




Specific Emotions

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❤︎ kazutora x fem!reader — @kazuwhora

❤︎kazutora x fem!reader — @tokyomanjihoe


❤︎ hawks x fem!reader — @kazuwhora

❤︎ toga x fem!reader — @kazuwhora

❤︎ kirishima x gn!reader — @eijirhoe


coming soon…


❤︎ historia x gn!reader — @eijirhoe


❤︎ daki x fem!reader — @kazuwhora


❤︎oikawa x reader — @tomotoa


❤︎ chigiri x fem!reader — @kazuwhora

❤︎ itoshi x fem!reader — @dearsumu


❤︎ miyuki x fem!reader — @kazuwhora


coming soon…


coming soon…


❤︎itto x reader — @touyaphoria


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Healing Hands Challenge


Thank you so much to everyone who participated in my 725 followers celebration, Healing Hands! I feel so lucky to be surrounded by such lovely people, who are creating such GORGEOUS work. I really am in awe of what y’all came up with to fit the challenge!

The challenge: choose a setting, a type of healing, and a character to focus on… and do it in under 725 words. ❤️‍

Here is a masterlist of the pieces—please give some love to these amazing people!!

make you whole-@thornsnvultures (medical attention/wedding/bucky barnes)

finally - thornsnvultures (a prequel to make you whole!!)

Bed Rest-@msvillainous (medical attention/accident/bucky barnes)

Go Easy-@sanguineterrain (healing from touch starvation/gym/bucky barnes)

I’m Not Going Anywhere-@buckysbirdie (medical attention/after battle/bucky barnes)

I’m Yours Forever - buckysbirdie (sequel, proposal sweetness)

when will you learn - by me! @real-jane (cleaning the other person up/stormy weather/loki)

Couldn’t Bear It-@foreverindreamlandd (medical attention/in hiding/Bruce Wayne)

Through Every Storm-@writing-for-marvel (calming fears/stormy weather/Peter Parker)

Sounds Familiar-@mannien (Peter Parker/psychic healing, ft. Bucky and OC)

Fieldwork-@elixirfromthestars (detective!Bucky x lawyer!reader/medical attention/after a fight)

**ohheyJanie also wrote a beautiful piece, but she is no longer active online. Just wanted to put love for her out into the universe. ❤️‍

My Masterlist




stray kids masterlistenha masterlist

NOTE! please keep in mind that these fics are works of fiction !! also, please do not plagiarize any of my works, there will be consequences.

links last checked 16/8/2021 | more masterlists

all the ways to love you by tomhollandeu (ao3)

summary: you need help to get yourself off and decide to call your best friend for a favor. tom becomes more than just a friend for a night.

arcade by angelic-holland

summary:being friends with benefits can be tricky, especially when one person catches feelings before another does. 

are you jealous?by eeyore101247

summary: tom and reader are friends with benefits and tom is sick of constantly having to watch men flirt with her.

dare you to move by starksparker

summary: friends with benefits is supposed to be just that. friends with the benefits of fooling around and not having anything more than platonic feelings. easy, fun, thrilling, no one gets hurt…right?

effortlessby hilllsnholland

flicker by toms-gf

summary:they’re roommates, but one night (with lots of vodka in the picture), they write up a list of rules. rule one being no strings attached. they made sure to write it large, underline it twice, and highlight it with her favorite blue highlighter. some say that rules are bound to be broken, for better or for worse. but, that’s something they have to decide.

gone wild by angelhaz11

summary:one thing was certain–you were one hell of a p.a.

just can’t get enoughby marvelouspeterparker

summary:you and tom have been doing this friends with benefits thing for a while now, repressing your feelings, playing this twisted, toxic, jealousy fueled game. but when will you both just accept the truth and be honest with each other?

last summer by blissfulparker

summary: you and tom meet during a summer vacation in hawaii, you both find yourselves tangled up in each other but didn’t realize how serious it was until the both of you break paths and go home. but what if your summer fling was far more than a summer fling?

leave by selfcarecap

mine by touchmethomas

summary:when a familiar face is back in town, y/n and tom make a dangerous bet to see who can bed her first. haz is worried, y/n gets a massage from a pretty girl, and our two protagonists knock boots more than once (in a variety of locations).

more than that by softspideys

summary: looking back on it, you wondered why you thought that you and tom could ever be just friends.

philanthropy by museinmind

summary: things seemed to be going too well in your life when you became your sorority’s president. so of course something has to go sideways somehow, and you end up having to take a chemistry class if you want to graduate next year. so what better person to tutor you than tom, the frat ultra hot boy who hides the fact he has textbooks nearly memorized?

rebound by sovietghoststories (ao3)

summary: tom and the reader reconnect with a rebound hookup at a party.

study buddyby evanstan-hoe

thirsty by hollandbaby

this side of heaven by screamholland

summary: you’re both stubborn as hell, but you can’t get enough of each other either.

‘tis the damn season by geminisholland

you are my homeby aimerriarkle

summary:you and tom have been fwb for quite some time now. you’d like to think that your relationship has evolved past that, but does he think so?

“you don’t know what’s good for me, because if you did, you’d know it’s you.” by hollandandi

summary:in this moment, his mind raced with memories of you, similar to this one. where you would lay peacefully, silently mostly, and yet, the room felt full. it felt warm, and calm - it was where tom wanted to be all the time.

your love is forbidden by tomhollandeu (ao3)

summary: tom realizes he’s in love with you and wants to be more than friends with benefits.



while ts4 overall isn’t a bad game, it does really lack depth in the gameplay department. luckily today there’s plenty of modders that make the game more interesting, give our sims more personality and overall shape the game into what it should be.

i realized not everyone may know every one of these mods, considering a lot of them are hosted on websites outside of tumblr, so i’ve made this list of all mods i personally use that greatly improve playabilty. it may get updated in the future but for now these are my holy grails of gameplay mods!

Keep reading


Hetalia Masterlist

EngIta Fanfiction (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Human AU (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Rewrite Part One (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Part Three (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Fanfiction Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta, GerEng, GerIta OT3 (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Fantasy AU Part One (Romantic)⬆️

EngIta Fantasy AU Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

Here’s all of my current Hetalia Fics that I’ve written! I plan on writing a lot more for different pairings as well as reader inserts!!! Happy reading y'all!!!

Here’s the updated part one of my Hetalia Masterlist!!!!


Hetalia Masterlist

EngIta Fanfiction (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Human AU (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Rewrite Part One (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Guardian Angel AU Part Three (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Fanfiction Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta, GerEng, GerIta OT3 (Romantic) ⬆️

EngIta Fantasy AU Part One (Romantic)⬆️

EngIta Fantasy AU Part Two (Romantic) ⬆️

Here’s all of my current Hetalia Fics that I’ve written! I plan on writing a lot more for different pairings as well as reader inserts!!! Happy reading y'all!!!

Here’s the updated part one of my Hetalia Masterlist!!!!


Lupin the Third Masterlist

Jigen Daisuke x Reader (Romantic) ⬆️

Wonderland AU (Hinted JigLup) ⬆️

ZeniLup/Zenijig (Romantic) ⬆️

Here’s all of my Lupin the Third fics that I’ve got currently written!!! Hope y'all enjoy!!!!

Here’s the newest masterlist for some of my newest fics! In case y'all didn’t know I try to keep all of them in masterlists so it’ll be easier to find the works I’ve done so y'all can enjoy reading them!!! Be warned though that I sometimes miss some stuff but I try my best to keep up with it!!! Hope y'all enjoy!!!!


Lupin the Third Masterlist

Jigen Daisuke x Reader (Romantic) ⬆️

Wonderland AU (Hinted JigLup) ⬆️

ZeniLup/Zenijig (Romantic) ⬆️

Here’s all of my Lupin the Third fics that I’ve got currently written!!! Hope y'all enjoy!!!!

Here’s the newest masterlist for some of my newest fics! In case y'all didn’t know I try to keep all of them in masterlists so it’ll be easier to find the works I’ve done so y'all can enjoy reading them!!! Be warned though that I sometimes miss some stuff but I try my best to keep up with it!!! Hope y'all enjoy!!!!


some resources to get you started with green witchcraft:

earth deities:

  • geb
  • pan
  • persephone
  • demeter
  • gaea
  • freyr
  • vidar
  • idun
  • farore (pop culture deity)
  • the fae (not deities, but they are powerful beings you can work with - be sure to do lots of research beforehand, though)


  • moss agate
  • agate
  • ammonite
  • aventurine
  • black tourmaline
  • clear quartz
  • chrysoprase
  • green calcite
  • hematite
  • jade
  • peridot

plants to grow/use in your craft:

  • pansies
  • moss
  • oak
  • tomatoes
  • mushrooms
  • lavender
  • snapdragons
  • daffodils
  • sage
  • anything, really!

things to start doing:

  • grow a small herb garden
  • make tea blends
  • press flowers
  • research local flora and fauna
  • go on walks in your local nature reserve/forest
  • incorporate more homegrown/organic food into your diet
  • learn basic herb correspondences
  • research essential oil blends/how to use them safely
  • draw sigils on your potted plants to encourage their growth
  • look into starting a bee garden, if you have the space
  • set up crystal grids in your home to attract your desired energies
  • try keep fresh flowers in your room
  • watch nature documentaries

good blogs that post about green witchcraft: @curiousitycabaret@eith-ne@imaginarywitchcraft@thebasildruid

and a green witchcraft playlist.or two.

Here’s a collection of prompt lists I’ve come across lately that gave me some great ideas, and I hope they do the same for you! All credit to their creators. Please keep in mind when sending requests with prompts to include both the number AND the prompt (and maybe the prompt list name for context - unless you’re cool with me going in any direction with it), especially now that I have multiple lists…it can get confusing for me if you only send the number/s 

Drama Prompts

Emotional Prompts

Grumpy Affectionate Prompts 

Pinterest Based Prompts

Apathetic Prompts

Wordless Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ Prompts 

100 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ Prompts  

Physical Affection Prompts 

Smutty Dialogue Prompts

Mixed Prompts 

Cliche Prompts



All You Had to Do Was Stay (ao3) - accio_broom

Summary:Navigating a post-war life is difficult. Ron and Hermione decided to make things a little bit more difficult by negotiating the fine line between close friendship and a relationship. When Hermione decides to go back to school and then on to Australia without Ron, will they find a way to survive?

Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride (ao3) - adenei

Summary: Hermione Granger has made a career out of being a bridesmaid. But a chance meeting with a cynical red-headed wedding guest with dreamy blue eyes makes her question her beliefs and her dreams for her own happily ever after with her boss, who she just happens to be head over heels in love with. But her life is throw into turmoil when her close friend snags her boss from Hermione’s grip and the red-headed man just won’t leave her alone. A Romione 27 Dresses inspired Muggle AU!

Change Your Mind (ao3) - accio_broom

Summary:Lifelong friends Hermione and Ron take their relationship to the next level by having sex. Afraid of ruining their friendship, the new lovers make a pact to keep things purely physical, with no fighting, no jealousy and no expectations. They pledge to do whatever they want, wherever they want, as long as they do not fall in love. The question then becomes: who will fall first?

Everything In Transit (ao3) - remedialpotions

Summary:Hermione is returning to Hogwarts as Head Girl, and Ron, due to circumstances currently out of his control, has to go with her if he ever hopes to become an Auror… but they’re about to learn that going back is more difficult than they imagined. Rated E for chapters 4 onward. COMPLETE.

Four Times Hermione Felt Guilty About Kissing Ron and One Time She Didn’t At All (ao3) - Edie_K

Summary:“Well, just in case, let me state that I fancy you and I was asking you out and it was a date.“

Five vignettes about Hermione and Ron kissing under morally dubious circumstances set during Half Blood Prince.

Hallowed Hearts (ao3) - KariAnn1222

Summary:COMPLETE! What if Ron and Hermione had given into their passion sooner rather than later, resulting in an unforeseen complication that could very well compromise the hunt for Voldemort’s Horcruxes? Deathly Hallows subplot, interweaves with canon.

Left unsaid (ao3) - OtterAndTerrier

Summary:After escaping the Ministry, Ron is having trouble doing things like getting a bath with his injured arm. Hermione will try to help, no matter how much it hurts to think that it’s not really the time for romance. One-shot with a parallel, set in DH.

Lego House (ao3) - accio_broom

Summary:Muggle AU. When your best friend is a famous musician and you work as his bodyguard, life is mostly about partying and having fun. But after missing one too many important appointments, Harry’s manager Sirius hires a Personal Assistant to get them organised. Can Hermione Granger get them back on track before Harry’s upcoming UK tour? And what happens when Ron is less than accepting of her being in their lives.

Lost Moments (ao3) - ShayaLonnie

Summary:Behind The Boy Who Lived, two friends fall in love in the middle of a war.

Love Me Forever (ao3) - Aloemilk

Summary:Things are not easy for Ron and Hermione right after the Battle of Hogwarts. They need each other badly, but forced and rash decisions bring them apart. Will they find their way back to each other? This story is a different take on the Summer following the end of the war. It begins moments before Deathly Hallows ends and continues over the following months. WARNING: Read the Author’s Notes for detailed trigger warnings!

Scenes from the Hogwarts Infirmary (ao3) - willowwand

Summary: A series of Ron and Hermione missing moments all taking place in the hospital wing.

Sleepless (ao3) - writergirl8

Summary:Because sometimes, to fall asleep, all you need is your best friend. Your boyfriend. Your fiancee. Your wife. Your soul mate. A collection of 30 moments in a lifetime during which Ron and Hermione just couldn’t fall asleep.

Stand by Me (ao3) - SoftObsidian74

Summary:The war is over, but at Hogwarts, new battles are being fought. As the school tries to rebuild, Slytherins find themselves at the bottom of a new social order where Gryffindor arrogance and retribution reign. While Ron struggles with loss and guilt, Draco encounters daily threats and social isolation. When an unlikely friendship develops between the two, Ron must find the courage to face the backlash, and something far more terrifying – himself.

Sweet Home Ottery (ao3) - cheesyficwriter

Summary:“It’s been a long time since she’s had a dream as vivid as the one she just woke up from. For the life of her, she can’t figure out why she was thinking about Ron, when she had pushed him so far from her dreams a long time ago.”

Ron & Hermione are childhood sweethearts, born and raised in the small village of Ottery St. Catchpole before beginning their journey at Hogwarts. When life doesn’t work out as they expected, can they find their way back to each other? Magical AU.

The Romione Trap (ao3) - sm_jl

Summary:Rose Weasley and Holly Granger have nothing in common…except the fact that they’re twins. When they meet at Beauxbatons after ten years apart, there’s only one logical thing to do—trade lives. (Or, The Parent Trap, Romione-style.)

There Goes My Heart (ao3) - AlwaysKatie7

Summary: The end result might seem easy, but it was a winding road that led Ron and Hermione together. A collection of missing moments throughout the series.

The Waiting Place (ao3) - KariAnn1222

Summary:COMPLETE! When Ron and Hermione are forced prematurely into an act of intimacy out of necessity to save her life following an accident, will they be prepared to handle the consequences? Half-Blood Prince subplot, interweaves with canon.

Trying (ao3) - burgundydahlia

Summary: Ron knows there’s nothing he can really say or do to make up for his mistakes, and that the anger Hermione feels towards him is more than earned - but that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop trying. A DH missing moment between Ron and Hermione.

Look Ma, it’s is @adenei@cheesyficwriter@remedialpotions@voldemorts-tap-shoes@edie-k

Thanks so much for the rec! Honored to be grouped with these fabulous writers ❤ go check out these fics!


⚜️Masterlists ⚜️
