#fandoms are weird


Lol the Obey Me popularity polls dropped and I’m rolling.

So we have the first day which were the unofficial polls which made me annoyed because I’m not really a big Mammon fan, but whatever right. I didn’t participate anyway. Idc.

But then-

These are the new polls and he’s gone, lol I’m dying!! I was like what happened??? And then-

why yall cheat???!!!

He could’ve at least been in the top 10 if you didn’t cheat. I don’t understand was it that serious. Anyway it made my morning .

Not hating fyi.

i dont know who makes me laugh more:

spn fans trying to gatekeep jensen like… CMON GUYS. after all these years, he’s finally fucking free and you should be happy he’s being appreciated by more people, praised cause he’s a good actor even outside his “comfort space” but no let’s be annoying and childish. this is backfiring i hope you’ll understand soon


the boys fans, acting annoyed cause the posts about jensen (and jensen’s ass) are all over the socials, overshadowing cooler scenes. i get it. i can be frustrating. (maybe it is) but if you complain about this after every episode you will not enjoy the season, i think. let it be, the spn fandom is known for its dramatic reactions and huge amount of posts

so, why don’t we all enjoy the show without ruining it for somebody else?
