#spiritual work


Make Space & The Rest Will Follow

Make Space & The Rest Will Follow

Take a pause. Deep breath for a count of four….Hold it in and in 4…3…2…1 let it go. How do you feel? Good? A little more alert? Perhaps awake? Amazing isn’t it. Perhaps you feel as if you’re lighter. Maybe you released a bit of tension you had no idea you were holding. That one single breath just added a whole lot of goodness to your body. Imagine if you just took a pause for even just a minute…

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In A Funk

Getting out of a funk is hard but it can be done. Last week, I had quite a low period. I noticed old patterns return. In the middle of all of it, I asked myself “what can I do to pass this period gracefully?” The answer of course was not just linear.

I was called upon going back to meditating. With everything going on, I would try and squeeze in a few meditation practices. I committed time out…

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Buckle Up!

We are in the middle of mercury retrograde and eclipse season. I have felt these sudden shifts to my core. Ever since I began my spiritual awakening, I have began paying close attention to certain things. One of them being eclipse season and what it clears for me. I had quite the realization of some pretty heavy shit I still need to work through and clear. That my friends, is the beauty of life.…

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Low Vibration Days Are Okay

Low Vibration Days Are Okay

When you think hear the words “spiritual awakening”, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For me, it’s this vision of someone who looks a lot like me wearing white, sitting in some sort of meditative state under the sun with a big ol’ smile on my face. Someone who has it all together and there are no gray skies on the horizon. The reality is, I am still spirituality awakening and I STILL…

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Spirituality Or Division?

Many astronomers will tell you that we are in the long-awaited “Age of Aquarius”. Although there has been a lot of debate between astrologers about when it actually starts, you can’t help but notice that there is some sort of spiritual awakening happening.

There seems to be an explosion of people who have started their own spiritual journey, which I find really encouraging and it makes me…

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First and foremost, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to all of the new followers on this blog. I can’t thank you enough for trusting in me. I hope this gives you a little inspiration that you can definitely turn things around and have the life you always wanted. It is achievable!

I wanted this blog post to share quite a spiritual experience that I had two weeks ago. I listen to Ashley…

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Hello There 2021

Happy 2021 Everyone!

You survived 2020, and although things may not feel all that different I have hope that things will somewhat return to normal. As much as I am excited for the new year, now comes the hard work of really practicing what you preach. Last year it was all about returning to yourself—analyzing what patterns you needed to break. One of the biggest lessons for me was realizing that…

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Unpopular Spiritual Opinion… Oh boy

Unpopular Spiritual Opinion… Oh boy

It’s the time of the year where a lot of people who offer their services when it comes to tarot, ifa readings and even astrology are getting booked. A lot of people want to get a glimpse ahead of what may potentially could happen in the near future. Of course, all of this is subjective because at the end of the day, you’re in charge of your own destiny. However, as someone who practices the art…

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Realizing I Am In Control

Realizing I Am In Control

In a year that has felt chaotic, I have turned the focus inward. As my walls of what I considered “normal” suddenly crumbled and I lost my footing and almost fell into the abyss, I hugged myself. I was completely ripped open, broke to pieces and still was able to move along with the help of some amazing friends and family. It’s no secret that this year has been hard for everyone. It has also been…

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Message From The Tarot For The End Of October

Hello Everyone!

I was inspired to pull from my tarot deck and my oracle deck to channel a message as we wrap up October as a collective. Keep in mind that this is a general reading. Not everything that is channeled here will fit for everyone, take what you will! For my tarot, I used the Gentle Wisdom Of The Faerie Realms and for the Oracle I used Sacred symbols for divination and meditation by…

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Going with the flow and inner work

Hello Dear Readers!

I know it has been a while since I’ve written a post. It has been quite the transforming couple of months. I started to do a lot of inner work and decided to listen to my inner intuition and decided to take off and finally travel It was the best decision I could have made. Last year I went the entire year without taking a single vacation.  This year, I decide to take another…

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This Solar eclipse in Sagittarius with all its strong, rebellious energies of a new beginning is a time:

*to re-examine your beliefs to see how much they are conditioned by society and how much do they express your personal truth,

*to understand your healing journey as a synonym to your spiritual journey, reconnecting with your demons and shadows,

*to set intentions for a big future and light a candle of your unique gifts,

so you’ll come out from this dark time into a new circle, new era as a spiritual warrior, mature and attuned to your own faith.


Let this 7-cards tarot spread to help you at this time of huge transit, in the moment when the gateway is open.

1 - Examining your orientation to life - how do you see life?

2 - Where were you conditioned by society, tradition, spiritual teachers etc.?

3 - What are your inner demons, you should face before stepping in a new circle?

4 - What should you become aware of to look at life as it is, not creating fantasies and escape patterns?

5 - How can you put into form new paradigm of life?

6 - How can you attune to your highest purpose? What qualities and talents are in play? 

7 - How can you start a revolution in your own healing journey?

CRYSTAL GRIDS  Contrary to belief crystal grids do NOT need to be PERFECT or SYMMETRICAL! In fact th


 Contrary to belief crystal grids do NOT need to be PERFECT or SYMMETRICAL! In fact the best ones are the pieces you create in the moment and are full of passion & creativity! 

 This is a collaborative piece I created with my beautiful friend. She is like FIRE, insanely passionate and an outside the box thinker. Together with my OCD and controlled placement we created the most unique & special crystal grid! 

 There is no boundary to what you can create TOGETHER! Sharing ideas & creating together is an amazing form of bonding.

Crystals: Egyptian Alabaster, Russian Amazonite, Lepidolite, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Smokey Quartz, Gold Titanium Quartz & Rose Quartz

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