#fandom fuckery



Guy who is even slightly feminine. The fandom: Is that a trans girl? There's absolutely nothing wrong with headcanons but the problem starts when it's supposed to be the only interpretation and the right one. Also, it's not a good look when you insist every feminine guy is a trans girl. Do you know what it looks like when you call every woman who is even slightly masculine a trans man? It gives off the sense that you think women can't be strong and those who are aren't actually women. The same applies here. It makes it seems like you think men can't be feminine and the only ones who can be feminine are actually women. This also reinforces archaic gender roles which I thought we've long moved past. If you want to headcanon every feminine guy as trans woman, more power to you but please stop calling people transphobes for not interpreting the character the same way when it's not canon that they're trans.

Guy who is even slightly feminine.

The fandom: Is that a trans girl?

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with headcanons but the problem starts when it’s supposed to be the only interpretation and the right one. Also, it’s not a good look when you insist every feminine guy is a trans girl. Do you know what it looks like when you call every woman who is even slightly masculine a trans man? It gives off the sense that you think women can’t be strong and those who are aren’t actually women. The same applies here. It makes it seems like you think men can’t be feminine and the only ones who can be feminine are actually women. This also reinforces archaic gender roles which I thought we’ve long moved past.

If you want to headcanon every feminine guy as trans woman, more power to you but please stop calling people transphobes for not interpreting the character the same way when it’s not canon that they’re trans.

damnfandomproblems:So a lot of people hc this character as gay, when he literally has a crush on a


So a lot of people hc this character as gay, when he literally has a crush on a girl in canon, but find ig. And then have the nerve to call me homophobic when I ship them with my fem oc. Mate, your headcanon ain’t canon.

this! why is this so fucking accurate? I don’t mind people having their own sexuality headcanon but you don’t get to force it on those who don’t share it

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damnfandomproblems:Things I’ve seen antis do: Call a Chinese author racist for talking about Japan


Things I’ve seen antis do: Call a Chinese author racist for talking about Japan’s atrocities in China. Attack a CSA survivor for writing a fictionalised account of her abuse. Say an Egyptian actor is ‘white’ and has no right to play an Egyptian character. Harrass people over their headcanons about fictional characters. Things I’ve never seen antis do: literally anything to help the people or causes they say they care about.

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I saw this video by Jasmine Zade on YT that talks about older people in fandom life and I couldn’t help but add my two cents in it. (I also posted my comment on YT but I think it’s more fitting here.)

I’ve been in the fandom life for over 15 years and as a now 29yo pushing 30 I’m starting to see straight up ageist comments about how “old” or “proper adults” shouldn’t be in fandom life, which is bonkers to me. Especially since I have found work in the industry that gave me so many fandoms to be a part of. All my obsession over tv shows has led me to pursue a career in the tv world and now I make a living working on shows that give the same young ones who leave ageist comments a place for their interests. Ironic.

If you’re young and think that “old people” shouldn’t be a part of fandoms, need I remind you that it’s us “old people” that are giving you youngins content to obsess over. Art, edits, spaces, culture. All the good fics you read and love so much? Guess what, ALL written by the “old people”. If you wanna push us out, you have to be willing to sacrifice the good stuff.

The video continues to talk about how we are faced with the decision of dropping our interests when we reach a certain point in our lives (i.e. starting a family). Listen, I too feared of letting go of the things I loved when I was a kid because there was this expectation of us entering the “real world” when we become grown-ups, but if guys can fanboy over sports and comics all they want without facing criticism, why should we have to sacrifice our hobbies? You may not realise this but you have an underlying bias when it comes to women in particular, because apparently when a mum does it she’s a bad mother, she should be focusing on feeding her baby because that’s her whole world now and she should never have time for herself ever.

It should go without saying, yet here we are, but adult women can enjoy things too. You can absolutely still love what you love at any age. The difference is you just start to enjoy it from an experienced perspective and that’s a GOOD thing. So don’t ever be afraid to continue loving what you love.

tl;dr don’t leave “you’re too old” in people’s inboxes you ungrateful lil’ brat

Gwynriels are the main character, I see

So apparently, gwynriels are allowed to say Gwyn is a lightsinger, and make theories about it, but elriels can’t? And if elriels do it, we’re being disrespectful to SA survivors, saying Gwyn is evil, or otherwise being super harmful, but apparently if gwynriels talk about it, it’s totally fine?

I guess they can talk about Gwyn being a lightsinger as long as it fits into their stolen dark/light aesthetic for Gwynriel?

Got it. Makes sense.

As Azriel himself would say:

uchihasavior:[[ A riveting tale! ]]uchihasavior:[[ A riveting tale! ]]uchihasavior:[[ A riveting tale! ]]uchihasavior:[[ A riveting tale! ]]


[[ A riveting tale! ]]

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Consumption isn’t a shortcut to character and morality goes well beyond fandom. That’s modern culture in a nutshell.

I want to talk about the pliant bones thing, especially since the argument is typically weaponized against Gwynriel shippers, stating that we are reducing the worth of these female characters to their capability to bear children.

I thought about reblogging @mistresspotatoskull after her statement earlier today. But I wanted to get my thoughts out here on their own.

Sarah J Maas, whether you like/appreciate her writing or not, is very intentional about what she says. Thereaders have not made the capability to carry and birth an Illyrian baby a focus. SJM made it a huge thing in ACOSF. She also mentioned that Nesta had adjusted her own and Feyre’s anatomy, leaving out Elain. In addition, we have the intentional mention of Gwyn having pliable bones due to her nymph heritage.

Here’s the thing:

ItIS WRONG to say that you believe Gwyn and Azriel SHOULD be mates based on her ability to have a winged child, because the ability or desire to bear a child is not fundamental to personality or worth. No relationship should be based on that one thing.

ItIS NOT WRONG to see SJM’s statements and utilize them as evidence in an argument. It is a canonical statement that lends credence to the ability to procreate as a couple, which theAUTHOR has made important through her plot choices. It IS NOT WRONG to say that you believe Gwyn and Azriel WILL be mates based on textual evidence, which includes the fact that Gwyn’s anatomy might lend itself to her ability to have a winged child and it makes sense based on how SJM has been writing/saying in interviews. It is simply a piece of evidence used to support an argument.

The distinction is VERY important.

I don’t see a lot of Gwynriels saying that Elain shouldn’t be with Az because she can’t bear his children. And if they do, that’s shitty. Every Gwynriel I have seen or interacted with has a whole slew of reasons why they believe Az and Elain don’t fit, and those reasons are all about personality and growth. We just don’t think they make sense together, and that’s fine.

In conclusion:

Is it wrong to exclude someone from a ship solely because of their ability or inability to potentially birth a child?YES

Will I continue to use SJM’s text and plot devices as evidence to support a theory of which ship I think will be endgame? Also Yes



you see these posts that are like ‘BRAIMES only care about their ship because of JAIME whereas EYE understand and care about BRIENNE for who she IS’ and then you go to their brienne tag to see their enlightened takes and it’s like

post 1: why i hate braime

post 2: why i hate jaime

post 3: brienne is nice and i respect that

post 4: why i hate braime (2!)

there are no more posts


it’s a lot of racist white women on here hoarding and/or hiding behind woc urls. “stanning” woc doesn’t negate your racism fucking weirdos






canon (derogatory)

fanon (more derogatory)

my personal interpretation of the character (affectionate)

My mutual’s interpretation of the character (honorary)

That one amazing characterization you randomly stumbled across that redefined how you think about that character but is lost to the void of tumblr now and likely forever more (longingly)
