#hws france



Another submission for @historical-hetalia-week
The prompt for this time period was “Music”.

Warnings: Post-WWI thoughts


Grey Havens

Bordeaux region, France; 16 June 1920

A morning chorus of shrills, beeps, and long, lonely coos filters through the seam of unconsciousness. Dreams melt like heated wax, grim images of war bubbling and spilling away to nothing. The melody of birdsong signals a new dawn, another step by Saturn, putting evermore distance from the terrible past.  

Sleepily, France blinks and peers at the curtained windows, dim sunlight stubbornly peeking around the fabric edges, broken by the small, darting shadows of wings. Truthfully, it is his own fault for feeding the feathered animals every morning; now, they have grown accustomed to the luxury of farm seed for breakfast.

He should slip out from under the shelter of his sheets and feed them, but his bed is so perfectly warm, and England’s arm, a soothing weight over his hips.

Rolling over, the bedroom’s alabaster ceiling blurring into pillows, he looks at England, whose face is half sunk into the duvet. His breath comes softly.

France drags a finger across his forehead, brushing aside his messy, haybale bangs. “Are you awake?” he whispers. After a moment, England sighs and mutters something unintelligible, his words muffled by cotton. “Would you mind doing me a small favour?”

England cracks open a drowsy eye. “…You want me to attend to your adoring public?”

“Mm-hm.” France curls an arm around his bare waist, knuckles tracing circles along his spine, glancing over the odd scar or two. “It is important for me to get my beauty rest.”

“They’re your birds,” England murmurs.

“I can make it worth your while.”

Leaning in, France kisses his neck, and the alluring smell of sex swirls through the air. It would be very nice to stay like this for a long time, floating gracefully in oblivion, right on the shores of sleep and lust. His lids flutter shut, tasting the skin of England’s throat, but just as he is ready to forget the birds entirely, a thumb and forefinger find his nose and pinch it. France blinks.

“You’re daft,” England says with a smirk, “if you think that will work on me.”

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Alt-talia Double Feature: A Prodigy and An Underachiever


I just hope people are still watching this blog!

So this is a double feature for Mirror, featuring Germany and Italy respectively. …Yes, I write Germany way too much. While the Italy one was intended to come first, it turned outmuch longer than intended, as is common for my fics. But I thought this prompt could be utilized pretty effectively for both of my versions of them. A bit ironic. While they don’t have the same relationship they do in canon in my universe, comparing and contrasting them can still be extremely interesting IMO. Though the Germany ones is… a bit underwhelming and it isn’t much of a contrast. But I want to get these done. 

I’m just glad I’m really starting to become engaged with my version of Italy’s character though! At first I thought his incoherence would as a country would be an issue preventing that, but it actually potentially adds to his character a lot. 

Oh yeah, this is a semi-AU. Characters are pretty different, and everyone treats it as a normal thing. Special OOC warning for Prussia.

Also, while a “Veneziano” and “Romano” are mentioned, they are not North and South Italy. Yes, despite not being in the fandom for too long, I think, it does still look a bit weird to me, but they are completely different characters with different appearances. The “Italy” who is the main character here is simply Italy. Not North Italy, not Italy Veneziano, just Italy. This is extremely important. Also, for those who have read “Italy’s First Christmas”, I just want to say here that his relationship with South Italy (or Mezzogiorno) isn’t set in stone, so “Italy’s First Christmas” isn’t an accurate representation as of yet. Also, Italy has a sliiiightly different appearance. Mainly, his skin is more a tan, if not too dark, olive tone than super white, and he has somewhat more muscle definition; basically he resembles the Italian stereotype a bit more, but not too mannish either, probably. This is very relevant too. 

I have debated using Italy’s human name, but yeah… this probably fits for now.

Also, Italy’s fic may have themes that aren’t suitable for all readers. While I do want to say what, I feel it might ruin the fic a bit, so I’ll just say discretion is advised.

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kiwiswonders: Day 5 (25.02): 1800 – 1945 // Music ||  @historical-hetalia-week  ||  I like to think


Day 5 (25.02): 1800 – 1945 // Music ||  @historical-hetalia-week  ||  I like to think that Francis absolutely embraced the Impressionist movement when it first began because it was something so new and fresh (and you have to love how dramatic people were being about it!) but when he first saw Cubism he just… it was definitely an acquired taste. Credit to www.colorIage.info for having a coloring page version of the painting!

Now let me tell you some art facts!

1. This painting is called “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” (1907) by Picasso and is generally considered the first Cubist painting! It’s also bigger than what the drawing makes it look like at 8’ x 7’ 8! I didn’t want to place the painting in a salon because Picasso originally was only showing it to close friends and collectors in the beginning from what I’ve read. I also didn’t want it to look blank but I guess I could’ve just drawn a floor marking. Let’s just say that a big table is holding it up!

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon by Picasso (article) | Khan Academy||Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (video) | Khan Academy||Pablo Picasso. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon | MoMA||MoMA Learning | Pablo Picasso. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.||Teens talk about Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, MoMA||Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

2. Francis is absolutely correct in saying that France was the birthplace of modern art as the beginning of modern art is credited to Édouard Manet’s “Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe” which is “The Luncheon on the Grass” in English. The painting threw away all of the rules of how to paint a masterpiece from the time and was scandalous to many people! After being shown in the Salon des Refusés of 1863 other artists began to create modern paintings. Manet is not to be confused with Monet though! Those are two different artists!

Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe - Edouard Manet | Musée d'Orsay||Déjeuner sur l’Herbe (Luncheon on the Grass) – Modernism Lab||Modernism: The Roots of Modernism||Édouard Manet (1832–1883) | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History||Édouard Manet and the Beginnings of Modernism||Manet, Le déjeuner sur l'herbe (video) - Khan Academy

3. I know that Cubism and many of Picasso’s most famous works look childish but please do not assume that he wasn’t a great artist. Picasso completed this painting at 25 but already had a newspaper article about his art at 16 and had his first solo exhibit at 19 with 150 works! Your teachers are right in telling you that not everyone can be Picasso! There are other reasons to dislike him but he really was a talented painter. Also we have videos of him!

Pablo Picasso | Biography, Cubism, Famous Paintings, Guernica, & Facts | Britannica||Pablo Picasso (1881–1973) | Essay | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History||Watch Picasso Make a Masterpiece 

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That’s a Wrap!

Hello everyone! From all of us here at Historical Hetalia Week, we’d like to thank you all for participating in our event! We enjoyed seeing what everyone created and spreading everyone’s wonderful content.

That being said, if you would still like to participate and have your content reblogged, we will keep reblogging up until March 6th. So if you weren’t able to participate this week, there is still a chance! Also, if you did post your content during the week and it wasn’t reblogged, or if we did reblog it but we didn’t tag it properly, please let us know. Tumblr is weird sometimes and doesn’t let us know who tagged us all the time, and we want to make sure we give everyone’s content a chance to shine!

Lastly, after our extra week has ended, we will be putting out a feedback survey. If you have any feedback, postive or negative, that you’d like to give us, then please let us know! We would be happy to hear from you all to help improve the future events.

Thank you all again!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! I wanted to get something done for Christmas as I haven

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! 

I wanted to get something done for Christmas as I haven’t been that active on here recently, life’s been a bit difficult and I’m getting ready to start college in January.

The Christmas truce 1914.

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Two chain smoker

matthew & alfreds first hangover was much like arthur constantly giving them lectures and quite a bit mad (not on a serious note tho) while francis made them breakfast, made sure they both had water with them and some medicine and then made sure arthur wouldn’t burst in every 20min

 comic based on my fav cursed french image

comic based on my fav cursed french image

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Please drop the curl routine

Heart eyes! ❤️ For @cyber-single‘s fruk contest! Redrew the picture but swapped the characters.

Heart eyes! ❤️

For@cyber-single‘sfruk contest! Redrew the picture but swapped the characters.

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NaruSasu ver.


FrUK ver.


The difference here is that England is the one yelling dO I LOOK LIKE- while France says it calmly. Sasuke says it calmly while Naruto is the one yelling YOU’RE HOLDING MY-

(Original text post from incorrectromancenations)



Welcome to our Medieval Fantasy Hetalia Gift Exchange!

For this event, you will be assigned a giftee and you will create a customized gift for that person. Someone else will also be creating a gift for you, but you won’t know who is making your gift until the reveal!


  1. You must reblog this post in order to participate and inform us that you understand and agree with the rules.
  2. Make sure to fill this SIGN-UP properly (contact, prompts, triggers, etc).
  3. If you participate, I need to be able to see your blog to contact you and to reblog the gift you created.
  4. Don’t post WIPs of your recipient’s gift. It’s meant to be a surprise!
  5. Don’t post who you have as a recipient (or give hints, anything like that). S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E.
  6. Make sure to @ us and @ your giftee when you post your gift.


If you need to talk to me for any reason, you can reach us here on this blog (or my main @twmblr).

Event Schedule:

November 21st: Sign-ups open

December 10th: Sign-ups end

December 14th: Exchange assigments will be sent out in banches. Check your message box and confirm that you have received it. If you don’t have an assignment by December 14th, make sure to contact us.

December 21st: First check-in

  • Prompts should be decided on by this date.
  • Writers should have an outline or 500 words written.
  • Artists should have a sketch.

December 24th: Ghost drop date

If a gifter has not responded by this date, we will assume they have dropped out. We will then find a free back up to fill up the gap.

December 28th: Second check-in

  • Writers should have 1000 words or more.
  • Artists should be halfway finished with final rendering.

January 01st: Ghost drop date

If a gifter has not responded by this date, we will assume they have dropped out. We will then find a free back up to fill up the gap.

January 06th: Gifting day!

Gift Requirements:

  • Fanfiction must be a new work minimum of 1500 words, fulfill the prompt given and be complete.
  • Fanart must be a new work, have at least some color (or gray scale), and fulfill the prompt given.

And of course, besides those minimum requirements, your work must take in consideration and avoid any triggers mentioned by the giftee.

Have fun and thank you for signing up!


Spread the word, friend!


morning after ‍


portrait of an odd couple, 1904.

i like to think arthur and francis fell back in love at the turn of the century and it was a total love fest. the vibrant underground gay culture in the victorian era helped arthur deal with his feelings (he’s wearing a green carnation btw) and francis, who waited for centuries, welcomed him with open arms. and it was as if they never separated. they went on a lot of lowkey dates and carried their portraits in their uniform pockets when the world went to hell a decade later.

59 ❤️You may now seal your union with a kiss.祝爱丽舍组结婚59周年纪念日快乐59 ❤️You may now seal your union with a kiss.祝爱丽舍组结婚59周年纪念日快乐

59 ❤️

You may now seal your union with a kiss.


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I dont know what to title this but its some scene for my friends fanfic and theres some drama going I dont know what to title this but its some scene for my friends fanfic and theres some drama going I dont know what to title this but its some scene for my friends fanfic and theres some drama going

I dont know what to title this but its some scene for my friends fanfic and theres some drama going on 

if u come up with some hc from this random work plz share with me XD 

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Happy Boxing Day, it’s time to unwrap your gifts.



dom France x sub Germany, 

slightly nfsw



slightly nfsw under the cut


FraGer & EngGer, Inspired by @iship2muchshit​ ’s fanfic: Dealings under the table
Also available in Chinese translated by me: 办公桌下 

I’ve always had that question

My first Hetalia post on Tumblr hopefully you guys enjoy it

Title:Slow Progress

Pairing:England/France (background Prussia/South Italy)



Summary:Francis is the leader of a rather dysfunctional adventure party. Amid dungeon exploring, mission clearing and overall questing, he is desperately trying to keep the peace now that his former teenage sweetheart has joined his ragtag group of runaway strays.

Notes:This was an exchange fic that I did with @lutao-o that started over a year ago and is finally done! Just some found family RPG party shenanigans with a dash of pining.

Now completely finished!!


Title:Slow Progress




Summary:Francis is the leader of a rather dysfunctional adventure party. Amid dungeon exploring, mission clearing and overall questing, he is desperately trying to keep the peace now that his former teenage sweetheart has joined his ragtag group of runaway strays.

Notes:This was an exchange fic that I did with @lutao-o that started over a year ago and is finally done! Just some found family RPG party shenanigans with a dash of pining



The Artist

Word Count:800


There was a man, the studio assistants tell him, who came by earlier to buy pencils. He offered to be painted after they had mentioned that their master was looking for a new subject, bored with the usual fare around.

He is young, apparently. New from the capital, blown in like summer. Soft blond hair and expressive, dark blue eyes above a strong jaw and elegant shoulders. A face that can capture attention but not dominate a work, draw in the eye like an arrow and not let go.

This is high praise indeed from the artist’s assistants, who see all across town in their many shapes and sizes with critical, well-trained eyes, and so this man needs to be assessed soon, lest he is taken and marked as muse by someone else hungry for their shot at greatness.

Where he is staying or how long for is unknown, but the assistants tell him that the man wanted to draw by the river and so there the artist goes, considering on the way whether or not the description will match the man himself. It is hard to stand out in a small town like this, and the booming art scene flooding the upper classes all over France to dilute the recognition that emerging talent deserves. A new muse, a fresh face, might provide the fire of imagination that he needs.

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