#feng shui

O cantinho zen da nossa casa também é o lugar onde a minha amada recebe outros homens para transar:

O cantinho zen da nossa casa também é o lugar onde a minha amada recebe outros homens para transar: chegar em casa e encontrá-la meditando ou gozando no pau de outro homem só faz crescer o amor que sinto por essa mulher.

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In doing a little more research, it looks as though Mulan will be getting a Fenghuang as her loyal c

In doing a little more research, it looks as though Mulan will be getting a Fenghuang as her loyal companion. I’m totally fine with this change if that’s what happens. It would make complete sense from a cultural/mythological perspective since the Fenghuang represents the feminine aspect, while the Long(dragon) represented the male. Although when it comes to Mulan she pretty much encompassed both male and female aspects perfectly.

A little on the Fenghuang if you care to know. The Fenghuang is commonly conflated with the western Phoenix. Despite their superficial similarities, the Phoenix’s eastern cousin would more likely be the Vermillion Bird, not the Fenghuang (Although some sources use them interchangeably). The Fenghuang is more a heavenly beast, ruler of all birds, and represents the feminine aspect of Yin. Each part and color of their body symbolizes a different celestial body and virtue while the Vermillion Bird is one of the Four guardians of Chinese Cosmology according to Wu Xing it represents the fire-element, the direction south, and the season summer.

You can find statues of these beauties on Taoist and Buddhist temples throughout Asia.

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Make Space & The Rest Will Follow

Make Space & The Rest Will Follow

Take a pause. Deep breath for a count of four….Hold it in and in 4…3…2…1 let it go. How do you feel? Good? A little more alert? Perhaps awake? Amazing isn’t it. Perhaps you feel as if you’re lighter. Maybe you released a bit of tension you had no idea you were holding. That one single breath just added a whole lot of goodness to your body. Imagine if you just took a pause for even just a minute…

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Known in ancient Egyptian lore as “The Wise Stone of Conciliation,” this verdant stone dyed with the hues of forest and sea is a powerful aid to communication of all kinds. Legends tell of those who wore this stone having the remarkable ability to find compromise between the most uncompromising of people, lending them remarkable wit with which to navigate even the murkiest of circumstances. If you speak and negotiate for living, this stone is a real humdinger!

Energy ~ Receptive

Element ~ Water

Planet ~ Venus

Deity ~ Venus

Zodiac Sign ~ Taurus

As a general rule, chrysocolla occurs in grape-like clusters or in a crust. Often found interwoven with opal, quartz, azurite, malachite, and turquoise, this luxuriously-colored blue and green stone has a hardness of 2 on the Mohs hardness scale and possesses a monoclinic crystal structure. While its color may seem similar to turquoise at a glance, chrysocolla has more in common with malachite and azurite, having a high copper content that gives it its distinctive coloration.

The providence of chrysocolla is, as aforementioned, primarily that of teachers and communicators. It helps with conveying one’s ideas verbally, whether it be sharing higher knowledge with one’s students or simply giving a kind word to a loved one in need, but that’s not all! Any purposeful speaking benefits from chrysocolla, including the recitation of prayers, incantations, and mantras. I personally own a mala (a loop of beads used by Buddhists to count their mantras) made of chrysocolla, and I’ve found it to be a wonderful respite to just pass it slowly through my fingers as I chant. This stone is also strongly affiliated with musicians, and is a very helpful charm for those who are picking up a new instrument or trying to overcome their fear of performing in public!

What’s more, chrysocolla is a font of Goddess energy, and consistent contact with it can help one tap into the ancestral feminine energies and all the other wonderful things that come with them. Its connection is particularly strong to Sophia, the Gnostic creator-Aeon and Wisdom incarnate, and it is able to calm one’s emotions and help disconnect from the conscious mind for the purposes of meditation. This stone is said to have such a soothing energy that it can quell nervous disorders of various kinds, and its affinity with the Heart Chakra can help one to express their love for themselves and those around them in healthy ways. It can also aid in the function of the Throat Chakra, and thus the communication and pursuit of one’s own truth.

In feng shui, chrysocolla is associated with the element of Water, and thus is ideal for an area of your home that you use for stillness and contemplation. With regards to spellcraft, chrysocolla lends itself well to spells spanning Land and Sky to call down divine insight, and it’s also a wonderful ingredient for magick that’s intended to aid with emotional healing and drawing out one’s inner strengths. It’s recommended to wash chrysocolla that’s used for spellcraft under warm running water once a month, before recharging it in a bowl with tumbled hematite overnight.  

Disregarding dubious legends about the medicinal ingestion of this very copper-rich (and thus very toxic) mineral, there’s one last lesson from chrysocolla that I want to share: it’s possible in some circumstances to answer a problem or question with silence. Sometimes you can tell others exactly what they need to know by saying nothing at all.

I hope this long-overdue post is helpful, even if only in some small way. May the Tree of Life shelter you always!

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Banner artwork for commercial purposes. 

Do not use for any reason, including reposting with credit. (Because i think like that’s gonna make some legal problems with my company? Idk. In any case, just please don’t. Thank you.) 

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Shi QingXuan (Heaven Official’s Blessing)

Installing Cai Guo-Qiang’s “Inopportune: State One” (2004) at the Guggenheim Museum. This work formed of suspended white sedans and multichannel light tubes simulates an exploding car bomb spiralling upward from the rotunda floor. It exhibits Cai’s interest in feng shui, pyrotechnic science, cosmological science, and ancient Chinese myth.

“We must all suffer one of two things. The pain of discipline or the pain of regret” - Jim Rohn 


Credit: Alain ‘The Panther’ Ngalani    

#chakra    #spiritual    #enlightened    #cosmos    #healing    #awaken    #pineal gland    #third eye    #awakening    #energy    #feng shui    #consciousness    #mystic    #lifepath    #psychedelics    #annunaki    
 Prophecies From The Holy Bible Part -77th.(Sanatana Dharma Alone Protector of world Peace)The ’Prop

Prophecies From The Holy Bible Part -77th.(Sanatana Dharma Alone Protector of world Peace)The ’Prophecies of Jesus Christ’ speak of, the coming of the ’Comforter’ from the East; and Present is the time for his appearance. Besides several foretellers from different comers of the world have predicted that before the close of the 20th century, a new culture would rise in India and it would spread like storm and tempest all over the world. 

Of all the religions in the world it is Santana Dharma only that speaks of taking a man to the zenith of his spiritual evolution According to Vedic psychology, the Spiritual Science, the human body is composed of seven types of sheaths about which and their development we have talked in their entire details in the chapter. “Initiation” Out of them only four Matter, Life, Mind and Science or the supermind have been evolved to a higher stage of consciousness so far. 

The remaining three Bliss, Becoming  and Being have yet to be developed to their full bloom. As per the Scriptures from Annamayakosh to Vijanamajakosh it is the lower half of the existence where nescience dominates over knowledge whereas from Anandamayakosh to Satmayakosh it is the higher form ‘of existence where knowledge has prevalence over ignorance, and here nescience afflictions and limits do not exist even as worth the name. As there is a predominance of ignorance in the first to the fourth ’koshas’ (Sheaths) therefore the use of Science, instead of being utilized for creative purposes is made more for achieving destructive ends. It is in Vedic Dharma only that the theory of God becoming incarnate on earth from time to time is accepted as an eternal truth. 

It also holds that the direct realisation of God and seeing Him is possible. No other Prophetism on earth has such capabilities. They only know of God on the basis of the preachings of their Prophets. In the religions of the followers of the Prophets no methods, functional methods for that matter, are available to directly realize and see God. When the people of the world have acquired knowledge about four out of the seven 'Koshas’(sheaths) then it should be possible to become fully knowledgeable about the remaining three ’Koshas’ also. 

Acquisition of knowledge about them is within the competence of Sanatana Dharma only. More so when people from the world of Prophetism cannot accomplish such an activity. As only remaining three elements sat + Chit + Ananda = Sachchidananda, remain to be developed now therefore India alone will fulfil this assignment received from God. Since time immemorial India has been giving this knowledge as a gift to the people of the world. 

It has been for this divine knowledge that India had for long remained in occupation of the seat of Guruhoodship of the world. According to prophecies made by several of the foretellers of the world India would propagate and spread this divine knowledge throughout whole of the world before close of this, 21st, Century and thus she would once again enter into the period of her golden age.

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Let’s play a game, what do they all have in common?The answer in the next post. (Chilling truth).

Let’s play a game, what do they all have in common?

The answer in the next post. (Chilling truth).

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 Those who say that the Lord died first then rose up are in error, for he rose up then died. We are

Those who say that the Lord died first then rose up are in error, for he rose up then died. We are to receive the Resurrection while we live.

Gospel of Phillip

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