#english lit memes


‘The people who have nothing to lock up are the happy ones, aren’t they?’ From Crime and Punishment, Dostoyevsky

Even when they love it’s as if they hated’, Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky.

Just found out goodbye is an abbreviation of god be with ye, decided my go to farewell is now ciao

I want to live in a pastoral poem, preferably not ‘the passionate shepherd to his love’ but I’d much rather a bed of thorns than whatever hellscape I’m living now

I have no purpose on this Earth other to be small, angry and consume literature at a rate someone mentally stable could never achieve

Okay everyone talks about Hozier and Taylor Swift being lyrical geniuses that the romantic poets would kin, I get it, I do. BUT CAN WE PLEASE APPRECIATE THE TERRIBLY, CRINGY SONGS TOO! Sometimes in the midst of a undoubtably preteen marketed song is a gem that leaves me an existential mess for months.

The quote in question for me is from Ruth B’s ‘Lost Boy’ : my only friend was the man in the moon, and even sometimes he would go away too. THE POWER, THE EMOTION, THE LONELINESS. Brb gonna cry with the stars for a while

my biggest pet peeve with books is when they suddenly switch languages without writing in the translation. Like damn author u really out here assuming I’m multilingual :,)

English literature is all fun and games until they want you to write an essay about a character who appeared like 5 times in total but is somehow an important symbolic character.
