


sometimes I think about how gentle Grantaire is with Enjolras, especially compared to his usual loud and careless way of speaking. It’s as though he takes special care when speaking to Enjolras because he doesn’t want to corrupt what he sees as so beautiful.

When he’s drunk and just been rebuked by Enjolras, which “render[s] him suddenly sober”:

He sat down, put his elbows on a table near the window, looked at Enjolras with indescribable gentleness, and said to him:—

Let me sleep here.’”

A few moments later, after Enjolras refuses:

“But Grantaire, keeping his tender and troubled eyes fixed on him, replied:

‘Let me sleep here - until I die.’”

I mean, even when he’s about to die:

“…and placed himself in front of the guns beside Enjolras.

Finish both of us at one blow,’ said he.

And turning gently to Enjolras, he said to him:

Do you permit it?’”

marella-moon: forgot to post this for barricade day


forgot to post this for barricade day

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he’s an in-text metaphorical symbol to YOU. not to me. I know him personally.
