#fili x you


Request: “I would like to make a request for Fili. Where he is your husband and you get baby fever on the journey towards Erebor.”


Warnings: none

Word Count: 1.8k

A/N: I decided to not have Kíli get shot by the arrow because that depresses me and also ended up with Fíli being the one with the case of baby fever. Hope you enjoy! :)

When you married Fíli you had also married your best friend, and there was no denying that he made every single day of your life ten times better than it would’ve been without him.

You’d grown up with him and Kíli, your father being one of Thorin’s close confidants for all manners of political issues. There was always some expectation you’d marry one of Thorin’s nephews, and though you’d always pushed back against the idea, one day Fíli had wormed his way into your heart and never left. You were truly blessed to spend every day with your best friends, and made an effort to support and stand with him at all times.

It was no surprise when you’d demanded to go with him on the journey to Erebor. It was also no surprise when Thorin, all too familiar with your dedication to following your husband into all sorts of perilous situations, begrudgingly accepted your request to join the party.

This was how you ended up in Lake-town, trying to help the company collect supplies for the rest of the way to the Lonely Mountain. While you were a fighter first and foremost, your second and far less enjoyable job was helping to mend the countless shirts and trousers the dwarves had ripped and shredded on their journey. Fighting and trekking through the woods didn’t mix well with the very limited wardrobes you brought with you. Your husband was down to one pair of completely intact pants, and the rest of the dwarves were not much better off.

When you stopped in Lake-town, your first priority was finding new material to patch up everyone’s clothes. Much to his dismay, you’d dragged Fíli along with you, insisting that the two of you would be able to carry more than just you alone.

And so Fíli had reluctantly followed you into the small shop owned by the local seamstress. He was standing awkwardly in the corner, rocking back and forth on his heels uncomfortably as you interrogated the woman behind the counter about fabric prices.

“How much do you need?” she asked skeptically, a nervous look on her face as you stacked several bundles of fabric next to the register.

“How much do you have?” you snorted, turning around and scanning the rest of the room with your hands on your hips. “I think this’ll do.”

The woman’s eyes widened slightly as you emptied a small pouch of gold onto the counter. “Alrighty then.”

You turned around and gave your husband a thumbs up. He rolled his eyes, a small grin on his face.

It was then that a small child, no more than two, toddled unsteadily out of the back room, babbling for the mother. The saleswoman grinned, giving the toddler a fond grin as she swooped them up in her arms.

“My daughter,” she clarified to you, rocking back and forth with the child sitting on her hip as she continued to count your change.

“She’s adorable,” you gushed. “How old is she?”

“Eighteen months.”

You grinned as the child reached a hand out towards you, chattering some high-pitched gibberish.

“Say hi, Delilah,” the mother cooed. Delilah made a valiant attempt.

“Your daughter is my new favorite person,” you replied, grabbing your change off the counter and turning to beckon your husband over.

You were not expecting the overwhelmingly adoring look on Fíli’s face. He was completely entranced by the child, gaze fixated on her as she inspected some toy in her hands.

You cleared your throat and his eyes snapped back to you. You grinned at the faint blush on his cheeks and gestured to the fabric on the table. “I’m ready to go if you are.”

“Of course, my love.” He came over to help you divvy the bundles between yourselves, and with a polite goodbye to the woman, you left the shop.

“That baby was so absolutely cute,” Fíli said finally as you walked back to Thorin’s designated meeting area.

“I know!” you exclaimed. “Her little hands, oh my goodness.”

“And her eyes,” Fili said, nodding furiously in agreement. “So big. She was just inspecting all of us.”

“I loved her,” you chuckled.

“Kind of makes me want to have one myself, you know?” Fíli suggested, nudging your arm with his own. You blushed, looking over to find him already looking at you, unable to recognize the expression on his face.

“What?” you asked defensively.

“Oh, nothing,” he said. “Just trying to imagine what a little you or me would look like.”

“We’d have the best looking baby,” you stated. “He or she would be even cuter than Delilah.”

“How could she not be, when his or her mother is the most beautiful dwarf in all of Middle Earth?”

Your face flushed a deep shade of red as you scrambled for an answer, him grinning widely at you spluttering. “Well…that’s just-”

“That’s just what?”

You huffed, rolling your eyes at the smirk on his face. “Thanks, Fíli,” you said finally.

“Just stating the obvious, my flower.“

There was much to do after Smaug was killed and Erebor reclaimed by Thorin. It was a time for much celebration, with the dwarves finally able to return to the Lonely Mountain (or see it for the first time in Fíli and Kíli’s case), but it was also a time for careful planning and negotiation. Luckily, Bard seemed very open to an alliance with you all, and he and Thorin had discussed the possibility of establishing a sort of trade system.

Thorin had been eager to rope his nephews into the process, trying to show them the political and social ropes since they were next in line to be in power. Unfortunately for you, that meant you saw Fíli very rarely throughout the day. Your time together was often limited to the evening, when he was often so exhausted from his work that he just fell asleep. You wouldn’t deny that you were a little lonely, but you saw the importance in what Fíli was doing and simply tried to make sure he was eating and sleeping as much as possible.

You’d been helping the other dwarves clean up the halls of Erebor, sorting through Smaug’s trove and making a map of all the different rooms and corridors.

It was late at night, and you were sitting on a balcony taking inventory of the most important treasures you’d found that day. Precious stones and jewelry…Smaug had hidden it all here in the Lonely Mountain. It was good news for you all, though - you’d be able to sell much of it and make a handsome profit.

You were just putting an oversized ruby back in its chest when you heard footsteps approaching from behind you. You glanced over your shoulder, eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Fíli entering the room. You grinned at each other warmly.

“I wasn’t expecting you,” you said, happiness evident in your voice.

“Surprise,” he replied softly, enveloping you in a tight hug and pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You sighed contentedly, leaning into him.

“How’s your uncle?” you asked, face pressed up against his shoulder.

“Stressed,” Fíli replied. “I understand why, but his stubbornness is hindering whatever progress we were making with Lake-town.”

“Hopefully he’ll settle in more soon, and then he’ll be more relaxed,” you reassured him. “And you about you?” you continued, pulling back to look him in the eyes. “How are you doing?”

Fíli let out a stressed sigh and shrugged, tilting his head so his forehead was pressed against your own. “I am trying my best, my love, though sometimes I fear it’s not enough.”

“What do you mean?”

“My uncle, albeit very negative at times, has a skill for all these aspects of leadership. Kíli and I, well, it doesn’t come as easily to us,” he said uncomfortably. “I just don’t want to disappoint uncle.” You shook your head.

“Fí, how could anyone expect you to be an amazing leader when you’ve never had to lead before?” you asked. “That’s why Thorin is doing this anyway, to show you what to do before you’ll ever have to do it.”

He frowned, thinking. “I suppose you’re right.”

“I know I’m right,” you chuckled, rubbing his back slowly. Fíli sighed again, relaxing into you.

“Thank you, love.” You felt him turning his head as he looked around the room. “What have you been working on up here?”

“Oh, just some records,” you said nonchalantly, turning to point to the stack of papers you’d been writing on. “All the valuables we found and how much we think it’s worth, that sort of thing.”

His eyes widened as he looked at the various artifacts strewn around the room. “Smaug really was into the whole hoarding thing, huh?”

You nodded, stepping back and stretching your arms over your head. Fíli frowned as you tried and failed to suppress a yawn.

“Maybe we’re overexerting ourselves,” he said. You chuckled.

“Maybe? Oh, Fí, we most definitely are.”

Fili laughed. “I say we go to bed early tonight, and wake up late tomorrow.”
“A fantastic plan,” you cheered, twirling around the room deliriously. Sleep deprivation was definitely taking a toll on you.

When you turned back around to face Fíli, you found that same wonder-filled look on his face that he’d sported that day in Lake-town. You tilted your head to the side. “What is it?”

Fíli cleared his throat, took a step closer to you. “Have you ever…you know, thought about having kids?” Your eyes widened.

“I mean sure, loads of times,” you replied, a little startled by the topic of conversation. “Why do you ask?”

“I just…we’ve never discussed it properly,” he said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

You bit your lip. “Well, we’re married, I guess I figured it would just happen eventually when the time was right.”

Fíli chuckled and nodded, reached out and pulled you a bit closer to him. “And what if now is the time?”

You blinked once, twice. “I’m sorry?”

“I mean, we just got our home back,” Fíli continued, looking up at the ceiling of the room above you. “We have Erebor, we have a place to live and raise a family. And we’d be great parents, Y/N, I just know it.”

You grinned, watching him adoringly. “We would indeed.”

“And then the other day, with that little girl in that shop,” he sighed, closing his eyes as if relishing a memory. “I just can’t stop picturing you with a child of our own. And I’ve thought about it before, but it’s never been such a persistent feeling as it is now.”

Oh, Fíli.” Your eyes began to tear up as a wave of emotion crashed over you. Fíli met your gaze and gave you a panicked look.

“My lovely lass, what’s wrong?”

“Absolutely nothing,” you sniffed, throwing your arms around his neck and wrapping him in a tight hug. You felt his sigh of relief as his hands made their way to your back.

“I want a family with you,” he murmured into your hair. “I want to make you a mother.”

“And I want that more than anything,” you replied, head whirling with visions of the two of you with your future children.

anonymous asked: Would it be possible to write an imagine with fili where you sneak into erebor (after the bofa) because its raining and you have no home and fili finds you and takes care of you in his room?
Written by: Anna
Pairing: Fili X Reader


The cold was all you could feel, it seeped into your veins and ate at your fingers as you tugged desperately at your jacket, trying to warm yourself up through the thick, damp fur.

But the damn rain was making that near impossible!

You were positive that if you didn’t get out of the rain in the next few minutes you would die, luckily, you had some sort of idea as to where you were exactly. Stuck between Dale and Erebor, you had no place to go, Dale refused to let you in, not welcoming any strangers, so now your only chance was Erebor.

Upon making it to the large gates of the mountain, you looked up, water flooding into your eyes as you realized that there was no one on guard at that moment. “N-n-no!” You groaned, your teeth chattering wildly.

You had no idea what you were going to do, observing the gates, you stepped towards them, placing your hands on the cold, wet bars. You could hardly feel the cold anymore, you were almost past the point of freezing at that point, and it was all you could do to not fall over and let yourself go right there.

And that was when you realized that if you maneuvered your body just right, you might be able to slip through the bars! Forcing yourself to stay upright, you turned sideways, shoving your body in between two thick bars, wiggling around as you almost got caught between them, but you just barely managed to slip through.

Once you were on the inside of the gates, you had scampered towards the warmth radiating from inside the mountain, hoping to not be caught. The rain had disappeared from around you, but you were spent, exhausted actually.

You tried to make some noise, to try and get someone’s attention, but you couldn’t make a sound, you were just too tired.

A second later, you had collapsed in the beautiful, dully lit hallways of the great kingdom, your body physically unable to support itself any longer as your knees gave out underneath you.

And the next thing you knew, your eyes slipped shut and you were pulled into unconsciousness.


You awoke to a warm touch on your forehead, warmth was absolutely flooding through your veins. A moan escaped your lips as you turned sideways, pulling yourself further into the warmth of whatever was surrounding your body, not that you cared.

Slowly, you managed to pull open your eyes, regaining consciousness. When you managed to look around the room, you noticed that you were laying on a large bed, blankets piled all around you.

The second thing you noticed was the man sitting next to you, his hands resting next to you on the bed. He seemed to notice that you’d woken up, his eyes widening as he held his hands up in a calming manner, but you weren’t worried, just… tired.

“Are you feeling alright?” He asked, standing up.

After a brief hesitation, you nodded, not trusting your words at the moment. He helped you sit up, placing you against a plethora of pillows by the headboard of the bed before sitting back down.

You cleared your throat, looking up at the man and finally got a good look at him. He was rather attractive in your opinion, he had long blond hair, and a braided moustache (that you thought was strangely cute, but you weren’t planning on mentioning it.) and he had beautiful blue eyes.

“So…” You began, testing your voice out. “Em, what happened?”

He gave a small chuckle. “Well, I was hoping you could tell me that. You showed up in Erebor, your presence unknown to everyone, and you were found, passed out on the ground.” The male said to her, sending her an uneasy glance.

You found yourself trying to move around, wanting to get up, but you were quickly stopped when a hand was placed on your shoulder to push you back into the pillows. “I’m sorry, but you should stay sitting, you had blacked out, it’s not going to be good if you get up and black out again.” He warned, his large hand soft against your shoulder.

The male reached over and grabbed something off the bedside table, pulling it into your line of vision. You gave a sigh of relief when you saw that it was a glass of water. “Here, drink this.” He said.

Happily, you accepted the glass and took gently sips, careful not to down it all at once, and when you were done, the male took it back. “Thank you.” You mumbled, scooting further down into the warm blankets.

“What’s your name?” The blond perked up, his curiosity taking the better of him.

You turned on your side to look at him, his blue eyes piercing yours as he patiently awaited your answer. “…I’m (y/n).” You introduced, hesitantly.

He smiled warmly at you, almost dreamily. “(y/n),” He repeated to himself. “It’s lovely.”

You felt a blush rise up to your cheeks at his compliment. “T-thank you… what’s yours?” You asked in response, your curiosity getting the better of you. “It’s only fair.” You added.

The dwarf sent you a cheeky smile. “Fili, at your service.” He introduced with a small bow.

“It’s nice to meet you Fili.” You smiled, cuddling yourself further up into the blankets.

Fili gave a deep chuckle, throwing his head back, making you smile. Thankfully, he seemed to notice how tired you still were, and he silenced himself once more. “Maybe you should get back to sleep, (y/n), you’ve been through a lot.” He offered, resting his hand right next to your face.

You were practically asleep already, your eyes slipping shut ever so slowly. You hummed almost inaudibly as you let your eyes slip shut. “Goodnight, Fili,” You muttered, not quite sure of what you were saying. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

The last thing you heard before you slipped back into the land of dreams was a warm laugh and soft lips press against your forehead, lulling you off to sleep that much faster.

“My pleasure, (Y/n).”
