#evil sunz

Evil Sunz Shokkjump DragstaToday I finally finished off my Shokkjump Dragsta! I started this model a

Evil Sunz Shokkjump Dragsta

Today I finally finished off my Shokkjump Dragsta! I started this model as soon as I received the Speed Freekz boxed game and got really close to finishing it but then got distracted with other projects. This was the most enjoyable model I have ever painted! I really can’t wait to paint all the other new vehicles for my Evil Sunz army. I’ll be entering this in my FLGS’ painting competition next month. Wish me luck!

Miniatures completed in 2019: 12 (10 infantry and 2 vehicles) 

P.S. You can now follow me on Twitter at @InaHidingPlace 

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Apologies for not posting any hobby updates in a little while. My wife and I recently bought our firApologies for not posting any hobby updates in a little while. My wife and I recently bought our fir

Apologies for not posting any hobby updates in a little while. My wife and I recently bought our first home and moved in, which has occupied a vast amount of my time. We also adopted two cats, Cheesecake and Churro, and we’re trying to settle them in comfortably.

I will soon be bringing some hobby updates. Look out for my Evil Sunz Ork Kill Team (plus more goodies in Orktober), Skaven for Warhammer Underworlds and scenery for Kill Team/Necromunda. Hopefully it will be a productive few months up until the end of the year.

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