
La communiante [The First Communion] (circa 1896) s.b.g. Eugène Carrière (Français). Huile sur toile

La communiante [The First Communion] (circa 1896)

s.b.g. Eugène Carrière (Français). Huile sur toile. 65,4 cm x 53,3 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Donnée par Chester Dale, 1963) (pas exposée présentement)

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 pff, finally the end. hoping that those who read it (if someone reads it) have as much pleasure as  pff, finally the end. hoping that those who read it (if someone reads it) have as much pleasure as

pff, finally the end. hoping that those who read it (if someone reads it) have as much pleasure as me, to draw it (although in the end, it was a little laborious) (and it shows a little)

pff, enfin la fin. en esperant que ceux qui la lise (si quelqu'un la lit) ai autant de plaisir que moi, à la dessiner (quoique à la fin, c'était un peu laborieux)(et cela se voit un peu)

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 to be continuedI offered myself a little pleasure: to assemble the images of the blue-haired sissy  to be continuedI offered myself a little pleasure: to assemble the images of the blue-haired sissy

to be continued
I offered myself a little pleasure: to assemble the images of the blue-haired sissy in a survival stage “in comics. It will be easier to read (and possibly to like or share)
Thanks for reading me
(Yes, I’m a big naive: I think someone reads the texts below the pictures)

à suivre
je me suis offert un petit plaisir: assembler les images de l"a sissy aux cheveux bleu en stage de survie” en bd. Ce sera plus facile à lire (et éventuellement à liker ou partager)
merci de m'avoir lu
(oui, je suis un grand naif: je pense que quelqu'un lit les textes en dessous des images)

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 the sequel to the “blue-haired sissy in survival stage” soon.(although with the change

the sequel to the “blue-haired sissy in survival stage” soon.
(although with the change of display preference of Tumblr, I have the impression that nobody sees this)
and I like this style of scribbled little drawing

la suite de la “sissy aux cheveux bleus en stage de survie” bientôt.
(même si avec le changement de préférence d'affichage de Tumblr, j'ai l'impression que personne ne voit cela)
et j'aime bien ce style de petit dessin gribouillé

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 pfff, one of my best drawings, no?this follows other adventures of a draftsman at a survival stage,

pfff, one of my best drawings, no?
this follows other adventures of a draftsman at a survival stage, to read on this tumblr. The rest if there are reactions.

pfff, un de mes meilleurs dessins, non ?
ceci suit d'autres aventures d'un dessinateur à un stage de survie, à lire sur ce tumblr. La suite si il y a des réactions.

c'est une semaine de survie. pour apprendre à nourrir avec ce que vous trouvez.
alors, avale!
c'est plein de
protéines et c'est
tout ce que tu auras

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 sorry for the change of style between the pictures but I’m here to train. more than knowing t sorry for the change of style between the pictures but I’m here to train. more than knowing t sorry for the change of style between the pictures but I’m here to train. more than knowing t

sorry for the change of style between the pictures but I’m here to train. more than knowing the style that pleases most.

désolé pour le changement de style entre les images mais je suis ici pour m'entrainer. plus qu'à savoir le style qui plait le plus.

résumé d'épisode (visible sur ce tumblr):
en acceptant un voyage de jeu de survie, et après une semaine
dans la jungle, notre dessinateur doit devenir la solution
pour combler le manque de femme dans l'équipe.
après une chasse, l'instructeur en profite pour donner
quelques conseils aux futurs mercenaires.

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 soon, a sissy version on this theme? bientôt, une version sissy sur ce thème ?

soon, a sissy version on this theme?

bientôt, une version sissy sur ce thème ?

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 awaiting the return of the sissy bunny (despite the lack of reaction here), a small drawing of a si

awaiting the return of the sissy bunny (despite the lack of reaction here), a small drawing of a situation full of fear and / or promise

en attendant le retour de la sissy bunny (malgré le manque de réaction ici),un petit dessin d'une situation pleine de peur et / ou de promesse

question: d’où vient le flou à l’affichage des dessin ici ?

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 gnn..end of the castingI hope someone will read it since it seems that nsfw blogs are being chased  gnn..end of the castingI hope someone will read it since it seems that nsfw blogs are being chased  gnn..end of the castingI hope someone will read it since it seems that nsfw blogs are being chased  gnn..end of the castingI hope someone will read it since it seems that nsfw blogs are being chased

gnn..end of the casting
I hope someone will read it since it seems that nsfw blogs are being chased out of here

gnn..fin du casting
j'espere que quelqu'un le lira puisqu'il semble que les blogs nsfw se font chasser d'ici

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 a small advertising design before the end of the casting(I quibble on the last box)(and yes, I use

a small advertising design before the end of the casting
(I quibble on the last box)
(and yes, I use a model and so I have such a beautiful A …)

un petit dessin publicitaire avant la fin du casting
(je chipote sur la derniere case)
(et oui, je me sert de modle et donc j'ai un si beau Q…)

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 that may be the solution: more text and fewer drawings to make. c'est peut être cela la solution: p

that may be the solution: more text and fewer drawings to make.

c'est peut être cela la solution: plus de texte et moins de dessins à faire.

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 the end of the pitgurl. reblog and heart if you liked it (at least if it’s understandable and the end of the pitgurl. reblog and heart if you liked it (at least if it’s understandable and the end of the pitgurl. reblog and heart if you liked it (at least if it’s understandable and the end of the pitgurl. reblog and heart if you liked it (at least if it’s understandable and

the end of the pitgurl. reblog and heart if you liked it (at least if it’s understandable and readable)

la fin de la pitgurl. reblog et coeur si cela vous a plut (au moins si c'est compréhensible et lisible)

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so that’s following a thing beforeas usual (although it almost never works) (but thanks to thoso that’s following a thing beforeas usual (although it almost never works) (but thanks to thoso that’s following a thing beforeas usual (although it almost never works) (but thanks to tho

so that’s following a thing before
as usual (although it almost never works) (but thanks to those who think about it), a little heart or a restt if you liked it and if you want more…………………………. donc la suite d'un truc d'avant
comme d'habitude (bien que cela ne fonctionne presque jamais)(mais merci à ceux qui y pense), un petit coeur ou un repost si cela vous a plut et si vous voulez la suite.

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 in color and in one box. I never know what’s best.rebblog and little heart if you liked and t

in color and in one box. I never know what’s best.
rebblog and little heart if you liked and to see the final cumshot (or if you look like the sissy)

en couleur et en une case. je ne sais jamais ce qui est le mieux.
rebblog et petit coeur si vous avez aimé et pour voir le cumshot final (ou si vous ressemblez à la sissy)

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 Argl, there is a blur on the display on the previous note!This is therefore a test to see if it dis

Argl, there is a blur on the display on the previous note!
This is therefore a test to see if it disappears
(Then, I almost like this box)
(So if you have not read it yet, there is the beginning and ending in the note before)

argl, il y a un flou à l'affichage sur la note précédente !
ceci est donc un test pour voir si il disparait
(puis, j'aime presque bien cette case)
(donc si vous ne l'avez pas encore lu, il y a le début et la fin dans la note d'avant)

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cricketbabysblog: And have a lot of fun!Lots and lots of fun


And have a lot of fun!

Lots and lots of fun

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Ela havia confiado em mim e confessado que sonhava em fazer um filme pornô: transar com vários homen

Ela havia confiado em mim e confessado que sonhava em fazer um filme pornô: transar com vários homens bonitos e bem dotados, gozar bastante e ainda ganhar para isso. Ajoelhados um em frent ao outro na cama, eu prometi, segurando suas mãos, que faria de tudo para vê-la feliz. E agora estou aqui nesse apartamento vazio no centro da cidade, assistindo minha menina sentada nua em uma cadeira responder às perguntas desse homem de linguajar um tanto vulgar enquanto outro a filma e um terceiro, de calças abertas, segura seu pau enorme olhando-a com desejo. “Faz anal, princesa?” pergunta o homem de bigode fino e óculos escuros que a entrevista. Ela, com as mãos cruzadas sobre as coxas nuas, me procura com seus olhos negros e com um sorriso quase imperceptível responde: “Faço, sim… e adoro!

Ao ouvir sua resposta, o homem bem-dotado que aguardava atrás da câmera caminha em sua direção; sei que nunca mais a verei da mesma forma depois disso, mas sei que vou amá-la mais do que já a amo agora.

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