#fenn rau



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AIE. You caught me. You’re not spose to see this holo.

AIE. You caught me. You’re not spose to see this holo.

They said I had to go this event. It is my event. My-my coronation… *gulps about to cry*

All because I defeated Viceroy Gar Saxon with the Darksaber.

Star Wars Rebels Season 3, Trials of the Darksaber

Okay, look, I gave the Darksaber to Bo-Katan Kryze. She’s the rightful ruler, isn’t she? I-I wasn’t old enough to rule all of Mandalore or Mandalorian Space. Then…the Mandalorian purge happened…

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Sabine: You have no idea what I’m capable of.

Fenn rau: Do not take this personally, but I feel like I am being threatened by a cupcake.

Author’s note: I’m feeling down and need some fluff. Nothing romantic, really, just something for the heart.

Summary:With half the Protectors gone and the efforts to reclaim Mandalore progressing only slowly, everybody is exhausted and on edge. Good thing Alrich is visiting with news, and good thing he brought an obnoxious two-year-old Sabine. Nothing disarms a bunch of Mandalorian warriors as quickly as a child demanding attention.

To be found on AO 3. Enjoy!

Author’s note: This chapter switches between Fenn Rau’s and Bo-Katan’s POV.

Summary:Bo-Katan arrives on Concord Dawn.

As always, to be found on AO 3.

