#fear me

mursnow:ohpierre:Witch of NerdsWASTE OF SHIT WHAT ARE THE ODDSi am… the SPONGE of DOOmursnow:ohpierre:Witch of NerdsWASTE OF SHIT WHAT ARE THE ODDSi am… the SPONGE of DOOmursnow:ohpierre:Witch of NerdsWASTE OF SHIT WHAT ARE THE ODDSi am… the SPONGE of DOO



Witch of Nerds


i am… the SPONGE of DOOM

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the poet

fear me

for i am unafraid to live alone until i want you

fear me

for i will never need you by my side

but love me

because one day i’ll choose my forever muse

and if you love me well,

then maybe… just maybe… i’ll choose you.

Sal: *biting someones leg*

Larry: How can something so smol be so aggressive?

Todd: Hes like a goddamn chihuahua.



the best part about comparing notes with fic writing friends for how you go about doing the fic writing? definitely realizing that you are horrified to your very core over how they go about doing it.

really solidifies the fact that everyone is different and that it doesn’t matter how you do the thing as long as that process works for you

every time i talk to other writers about their writing processes it’s always the little things that blow me away.

and by blow me away, i mean completely fucking horrify me because holy shit what is going on with y'all.

like, what do you mean you have to take an hour before you start in on a new work to perfectly craft a spotify playlist which simultaneously functions as your outline before you go spend the next however many weeks camped out on your bed with FUCKING CANDLES LIT, typing away without getting any back problems despite sitting on your bed or being distracted by having fucking lyrics or having to switch songs regularly?? And you don’t need some kind of drink to functionally write?? And you can just…work while there are other people in the room???


anyways what’s y'alls favorite ways to write?

I want to feel fear.

I start off with a semi-crack premise that I can think of a punny title for. Then I open up the AO3 New Post form and fill out that title, the fandom, the ship(s), main characters, and whatever additional tags I think will probably apply. I write the semi-crack premise into a 1-2 sentence summary and then I think “what’s a good conversation to start this whole thing off with” and go from there.

I tend to get 1-2K off the bat with an idea or two of what I could write in chapter two but once I have that much, I hit submit. Then I see the error where I forgot to select my language, go back up and select English and then scroll back down to hit submit again. Success.

If I’m really on top of things, I’ll read it through again now that it’s posted and correct the typos I notice.

(sometimes when I use this “process” I end up losing my chapter before I’m able to submit it, in which case I just retype what I remember and rewrite what I don’t and then continue on as I was)

edited to add: oh yeah, and all of the above is interrupted by watching youtube or old episodes of Poirot or by playing cell phone games, or writing replies to my RP partner in Discord. Unless the idea is really lighting my brain on fire, in which case the whole thing takes ~30 minutes start to finish

Me naming OCs: This one feels like a two-syllable gal, it should start with a vowel because that feels right for her and it’s gotta have some sort of deeper meaning that only I will ever know

Me choosing a name for myself, because trans: That guy I worked on a group project with in middle school had a cool name; I’ll just steal his.

frillious:twiel:i am bored as hell (p.s. if you get a double name such as mistmist take the seco



i am bored as hell

(p.s. if you get a double name such as mistmist take the second letter of your last name and use that instead of the first)

i got Angelangel this is incredible

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