#fic authors


We reached our minimum goal less than 48 hour after launching our indiegogo campaign and we are FREAKING OUT!

We’re so excited, we can barely function. 

What we’d like to do now is see if we can raise DOUBLE our budget! Doing so would help us pay our authors more, and possibly commission more art to include in/with this book! 

Click here to go to the campaign page: https://igg.me/p/2548016/twtr/22453214

You can help by REBLOGGING THIS POST! And! For every reblog, you get one entry for a chance to win a free copy of the ebook version of this anthology when it is released!

Just reblog this post by October 12, 2019 and you’re entered to win! That’s it!

Our original post about the campaign is here: https://carnationbooks.tumblr.com/post/188158352382/crowdfund-this-queer-sherlock-holmes-anthology

Here’s the link to the campaign again: https://igg.me/p/2548016/twtr/22453214

Want to read an (NSFW) excerpt from one of the stories from the collection?CLICK HERE to read part of “The Adventure of Our Secret Life” by Elyssa Warkentin (@doctornerdington)!: http://carnationbooks.com/queerholmes

We’re crowdfunding a small collection of Sherlock Holmes stories! 

This collection will feature works by well know fic authors such as: 

The stories range in heat level, genre, length, and tone. All take place in the Victorian era and explore a queer Holmes!

Cover art for this book will be by the wonderfully talented Max Kennedy ( aka @maxkennedy24). We will post art previews here and on the indiegogo campaign page, so check those spaces out in the coming weeks!

Thecampaign is set to run for 45 days. We are already, only 24 hours since we went live on indiegogo, almost halfway to our minimum goal! We’re SO EXCITED and we hope more folks will claim the awesome perks we have available. 

They include: 

  • $5 ebook only
  • $10 paperback only
  • $18 ebook + paperback combo with a small cover art postcard
  • $28 ebook + hardcover combo with a large cover art postcard plus your name on the acknowledgments page. 
  • $45 limited edition dust jacket hardcover with a large cover art postcard and a small cover art poster, plus your name on the acknowledgments page. 
  • $70 SUPER supporter tier with everything included in the $45 level, but with a large cover art poster and your name in a Special Thanks section inside the book. 

CLICK HERE!https://igg.me/at/f9NeeUQt-Gk/x/22453214#/

Not able to contribute right now? The book will be made available in ebook and potentially also in paperback format through Amazon in Spring 2020, and you will be able to snag a copy then. However, copies for sale through indiegogo are significantly discounted, so keep that in mind!


Is the thumbprint graphic the cover art? Nope! This is just a temporary image we are using for this project. 

Are the authors getting paid? Absolutely. All the authors signed a contract which entitles them to payment through royalties up to a certain amount. Authors will receive royalties from books sold via the campaign as well. 

Is the artist getting paid? Yes, of course! Everyone working on this book is getting PAID! 

Why are you crowdfunding this project? This was a somewhat big project for us and one that is very near and dear to our hearts. We exist as a company because of two things: Sherlock Holmes fandom and fan fiction authors. We wanted to make this project, which combines these two things we care about SO much, a bit special with more options than our current model would allow (things like hardcovers and bonus art!). In order to do that, we realized we needed to think outside the box. That’s how we decided to go this route. 

Will you crowdfund all your books now? Nah, we won’t be doing that. We might crowdfunding some larger projects in the future, but definitely no plans to do this for every title! 

Again,here’s the link to the campaign, where you can ask questions in the comments!: https://igg.me/at/f9NeeUQt-Gk/x/22453214#/


Reblog if it’s okay for your followers to leave you an ask telling you what the one thing is they remember you for as a writer.  Is it a scene or a detail or a specific line? Is it something like style or characterization?  Is it that one weird kink they never thought they’d be into, but oh my god wow self-discovery time?



— for the longest time, all tony and camila had were each other. when aliens, norse gods, super spies, and super soldiers are introduced into their lives, so is something unexpected; family.OR,the lives of the stark family are completely and utterly chaotic and the world needs to see it.

18+ ONLY; MINORS DNI. family trauma. unhealthy family relationships. mentions of death & grieving. pregnancy. smut.

* each chapter will come with their respective warnings.

if you enjoyed this piece, please, please, please reblog it! the writing community is slowly dying out due to tumblr’s algorithm being ineffective and reblogging our fics is our bread and butter. support fic writers! ♡

*ೃ⁀➷ chapter 1 — growing pains (coming soon)

*ೃ⁀➷ chapter 2 — oh baby! (coming soon)

more chapters to be determined…..

© honeystevie — i give no permission for my works to be translated, copied/plagiarized, or reposted.

Ooh this sounds like it’s gonna be a fun ride!




when i created this little writing space i never imagined i’d gain this many followers, it was always the dream but i never figured it to be reality. so to reach this many followers??? having so many of you lovely babes following, interacting and putting up with all of my hyperfixations and sporadic writings means so much to me!

i can’t thank you all enough for your love and support, and because i haven’t done a sleepover in a while, and because summer is right around the corner i thought let’s make it a fun one!


:june 4th — june 14th

:do not interact if you’re not 18+

  • you can send asks in before the start date if you wish, the more the merrier, there’s no limit to how many asks you can send in.
  • characters i currently have inspo to write for include: moon knight (all alters), thor odinson, peter parker (all variants), doctor strange, poe dameron, finnpoe, din djarin, santiago garcia, frankie morales, steve harrington, eddie munson, peter ballard, if there’s a character you want me to involve that’s not on this but is on this one, please feel free to inquire me about it.
  • anyone can join in, we do not have to be mutuals, just please no minors or blank blogs.

⛺️— mutuals only! cym, who i ship you with, a song movie/show/book i think you’d like

— send me a kink/fandom/celeb/album/show/movie and i’ll tell you the following: love it, hate it, it’s okay, ehh, it’s a no for me dawg, i’d try it once, bark, 10/10 wouldn’t recommend

— fmk, would you rather, this or that, fist fight / get drunk with / share a flat with, top 5, ask me unpopular opinions on things

send me a gif or photo of any of the men/women (characters) i go feral over and i’ll write a small blurb based off of it

— ask me to expand on any of the fics i’ve published with scenarios, what ifs, follow ups, bonus content

☀️thots! thots! thots! send me your steamy, spicy, filthy, dirty thots on whatever and whoever, let the whore out

— send me a dialogue/sentence + character and i’ll write a quick blurb on it, give me a fic title + character and i’ll write a small blurb (feel free to add tropes to your request as well)

— moodboard or playlist requests, send a character + trope (or genre/theme/vibe) and i’ll make an aesthetic or a playlist for them

— ask me about me! let’s get personal whatever you want to know i’m an open book, get nosey babes

Ayyyy congrats lovely!!! can’t wait to send some stuff in these themes sound fun!!!


coming soon to a dashboard near you…

Here’s a line up of potential fics / ideas I’ve got planned for the 2022-2023 year. This is gonna serve as not only a list of WIP fics that I can keep track of, but also a sneak peek of sorts as to what you can expect. None of these fics will be published in order that they appear in below. All my reader inserts are queer femme woc. I do not do taglists. MINORSDNI!

Keep reading

These look veryyyy exciting!!
