence, desperation, self-reliance, force, and effort.

ᛁ Isa:

Ice, perfect stillness, introspection, sanctuary in seclusion, contemplation, being frozen.

ᛃ Jera:

Harvest, time, reaping what is sown, enjoying the fruits of your labors, abundance from work.

ᛇ Ahwaz:

Stability, reliability, firmly planted, grounded, connected, to be deeply rooted,    

ᛈ Pertho:

The grail, mystery, magick, femininity, secrets, reproduction, fertility, nether regions.

ᛇ Eiwaz:

Horns of a stag, labor and sacrifice for development and growth, high strength of will.

ᛋ Sowilo:

The Sun, transformation, productivity, maturity. movement, achievement.

Tyr’s Aett:

ᛉ Algiz:

Odin’s Rune, defensive protection, intellect and wisdom, divine connection, and interaction.

ᛏ Tiwaz:

Tyr’s Rune, authority, power, leadership, honor, admiration, regard, and reverence.

ᛒ Berkanano:

The Birch Tree, new beginnings, openings, and journeys ahead. Growth and cycles.

ᛖ Ehwaz:

Horses, coordination, movement, independent cooperation to achieve the same goal.

ᛗ Mannaz:

Memories, union, fellowship, connection, the collective of humanity, harmony and peace.

ᛚ Laguz:

Leek, fluidity, emotion, insight, subconscious, processing, & divinity of the lake’s waters.

ᛝ Ingwaz:

Masculinity, fertility, potential, new perspectives, and opportunities, ripe with chance.

ᛟ Othila:

The hearth and home, sacred family, ancestral property, stability, inheritance, and hospitality.

ᛞ Dagaz:

Duality, balance, union of opposites, the day and night, oppositions finding peace.

Other Links:

Divination: Psychic Abilities

GIVEAWAY: Germanic Runes Printable

My friends, I am doing a Giveaway on my Instagram page and since I know I have a few Rune lovers here, I don’t want you to miss out on this!

I will be giving away 1 Printable that I will be releasing in the next few days.

This printable contains the following information about each Rune of Elder Futhark:

✨Rune symbol

✨Upright position keywords

✨Reversed Position Keywords (if applicable)

✨Health areas that Rune is responsible for + indicating if Rune is healing










There are 3 pages in this printable, organized in a table by Aett.

This printable will be a great addition to your Grimoire and a helper when planning Rituals involving Runes. You will be able to quickly and easily select necessary plants and crystals and know which Gods you are working with.

You may add features to your ritual based on the element or energy associated with the Rune.


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The giveaway will close on Wednesday July 7th. at 6pm.

Please go to my Instagram page @zoryawellness to enter!

I’m exhausted…

But maybe that means it’s working?

Did some spellwork for my old lady monkey. The runes I drew from my set this morning indicated movement in a positive direction and healing/rejuvenating energy, so I drew them also upon the windows in dry erase marker, with her identifying numbers entwined around them (also used another rune I had drawn previously about the situation indicating success).

This is in addition to the poppet I crocheted lovingly in her image, stuffed with life everlasting herb, focused energy into, and then set up with crystals also on one of their windowsills.

We have seen some improvement, but it’s slow going. Still, the divination has show only positive signs and directly told me not to be anxious about it, so that has been a comfort.

Felt like I had a bit of a breakthrough with the elder futhark runes last night. Not only did I correctly identify the rune without checking notes. I also interpreted it INTUITIVELY from the basic meaning (it happened to be reversed), again without checking my notes! It helps that it was basically confirming my suspicion/hope.

Elder Futhark Runes from gathered acorn caps.

Rune Readings for a Cause!

Hey there,

So I have a friend who’s struggling with mental health problems and medical bills and I want to help out.

So I’m opening up rune readings!

It’ll be $1 per rune drawn.

So depending on your needs, it can be anywhere from $1-7 depending on the spread setup.

Your choice of Elder Futhark or my custom set of Arda-inspired runes (some of you have gotten reading from these before).

Payment will be through PayPal.

Message me if you’re interested!

Does the word “TUL” mean anything to any of you?

I found it smeared on a window this morning by the macaques I work with -in order vertically downward: Tiwaz Uruz Laguz

Sowilo was alone on a different window and was actually the one I saw first.

It’s been puzzling me all day, so any insight would be welcome.

P.S. The monkeys do not typically scrawl runes on their windows.


Rune Readings for a Cause!

Hey there,

So I have a friend who’s struggling with mental health problems and medical bills and I want to help out.

So I’m opening up rune readings!

It’ll be $1 per rune drawn.

So depending on your needs, it can be anywhere from $1-7 depending on the spread setup.

Your choice of Elder Futhark or my custom set of Arda-inspired runes (some of you have gotten reading from these before).

Payment will be through PayPal.

Message me if you’re interested!

A confusing… sign(?)

As I lay on a log this evening gazing up at the clouds, I saw a word spelled out in runes:



They were set together in a close even row so as to appear to be a word, not just a series of individual runes.

I thought to myself, I must look this word up in Old Norse when I get home!

So I did, and apparently it means… “herring.”

Is this a request? I mean, I love pickled herring too. But to write it in the sky like that?

Anyway, I am open to additional thoughts.

I suspect it to be from Frigg, by the way, because clouds, and she’s been a big focus the last couple days.
