#england x italy


Arthur was having a rather terrible morning. From the moment he’d woken up with the nastiest headache in existence to the moment he’d stumbled out of his bedroom it’d been an absolute disaster. However none of it came close to what was awaiting for him in his living room. The Englishman had stumbled into the room desperately trying to get to his bathroom mirror where he kept the Ibuprofen when he’d quite literally fell face first into the floor. The loud thud of his boney body hitting his hardwood floor sounded out through his apartment. Pain flared up in the areas where he had landed awkwardly, his nose stinging from the harsh impact of his fall.


Arthur hissed in pain, the swear loud throughout his apartment. Wondering why he fell in the first place he pushed himself up onto his elbows, cursing and full of agony. Forcing his throbbing head to turn and take in his living room the Brit glared at the area before his gaze landed on something that wasn’t supposed to be there. The moment he processed what he was looking at what irritation he was feeling died rather fast. There laying on his living room floor was a man. He was curled up somewhat, his body limp and unresponsive as he laid there. That in itself was unsettling enough but what really did Arthur in was what was attached to the man. Or more specifically his back.

Two large silvery white wings were attached.

Arthur felt his entire being stiffen in dread and horror as he realized that the man passed out on his floor wasn’t something from this world. No he was something from the other side of the veil. The place that had been making Arthur’s life a literal hell for his entire life. Throbbing pain long forgotten Arthur scrambled backwards on his bottom fighting the urge to completely lose it. Breathing in a fast and somewhat panicky manner Arthur tried to calm himself down from the threatening anxiety attack that was quickly building up. As he took shaking deep breaths he finally took notice of the stranger’s condition. One of his large wings was cut deeply, almost as if it’d been slashed at with claws. Blood was sluggishly coming out of the wound, staining the feathers and his floor. Dark brusies were forming on his chest, barely hidden by his strange clothes.

He was hurt, and rather badly if the wounds were anything to go by.

The Englishman was suddenly hit with conflicting emotions, his already aching head seemingly going haywire as thoughts raced around in it.

‘I need to go before he wakes up and sees me, maybe go to Yao’s and hide out in the shop for awhile. Ugh but he’s hurt, I can’t just leave him bleeding on my floor! Creature from the other side or not he’s still a living person, at least I think he is. Fucking hell what do I do?????’

His mind screeched running itself in circles as he tried to come to a decision on what he should do. From personal experience he’d learned quite fast that things from the other side of the veil weren’t to be messed with. Even those that seemed relatively harmless such as fairies could cause some serious harm in the long run. The young man had been in far too many situations where a prank from fairies had harmed him in some way, shape, or form. And they were just fairies, low level type of creatures. Arthur had only experienced two instances where he had ran into things from the other side that were extremely dangerous and he never wanted to go through that again. But another part of Arthur, the one that wasn’t logic driven couldn’t seem to turn his back on the wounded creature. Arthur had always been a person who was driven more by his heart than his head. When it came down to it he always followed his heart. It was the main reason why he’d always got into fights.

Staring at the unconscious stranger Arthur chewed at his bottom lip mindlessly, thinking. After a moment or so the Englishman finally let out a frustrated groan. With a bit of effort he somewhat moved himself back within reach of the stranger and pulled at the sweater that he was wearing. Yanking it off he placed it on the bleeding gashes on the large limb and pressed it to help stop the bleeding.

“Kirkland you really are a bloody moron, for Christ sake.”

He growled at himself lowly as he pressed the sweater that was slowly becoming a deep crimson color to the wound. He remained in this position for a few minutes before deeming it alright to stop applying pressure. Getting up onto his feet the young Brit practically sped walked to his bathroom and began to dig under his sink. After searching for a minute or two he finally found what he was looking for and grabbed it. Rushing back into his living room Arthur began to do his work. Removing the now ruined sweater Arthur took a look at the gashes before grabbing a wet rag that he had and began to clean the wounds. A small pained whimper came from the unconscious being, making Arthur flinch at the sound. Once all the dried blood was cleared up Arthur swore under his breath as he finally got a good look at the gashes.

There were about four of them on the wing, and they were incredibly deep. Even though Arthur had put pressure on them they still continued to bleed even if lightly. It occurred to him that he was possibly going to have to switch the wounds up and wrap them. Reaching for the medical box he’d grabbed Arthur popped it open and began to look for the medical thread and sewing needle. It didn’t take long for him to find them and he quickly began to get them ready and then with a gentle but firm grip on the wing to hold it still Arthur began the process. As soon as he’d gotten started the creature let out another pained cry, making Arthur shush him softly.

“Shhh, I know you can’t really hear me but it’ll be over soon. I’ll be finished in a jiffy, and then you’ll feel a lot better. Just be patient lad.”

The Englishman spoke softly and soothingly. The creature seemed to relax at his voice and went back to being limp in his unconscious state. From then on Arthur continued to work, switching the flesh back together and cooing softly at the being whenever he’d tense in his rest. Arthur had no idea how long he’d sat there and worked, putting his wing back together and then applying healing ointment and wrapping it. But by the time he was done his fingers were stained with blood and gently throbbed from working so much. However he wasn’t done yet, as he gently turned the winged stranger over a bit careful of his wing and applied more ointment to the large bruises that painted his chest. Once he was finished Arthur then gently picked him up, his arms and legs shaking a bit before making his way back to his bedroom. When the injured man was tucked into Arthur’s bed and covered in his blankets the Englishman quietly made his way out of the bedroom and back into the living room closing the door behind him. In a somewhat daze Arthur dragged himself to his kitchen to make some tea. As he got the kettle going and got his teacup and sugar and teabag it finally began to really hit him.

Nearly collapsing into his chair, Arthur felt his hands begin to shake slightly from the stress of the events that had occurred. Placing his face into his hands Arthur let himself drown in his thoughts. He’d done something he’d never done before. Had done something that could potentially get him killed. With a harsh, shaky sigh Arthur stared at his kitchen table through his fingers.

'What have you gotten yourself into now Arthur?’



All he felt was pain in his chest and wing. Sharp and stinging and overwhelming. Then he felt something sharp pierce the tender and shredded flesh of his injured wing, an invisible force pulling it back together. He let out a pained whimper wanting it to stop.

'Please stop it hurts. I just want to go home please just let me go home….’

His cloudy thought begged. Then a voice spoke to him. Soft and smooth, gentle as a butterfly’s wings. A voice full of warmth and comfort.

“Shhh, I know you can’t really hear me but it’ll be over soon. I’ll be finished in a jiffy, and then you’ll feel a lot better. Just be patient lad.”

The mysterious voice said to him. It made him feel safe, as if nothing in the world could hurt him as long as he was near the voice. He felt his body relax at it, drifting in the sea of unconsciousness. Every time he felt pain and cried out the voice would talk to him, soft and reassuring. With each word it said the more he began to notice somewhat. It was accented and familiar yet unfamiliar. It made his already swimming mind more confused. He wanted to come back to the world so he could see who this voice was. He wanted to ask, wanted to open his eyes yet his body didn’t respond to his wishes. Too weak and in pain to really do much else other than rest. His mind went back into the dark shortly after.


He was surrounded by warmth.

The angel finally opened his eyes, the world bright and fuzzy. Blinking a few times he began to actually see what was in front of him. A small room full of books, a desk in the corner with small trinkets and a strange rectangle that he recognized as a laptop. Confused he then took note that he was in a bed, blankets wrapped around him to keep him warm. Staring a bit he couldn’t help but feel a sense of recognition. This room…….he’d seen this room before…….but where…….?

Suddenly he was hit with memories. The confrontation with the demon with red eyes and silver hair, the pain he felt when his sharp claws tore through his wing. Him barely managing to get away and landing in the room before passing out. Why was he attacked by the demon? He was doing something…….

'Arthur. The demon had attacked Arthur.’

The thought made Feliciano sudden hyper aware, his hazy thoughts becoming crystal clear as he remembered his charge. Without a thought the angel flung up in the bed, his eyes wide with panic before the sudden agony hit him. His wing burned like a hot iron making him cry out. In his pained panic he began to struggle against the blankets not realizing that he was close to the edge of the bed. Feli toppled over the edge letting out a startled yelp as he fell. His body hit the floor harshly making him cry out again and tears spring to his eyes at the pain. The angel struggled to try and get his bearings when the sounds of footsteps rushing towards the bedroom was heard. Feli barely managed to not scream as the door flew open. The angel’s head snapped up and he stiffened. Standing in the doorway with a concerned and frazzled look was his charge Arthur Kirkland. The Englishman was looking at him in a dumbfounded manner, his usually messy blonde hair even more messier. His green eyes were wide and boring into the angel with shock, his mouth opened in a gaping manner. The two stared at each other, Feliciano practically frozen in his place in a stunned silence. Arthur seemed to snap out of his shock first and the baffled look became one of concern. Without much thought Arthur reached out to him and with a gentle yet strong grip he began to help Feli off of the floor.

“Bloody hell mate! You need to be more careful, for God’s sake I just managed to get your wounds fixed up! The last thing I need to you to do is pop your stitches and bleed out! Damnit are you okay-”

Arthur began to say and question, unaware of the angel’s stunning shock. Feliciano just stared at his charge, unable to believe what was happening. Arthur was a human and because he was human he shouldn’t be able to touch him. He shouldn’t be able to talk to him. For Heaven’s sake Arthur shouldn’t even be able to see him! Yet here he was doing all of that like it was no big deal. Feli opened his mouth and then closed it before opening it again.

“You can see me?”

The Italian blurted out making the Brit’s questioned ramblings come to a halt. Thick eyebrows furrowed in confusion on the man’s face.


Arthur asked not getting it.

“You, you can see me how can you see me? Humans aren’t supposed to see me so why-?”

Feliciano began to ask confusion and panic in his tone. Feli wasn’t supposed to be seen, that was one of the biggest rules that he’d been told. He was never to reveal himself unless it was absolutely necessary and that was for life or death situations involving Arthur’s safety. Arthur’s face got a look of dawning realization before his expression became cautious.

“Uh well……the thing is……”

Arthur stumbled somewhat looking suddenly extremely uncomfortable. Feliciano stared at him, concern rising up at the Brit’s discomfort.

“Look let me just……get myself situated I’ll uh explain…..”

Arthur finally finished, though he didn’t look all to pleased with it. The angel gave a small hesitant nod his lips thinned in a anxious expression. Once the angel was situated Arthur made his way towards the door.

“I’ll be right back, just…..don’t move.”

The man said not giving Feli time to respond before he was out of sight. Now that shock wore off the angel felt the familiar feeling of fear build up. He had no idea what Arthur was feeling or planning but he knew that the terrifying Englishman wasn’t someone who should be toyed with. Anxiety began to build up as he thought of all the moments when Arthur had lost his temper and the fight he had been in when they first met. His gut sunk.


Arthur was in the kitchen trying not to completely lose his collective shit. The creature had wanted an explanation for why Arthur was able to see him and the man was far from happy. Arthur would rather be anywhere but in his apartment at that moment. He silently cursed himself for his moment of weakness and for not thinking things through. He never wanted to explain to a creature from the other side about his supposed gift. He’d been warned ever since he was fourteen by Yao about how dangerous it could be for him. Arthur could already hear the Asian man’s voice in his head, scolding and furious at him for his rather idiotic mistake.

'You absolute idiot do you want to die?!? For God sake I taught you better than that! You and your bleeding heart are going to get yourself killed!’

His inner voice of Yao shouted at him. Arthur groaned lowly mentally beating himself in the head with a baseball bat. He knew that what he’d done wasn’t the wisest thing. He knew that if he wasn’t careful he could very well end up in a coffin six feet under or somewhere in the veil of a monstrous creature’s stomach having been devoured. For a brief horrifying moment Arthur got a image of his body being torn to shreds by one of those creatures that lurked in the dark. Each piece of him being eaten by them while he died slowly and painfully. Then the image of his loved ones standing over a hole in the dirt hit him. He could see the looks on their faces. Francis, devastated and broken unable to handle it. Yao, grim and grievous for the man he considered a son. Arthur shook his head to rid of the disturbing images that his mind came up with.

'No, I’m not going to let them take me. I’ve gone the past twenty three years fighting to stay alive and I won’t let this creature ruin it.’

The Englishman thought determined to make sure that he made it through this. He didn’t have the luxury to be taken down, not when he had people like Francis and Yao who needed him. Taking a deep breath and putting on his best determined game face on the Brit squared his shoulders and made his way back to the bedroom. He would explain only the important details, and he’d make sure that this winged stranger knew just who he was messing with.


Feliciano was fiddling with the edge of the blanket in a nervous way when Arthur came back into the room a few minutes later. The Englishman’s expression was stone like, his eyes blazing with determination. The angel couldn’t help but flinch in fear at the look, his body trembling lightly. Arthur grabbed his chair at the desk and pulled it up to the bed, keeping a somewhat distance between them. The two were quiet, the atmosphere tense.

“So you wanted to know why I could see you correct?”

Arthur asked his tone crisp and short. Feli barely got his fear under control as he responded.

“S-si, I want to know how you can see me.”

Feli squeaked in a high strung manner yet Arthur didn’t seem to pay him any mind. Instead his already sharp gaze seemed to get even more sharper.

“I’ll tell you how I can see you. But I have some questions of my own I’d like answered. I’m not going to give you anything unless you give something in return.”

The Brit said stern. The Italian looked at him with a wide eyed stare before a thoughtful look came across his face. It seemed reasonable to an extent. Giving Arthur a hesitant nod the angel agreed but not before setting down some rules.

“That’s fine. However if you ask me a question that I can’t answer, you’ll have to accept it.”

Feliciano said his voice holding a small tremor in it as he tried to be confident. Arthur nodded agreeing.

“Same goes for me as well.”

He said simply. Now that the rules were applied Arthur began to shoot out questions.

“First off who are you and what are you?”

Arthur asked his eyes honed in on the angel. Feli jumped a bit startled by how fast his charge was at asking his questions.

“Ah well my name is Feliciano Vargas. I’m an angel of the Lord.”

The angel said honestly. Arthur’s eyebrow quirked in disbelief.

“An……angel? Well then Feliciano, my name is-”

The Brit began to say before the Italian cut him off.

“I know who you are. You’re Arthur Kirkland. You’re twenty three years old and you work at Wang’s Mysterious Books and Trinkets and you have a best friend named Francis Bonnefoy-”

Feli began to say listing things before Arthur’s voice made him shut his mouth.

“How the fuck do you know all of this??”

Arthur snarled his face angry. Feliciano let out a startled yelp at the expression and quickly began to word vomit.

“Please don’t hurt me! I only know all of this because it’s my job! I was assigned to watch over you! Don’t hurt me per favore ti prego!!”

The angel said in a rush of panicked pleas making the man stare at him in bafflement.

“What the bloody hell?? I’m not going to hurt you, you twit! If I wanted to do that then I would have done so already! Now quit your rambling you obnoxious tit-!!!”

Arthur snapped his temper flaring. Feliciano let out a small wail making Arthur flinch at it.

“Mi dispiace tanto!”

He apologized hoping to be spared from his insane charge’s rage. As the angel worked himself into a panicked frenzy his charge had gone silent. Arthur was a bit disturbed by the information he was given in the supposed angel’s rambling. Never mind that he thought that Arthur was going to hurt him. The man clenched his hands into fists, his thoughts racing.

'Why is an angel keeping an eye on me? Had I somehow caught the attention of the other side of the veil?? Did those creatures manage to find me despite all of my efforts and precautions??’

The thoughts continued to pile up making Arthur more and more anxious and tense.

'Is something much more dangerous, something much more terrifying looking for me……?’

That one thought made Arthur’s blood freeze. A sudden feeling of dread filled him. It made sense, he was always being hunted when he was discovered. Hell he nearly died at fourteen until Yao had intervened. Whose to say that it was only demons who wanted him dead? As Arthur was having a breakdown Feli had finally noticed that his charge hadn’t said a single thing since he started his terrified ravings and pleas. With a cautious look the angel looked at the man and was stunned by the look on his face. The Brit had a look of unease painted on his face, his fists clenched tightly. The Italian stared at him, confusion filling him. Why did Arthur look so uneasy? In all the time that Feli had been watching and protecting Arthur he’d never seen such a look. It made him uneasy. However before he could think more about it the angel was torn out of his musings.

“……I don’t know how I’m able to see you. All I know is that I was born this way. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll let you rest and recover in peace.”

The man said his voice gruff and short. His expression which was once uneasy was now completely closed off. The angel barely got over the sudden whiplash he’d received from the quick expression change before he realized that Arthur was already at the doorway and leaving. The Italian watched him go, confused and nervous and slightly concerned. Once his charge was gone Feliciano let himself think about their interaction. He’d never seen such a look on Arthur. He’d seen him angry and tired and frustrated yet never like this. It was unnerving to the holy being. As he pondered more about this he finally took note of what Arthur had said earlier. About how he was born able to see beings like him. That information was rather troubling. If Arthur was able to see through to the other side……..then that could land the Englishman into some deep water.

Was this why he was assigned to watch and protect him? Because he could see things? Was that why the demon attacked him last night?

And if so then why not have someone who was actually strong enough to do this assignment?

Feliciano frowned, puzzled by this. He had no idea what was going on but his gut was telling him that something wasn’t right. As he dwelled on these things he finally noticed his wing had something on it. Confused the angel craned his head over his shoulder to get a better look at it and felt the air leave his lungs. The wing which had once been bloodied and torn up was now bandaged and cleaned. The gauze was wrapped around it, firm yet comfortable. Shocked Feli suddenly remembered what Arthur had said at his outburst.

'I’m not going to hurt you! If I wanted to do that then I would have done so already!’

“He……helped me……?”

The Italian muttered, confusion and awe in his voice. Arthur had helped him. Feliciano couldn’t believe it, it seemed so unlike the Arthur he’d been seeing. The Brit was short tempered and violent, he fought and yelled and glared daggers at everyone who so much as breathed in his direction. He was wild and rough and scary. And yet…….

That wild, rage driven man had cleaned and fixed his injuries. Had given him his bedroom to rest in and had answered the question he’d asked. Arthur the rough, grouchy human had done all of that for Feli. A stranger who was not of this world, who had come into his apartment and bleed all over his floor. Feliciano had learned from the short time he’d been on Earth that humans didn’t take too well to strangers who invaded their homes. Especially injured ones. Most humans would have called those bigger ones with the strange uniforms if the situation called for it. Yet Arthur who had every right to kick him out and be hostile to him had instead helped him. It was surreal and that one fact had suddenly tilted Feliciano’s view of Arthur. Suddenly the young man had more to him, suddenly there was a bigger part of Arthur that Feliciano had never noticed until that very moment. Bits and pieces of him that were suddenly within his sights and it made Feliciano wonder.

Just who exactly was Arthur Kirkland?

At that moment a seed of curiosity had planted itself into the angel. He wanted to know who exactly his charge was as a person. The once terrifying man was suddenly a confusing puzzle. There were many layers to Arthur Kirkland and Feli wanted to know what they were.

Because someone who was willing to help a complete stranger, who wasn’t even human without even asking for anything in return couldn’t be just a ball of rage.

The angel leaned back into the pillows his thoughts wandering and full of conflicting emotions. Amber eyes drifting towards the window Feli made a decision. He was going to try and learn more about his charge. No matter how much it scared him, no matter how much he wanted to run away he’d get to know him. He had to.

*Part four woooooooo-!!!!! Our boys have finally made contact and oh boy it’s tense lol. Arthur’s having a breakdown and Feli’s having a revaluation of his choices thus far. Basically they’re both riding a roller coaster but for different reasons. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!*


Hetalia Masterlist

EngIta Fanfiction (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Human AU (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Rewrite Part One (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Part Three (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Fanfiction Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta, GerEng, GerIta OT3 (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Fantasy AU Part One (Romantic)⬆️

EngIta Fantasy AU Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

Here’s all of my current Hetalia Fics that I’ve written! I plan on writing a lot more for different pairings as well as reader inserts!!! Happy reading y'all!!!

Here’s the updated part one of my Hetalia Masterlist!!!!
