#nordic runes


Your Relationship With Your Future Spouse

Pile1 - Tongue Out

Your relationship with your future spouse might be influenced by them being quite secretive. One of you might tend to overshare and the other one might talk about every little bit. This might cause some trouble you will need to clear up as soon as possible.

Despite this, I see that your connection will be very encouraging for both of you. Especially when one of you goes through trouble, the other one will always support them. This relationship might feel like it has been sent by the Divine for you.

I see that you both enjoy celebrating together, even if you do not enjoy festivals that much, you will find much pleasure in simply going out with your future spouse.

Pile 2 - Laying On Car

Your connection will be quite fast-paced, you both might be very impatient and might have a tendency to first speak and then think. This might cause you both to get very heated into arguments and have trouble listening to the other one.

Your love is intense and moves quickly towards, you need to be careful that you’re to attachment one another doesn´t take completely over each other’s lives.

If you both learn how to behave more calm and balanced in all ways you will be able to truly learn from this connection as your future spouse will be like a mirror for you.

Pile 3 - Wedding Kiss

Both of you will have trouble showing their emotions in a healthy way when you both will meet one another. While one of you is very emotional and can barely keep it together, the other one has a lot of trouble displaying their feminine energy without feeling guilty.

There are clearly many things in this connection you do not see from the beginning, maybe one of you has a secret or you have a dark history you do not desire to tell the others from the start.

Despite all this, your love will offer you a stable connection, protection from trouble, and safety from the outside world. With some work, this can be very rewarding for both of you.

Pile 4 - Head On Shoulder

One of you will be quite a fan of gossip and might judge people easily while the other person often worries about their choices and has trouble trusting their intuition and their gut feelings. You both need to learn from one another.

Your connection will stem from similar interests and similar feelings towards the same things. Your family will greatly approve of your connection, maybe this is important to you or them.

You both will lead each other to a new part of your life and will encourage you to leave toxic connections or habits behind you.

You As A Poem

Pile 1 - Bridge

A Desire Old As Time

A soft touch

A hearty laugh

All meant for us

Loneliness doesn´t suit the pretty face

Neither does tears

Still, it´s a part of life

It all returns to you

For you to cry during the night

Staring at the ceiling

Wondering where you went wrong

Nowhere to go

Nowhere to hide

Yet you might feel at home

Because you keep hoping for

A feeling more powerful than time

It made you what you are

You should be proud

Instead, you frown at your reflection

Your body carried you

Your mind shaped you

It is you

A choice to make

Wherever you like seeing the tears

Or reject their existence

In the end

It all comes back to you

Pile 2 - Magazine

The World Below

Lost in the darkest shadow

Set ablaze by the weakest sparks

I never loved anyone like I wished to

It´s limitless

But it ends tomorrow

Just a raspy word


A vast ocean

A stormy sea

Will they drown?

Oh I wish so

But could I take the sorrow?

Nothing ever came so far

No one ever saw beyond

Lighting struck hem down before

I plead

The night hushes the child in me

A dagger in my dirty hands

The blood on it faded

No one survived

I might just give up


I cannot stop my dreams

Yearning for the same

Since I breathed in the dust

Endless murmur

That´s how I want to melt away

Pile 3 - Collage

Nothing But A Threat

Not a girl

Not a boy

Just who I am meant to be

Nothing sensitive

Nothing strong

Just my feelings in the mirror

And I am not afraid anymore

I am not sorry for my feelings anymore

If you loved me

You would understand

If you saw the truth

You wouldn´t claim it was a lie

Just two and you

Or maybe more?

You will never know

Envy has no space

In the night sky above

The sky will devour it whole

Banishing all your words

Which were aimed to tear me apart

You cannot change who I am

My true self will always remain

It wasn´t my choice, to begin with

You forced me to hide it for so long

But now I will break free

Out of this mortal realm

There is nothing between my legs

Nothing hanging from my chest

Not a single child

Shall leave my body

I am enough on my own

I am good as I am

I do not need to change myself

Your claimed love

Is nothing but attachment

Nothing but obsession

Over the person you want me to be

No thank you

Pile 4 - Clouds

The Seed

You poisoned the ground

All my flowers died

Nothing can grow anymore

There is a storm coming

Which is death in the form

No forest, not even a single tree

All I have left is a single seed

I cannot plant in this now dead earth

Memories like dust

Passing me by

Remembering me

Of the things I shared

I thought were heard

But they were lost in the wind

Two paths of nothingness

Not a single light in the dark

No ambition nor expectations

Not even a little bit of hope

All I have is this seed

I know might die in the heat

I am afraid to move

Death is tempting me

It is too late

Spite has become my bread

Anger my breath

Fear my water

I don´t know how

There is a land I was promised

To a child, they lied already

Barely eight years old

I have no choice

I guess I simply got used to it

To keep moving on toward

Even if now something is different

Even if now…

I am alone


400+ Followers Special - Open!


Finally, after over a whole fucking MONTH my blisters and co are starting to heal so I can finally do Divination again without dying of pain by just touching the cards.

Blessed be any gods and goddesses.


As you can see above I have reached the 400+ Follower mark! So this calls for a new little special!

Now, I want to keep this little game interesting, for both sides. So I am not going to ask you for your natal chart placements or simply let you ask your question, where is the fun in that?

I want you to give me something and I will give you something in return, seems fair, eh?

Send me a gif, send me a drawing, a sketch, a mood board, or a quote… anything like that you think has the same vibes as I do! So yes, those pictures are me, that´s how I look like if you´ve been curious :D

  • Send me them through my DMS along with your question you want me to answer!
  • One question for each person!
  • I will not answer questions considering death, health, or anything which has to do with betraying another person!
  • Have patience!
  • You must be my follower as I want to give them something back!

If you want an exchange reading instead

400+ Followers Special - Closed!

You all have beenFLOODINGmy DMs, seriously! So I will close this today as I have a lot to work on! Please be patient, I am already working on tarot readings but I really have lots to do!

Thanks to everyone who took part in it!

Oh, and exchange readings are still open! Just as mentioned before, patience, I have some of them to do too!

Send Me PAC Ideas!

Hello, lovelies!

I just prepared a bunch of PACs for the future and to be honest I am kind of out of idea right now.

So if you have any PAC Ideas, please sent them to me, no matter if through a comment on this post, through an Ask or through my DMS!

400+ Followers Special - Open!


Finally, after over a whole fucking MONTH my blisters and co are starting to heal so I can finally do Divination again without dying of pain by just touching the cards.

Blessed be any gods and goddesses.


As you can see above I have reached the 400+ Follower mark! So this calls for a new little special!

Now, I want to keep this little game interesting, for both sides. So I am not going to ask you for your natal chart placements or simply let you ask your question, where is the fun in that?

I want you to give me something and I will give you something in return, seems fair, eh?

Send me a gif, send me a drawing, a sketch, a mood board, or a quote… anything like that you think has the same vibes as I do! So yes, those pictures are me, that´s how I look like if you´ve been curious :D

  • Send me them through my DMS along with your question you want me to answer!
  • One question for each person!
  • I will not answer questions considering death, health, or anything which has to do with betraying another person!
  • Have patience!
  • You must be my follower as I want to give them something back!

If you want an exchange reading instead

☄️ Exchange Readings - Open ☄️

I will give you a Free Tarot Reading if you offer something similar in exchange.

This either can be also a Tarot Reading, or a Psychic Reading, or a Birth Chart Reading or anything of the sorts, so just simply something of the same value.

You choose the length. I would like you to give me my reading first, so I can adapt. Since I already had exchange readings where I wrote about 3.000 words and the other barely 1.000…so this is just a precaution I like to do.

You also choose how many questions there are answered, the same amount you offer me, the same amount I will offer back.

No deadlines, please. You will have all the time in the world to answer my questions, so will I.

I will NOT answer any questions considering health, death, or anything which has to do with harming or betraying another person.

If you are interested in exchanging a reading, DM me and we can discuss anything further there!


From Stora Mellösa, Örebro, Närke in Sweden.

It was writen in the late 11th century and found 1961.

How its writen:

: uibug : risti : sitin : efitr : -(u)in : sun : sin : auk :: rikui :

How its said:

Viborg ræisti stæin æftiR [S]væin, sun sinn ok Rikvi.

In swedish:

”Viborg reste stenen efter Sven, sin son och Rikvi.”

In English: “Viborg raised the stone after Sven, his son and Rikvi.”

GIVEAWAY: Germanic Runes Printable

My friends, I am doing a Giveaway on my Instagram page and since I know I have a few Rune lovers here, I don’t want you to miss out on this!

I will be giving away 1 Printable that I will be releasing in the next few days.

This printable contains the following information about each Rune of Elder Futhark:

✨Rune symbol

✨Upright position keywords

✨Reversed Position Keywords (if applicable)

✨Health areas that Rune is responsible for + indicating if Rune is healing










There are 3 pages in this printable, organized in a table by Aett.

This printable will be a great addition to your Grimoire and a helper when planning Rituals involving Runes. You will be able to quickly and easily select necessary plants and crystals and know which Gods you are working with.

You may add features to your ritual based on the element or energy associated with the Rune.


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Comment your favourite Rune or Norse God

Additional Entries:

Share to your story (TAG or I won’t see)

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Tag a friend! (1 tag = 1 entry)

The giveaway will close on Wednesday July 7th. at 6pm.

Please go to my Instagram page @zoryawellness to enter!

What Is the Wyrd Rune? Why Is Wyrd Rune Called the Blank Rune and What Does It Mean?

We are finishing our learning journey on Germanic Runes with a discussion on a Runic symbol that has always been a subject for arguments and confusions.

The Rune of Odin, or the Wyrd Rune, that we will talk about was not originally part of the Rune set used for magic.

Ogirinally, the idea to add the Wyrd Rune to the Elder Futhark was proposed by Ralph Blum, the writer of the famous books “The Book of Runes” and “The Healing Runes: Tools for the Recovery of Body, Mind, Hearth & Soul.”

Needless to say, the interpretation of Germanic Runes provided by Ralph Blum was quite different from the traditional one.

For this reason, there is a lot of controversy about his approach to Runes in general, as well as the addition of the Wyrd Rune to the Elder Futhark.

Nevertheless, we will learn it, as it is used by some for Runic Divination and causes confusion to many new Rune readers when they receive their Rune stones for divination and find an “extra, empty or blank Rune” in there.

I want you to keep in mind that the are different interpretations available for this Rune, based on the Runemaster’s experience, relationship with the Runes and tradition they follow.

It is up to you which meaning makes the most sense to you, just as it is entirely up to you whether you will use this Rune in your practice.

The Rune of Odin names

So, let’s start by declaring all the names you may come across that all refer to the same thing:

• The Wyrd Rune

•The Rune of Odin

•The Blank Rune

•The Destiny Rune

•The Rune of Fate

-All these refer to the same Runestone.

And it is important here to understand what Destiny means to you.

Do you believe that someone or something else has a control over your life and what ultimately will happen to it?

Or do you believe that YOU are in a control of your destiny?

From what you have answer to yourself right now depends the meaning of the Rune that will resonate the most with you.

Stick to that meaning. -

The Wyrd Rune Meaning – Option 1

Ralph Blum described this Rune as the time in person’s life when Destiny is at play. But he implied that your Destiny is in your OWN hands and when this Rune comes up, it is the time for you to take control and do what you judge to be right.

He believed that we make our own destiny and this Rune should act as a push for you to take control and act.

There is no advice the Wyrd Rune gives and no question this Rune can answer.It does not have a direct meaning that we can refer to when we speak of love life, career or finances.

The Wyrd Rune includes ALL the meanings and interpretations of Elder Futhark Runes. And this also answers the question: “Why Is the Wyrd Rune called the Rune of Odin?”

Odin made a sacrifice to learn the Runes - a gift for a gift, thereby going from ignorance or blankness to knowledge and wisdom the Runes give.

If this is the option you choose to adapt in your divination, then when it comes up, your advice to yourself or a client is: “Use your head and your judgement.”

-Do you now understand why the Wyrd Rune is called “Blank”?

This Rune is like a blank piece of paper. You are free to draw or write on it what you wish, as you are free to write the story of your own life.

The Wyrd Rune Meaning – Option 2

Some Rune readers interpret the Rune differently based on their understanding of the Destiny.

They believe that this Rune is the sign of Fate, or Karma.

Karma is not a Germanic concept and the reason why I refer to it is solely for your understanding of the subject.

Nowadays, we all know (somewhat) what Karma is in Western understanding of it. Here, the Wyrd Rune means that there are powers in action greater than us that ultimately affect the outcome of the situation in question.

If this is your understanding of Destiny or Fate, then if the Wyrd Rune comes up in a reading, you interpret it as the time in person’s life that the situation is beyond their control and it is now the time to let go and trust the Universe/Fate.

The Wyrd Rune Meaning – Option 3

Lastly, some Runemaster that also practice Tarot, draw a parallel between the Wyrd Rune and Tarot cards.

So, basically, in this case, the Rune of Odin points on a situation when the information is not available to the asker.

You can compare this Rune to the High Priestess Tarot card. It is the knowledge you need to learn, research and uncover but it is not yet readily available to you.

And whether you want to learn this information is not only up to you, but may be even be not needed for you to know as this time.

The High priestess Tarot card often asks us the questions: “Are you ready to learn this information, as once you do, there is no going back.”

If this is the option that resonates with you the most, then when the Wyrd Rune comes up in a reading, it would mean that the information you are inquiring about is not yet available to you.

The Rune will not answer yes/no question either.

I want to quickly give you another example here.

For those who practice Pendulum magic. You know how we have the movements for “yes” and “no”. But when the Pendulum is quiet and does not move, we know that the answer is not available.

This would be the same with the Rune of Odin.

Interpretation of the Wyrd Rune – Practical Example

Let’s review one example of how we can potentially interpret the Wyrd Rune in a Rune reading. We will take the most popular area clients usually inquire about – love life.

In this case study you have a woman client that is asking if she will get married and start a family with her long-term boyfriend.

If you are inclined to use the first option of interpretation based on the theory of Blum, then we say that the relationship is in the hands on the woman in question. She should take charge, make a push, imply to her partner about her vision of their relationship or be direct. Whatever works for her. If she decides to have a family, she will have it but if she thinks this person ultimately is not right for her, she should walk away.

If you stick to the second option, then here we say that the Destiny is at play in this relationship. If it is meant for this couple to get married and settle down together, it will happen. But if it’s not, no matter how hard the woman tries, the partners will eventually part.

You can look at the nearby Rune or Runes for more information. They will be able to predict which way the relationship is heading.

If you follow the third option, then the answer to this question is not available at this time. Maybe the woman should reflect on her situation or find out more about her partner. There can be something about him that she yet does not know but when she learns it, she will completely change her opinion on this person.

-I hope this case study helped you to understand how to apply this Rune.

Can you omit the Wyrd Rune entirely in your practice?

Like I said before, it is entirely up to you whether you want to use the Wyrd Rune in your divination.

With keeping in mind that this Rune was not used in ancient times and it entirely a new concept, make a decision based on the path or tradition you follow. Many Runemasters do just fine without using this Rune.

Do I use the Wyrd Rune in my practice and what option do I stick to?

First of all, I have a lot of Runestones sets but I also have Rune cards that I purchased and absolutely love to use in my practice.

My Rune cards do not have an Empty card and I use them just fine as such.

I have Runestone sets that I have purchased in the past that contain an Empty Rune and, in this case, I use it.

I also leave an Empty Rune in the sets I personally make and leave it up to the purchaser of the set to decide for themselves whether to use it.

With regards to the Rune meaning that resonates the most with me, I stick to the second option. This is my understanding of Fate and Destiny and I read the Rune accordingly.

I hope this Blog post was helpful to you. Let me know in the comments if you use the Wyrd Rune and how do you interpret it.

For detailed Rune meanings, please visit my website. You can also download free PDFs from my Resource Library.

Three ways to pull Runes for divination.

1. Pick from the pouch and throw.

2. Select one by one or multiple and place side by side.

3. Do a Rune cards spread, this example is problem-focus-outcome.

Modern meaning of Fehu is prosperity, money, and property. It is the Rune of creation & destruction, energy and fertility. It is a true Rune of abundance through EFFORT and perseverance. It will not tolerate lazy and reckless behaviour, as well as greed.

Rune Fehu will aid with obtaining a favorable outcome of a project, task, any new beginning. It gives a power to obtain as well as helps to preserve what you already have. It will help in a situation where you are at competition or opposition.

You can use this Rune when making a purchase, going for a job interview or in general, when dealing with any financial matters. This Rune is also connected to the wellbeing of the soul, it aids in creative projects where you express yourself and use your talents.

One more point that shourd be mentioned about interpretation of Fehu is what a person is going to do with their wealth or in general, their material possessions.

There is a reason why this Rune means “cattle”. It does not directly mean money or house. Cattle is not only a possession but also a continuous source of production. This metaphor asks person to take a closer look at what they are doing to continuously expand and improve.

​Fehu IS read reversed, so be mindful when doing any Viking or Ásátru style Runes tattoo that includes Fehu.

Rune Advice: you need to stop dreaming and get back on Earth. Start on working on your goals and do what it takes to get where you want to be.

Visit my website for a Compete Guide to Fehu Rune Meaning in love, relationship, career, health and more. Download a FREE pdf for your Grimoire!

 Done with all 4 exclusive painted/decorated cast versions of my original Huginn medallion sculpt, e Done with all 4 exclusive painted/decorated cast versions of my original Huginn medallion sculpt, e Done with all 4 exclusive painted/decorated cast versions of my original Huginn medallion sculpt, e

Done with all 4 exclusive painted/decorated cast versions of my original Huginn medallion sculpt, each antler/feather and round rune were hand sculpted with cosclay and are flexible, all of them (except for the patina version) have color shift in either the raven or background, the skull version will have the skull marking light up under UV light!) 

I still need to attatch the magnets on the backs of the skull and patina versions.

These will become available for sale once i got the chance to make some nice photos of each piece outside Later down the line i will sell some blank pieces of this cast which you can paint or customise to your own liking and i am working on a Muninn version to accompany this one

Post link

I got a new tarot deck!!

(Technically my sister bought it but like, with my money) I got the wild unknown tarot deck and oh my gosh!!! Ok so the deck cost about £22.30 which is about $27.42 (USD) which at first I thought was a lot but now seeing it, it’s probably worth more than that. It’s a really beautiful deck, the packaging is very professional and aesthetically pleasing, the guidebook is an actual book instead of a flimsy booklet and the cards themselves are sturdy and easy to read. While I would recommend getting a cheaper deck as your first deck, this an incredible set and could be used as a first deck thanks to the detailed guidebook. A solid 10/10. I’ll post some photos soon but I want some time to connect with the cards before anyone else sees them.
