#erotic roleplay

A Quick  PromoHey all, as some of you may know, one of the reasons I haven’t published as much conte

A Quick  Promo

Hey all, as some of you may know, one of the reasons I haven’t published as much content the past year or so is because I have been working on an NSFW content supplement for the adult D&D server I run (we all gotta have hobbies, right?). I don’t plan on doing much cross promotion, since I don’t want to flood my fans on this blog with NSFW content they haven’t asked for, but if you are at all interested, I just released the core ruleset for my Lewd supplement over on My Other Blog

Aside from just Naughty Homebrew, the other blog is going to be a platform for me to post some adult fiction, and even highlight the work of other people on my Adult server. If that sounds cool, give me a follow there, and maybe even swing by to join Celia’s Lewd Dungeon for some NSFW roleplay and adventure (Age verification required)

If none of that is your bag, That’s Cool!

I still plan to continue posting and creating SFW content here, and with this first major release of the Lewd Rulebook, You can expect that to be relatively soon! I’ve even finally got finances situated enough to start commissioning custom artwork for some of my content, so expect some updates with that here in the near future too.

now, if you will excuse me, I have some alternate curse rules and a new race currently sitting open on my desktop that i need to finish up. Anyone ever wanted to play a Vulture Bee?

Post link
 Obviously, it’s (a naughty) more funny if you’ve read this beforehttp://jouonsaveclidee

Obviously, it’s (a naughty) more funny if you’ve read this before


Or if you have followed from the beginning.


One day, all this will be done cleanly. The day I get back on it, for example. (For now, I’m not sure anyone reads this)

evidemment, c'est (un rien) plus drôle si vous avez lu ceci avant


ou si vous avez suivit depuis le début.


un jour, tout cela sera refait proprement. le jour où j'aurai des retour dessus, par exemple. (pour le moment, je ne suis pas sûr que quelqu'un lit tout cela)

Post link
Selon une enquête rapide, une personne sur deux trouve ce jeu de rôle excellent.(Mais il y en a touj

Selon une enquête rapide, une personne sur deux trouve ce jeu de rôle excellent.
(Mais il y en a toujours qui mentent au cours des sondages).

Post link

Really into the idea of some interracial (white/black) or interspecies (human/orc) play right now, massive mega bonus points for forced or tricked impreg, cumplay, domination/submission, humiliation, dirty talk, cum addiction, etc.

Not really into watersports/scat/real pain/blood.

Chat? Kinkasm on Hangouts or DM me here on Tumblr.

Roleplay? Kinkasm on Hangouts or email mah Gmail.

Longish roleplay/scenarios? [email protected] please.

I love gifs and art and stuff to go with it. I’ll send it if you do.

I won’t send personal pics though, sorry.
