
It’s time. #gone #finally #withoutatrace #itsover #end #thoughts #feelings #free #goodriddance

It’s time. #gone #finally #withoutatrace #itsover #end #thoughts #feelings #free #goodriddance #farewell #instamoment #instadaily #instagood #instalike

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mushroom-winners-proof:vanitas learns what it means to be in a Real Brother Relationship except its mushroom-winners-proof:vanitas learns what it means to be in a Real Brother Relationship except its mushroom-winners-proof:vanitas learns what it means to be in a Real Brother Relationship except its mushroom-winners-proof:vanitas learns what it means to be in a Real Brother Relationship except its mushroom-winners-proof:vanitas learns what it means to be in a Real Brother Relationship except its


vanitas learns what it means to be in a Real Brother Relationship except its a trilogy

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Yep! #reminisce #wedding #day #dreams #hawaiian #wedding #home #finally

I need some cool #BridesMaids #SocialMedia #GamesAndChallenges #LetsMakeThisFun #YouOnlyWedOnceRight #Haha #IDo #Q

submalevolentgrace:lauralot89:The Department of Fisheries in Hyderabad, India, is shaped like a fishsubmalevolentgrace:lauralot89:The Department of Fisheries in Hyderabad, India, is shaped like a fish



The Department of Fisheries in Hyderabad, India, is shaped like a fish.

finally, some good fucking architecture

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2021/10/19: Mob Psycho 100 III is confirmed with Tachikawa Yuzuru returning as director and Kameda Yoshimichi as character designer.

I’d really like to do these every month, so they can be a nice 4-5 fic affair. But grad school happened, so I’ve got a lot of lovely reads from the past several months to share!!

As always, alphabetical by author ft. me yelling under the cut!

Not There Yet by BigFatBumblebee - Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon, Gen, 10k
Summary:  We all know Obi-Wan Kenobi as the one of the strongest, wisest and bravest Jedi in the Jedi Order. But before he was High General Kenobi, The Negotiator, Council Member and Master of the Chosen One, he was an awkward 16-year-old Padawan who needed a bit of TLC.

The Queen, The Cavalier, and The Dragon by FireflyFish - Fem!Obi-Wan & Padme & Vader, 3.8k
Summary:  A Queen and her Jedi Knight flee across the galaxy, relentlessly chased by the Dragon they both loved.

Problem Patientby JellyJog - AU Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon, 1.2k
Summary:  From a tumblr prompt requesting quiobi where Obi-Wan chose to become a healer instead of following the path to become a jedi knight

Six Times Ahsoka Thought Her Grandmaster Was Dead, and the One Time He Actually Wasby LazarusII & Pandora151 - 1.4k, wip
Summary: A heavy silence fell over the lower levels of Coruscant’s undercity. Then, a quiet shuffling sound, almost like footsteps, sounded from above.A single blaster bolt rang out—followed by a pained cry. Things were happening too fast; Ahsoka’s heartbeat thundered in her ears, drowning out her surroundings.Her mind barely registered the flash of cream-white careening into the crates directly in front of her. A sickening crunch filled the air as the lifeless form of Obi-Wan Kenobi crashed to the ground. Ahsoka’s heart stopped.

Perception by LuvEwan - Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon & Dooku, Gen, 7.5k
Summary:  Master and apprentice are held captive. Obi-Wan is drugged, and unable to differentiate the past, present and future. Qui-Gon is a little shocked when rescue comes in the form of a figure from his own past: Dooku. The trip back to Coruscant is full of unexpected moments and emotions.

Candles Against the Sea by maychorian - Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon, Gen, 41k
Summary: It is several months after Melida/Daan, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon have been working to re-establish their bond. It’s been going well. Qui-Gon seems perfectly satisfied. But Obi-Wan is not.

The Sun Shall Not Smite Thee by maychorian - Obi-Wan & Qui-Gon, Gen, 
Summary:  It had taken the Jedi far too long to effect a rescue—over a week. By that time Obi-Wan was nearly delirious, on the edge of madness from loneliness and fear caused by his inability to touch the Force.

The Past Remains by otherhawk - Obi-Wan-centric, Gen, 15k
Summary:  The war drags on leaving trauma and destruction in its wake. After a bereaved Master is accused of harming his padawan, Obi-Wan is sent to talk to her, dredging up memories of his own past.

The Orchards by Raven_Knight - Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan, Gen, 3.6k
Summary: When young Obi-Wan Kenobi is injured on a previous mission, Qui-Gon Jinn refuses to accept further off-planet missions until his Padawan’s recovery. Yoda assigns the pair an in-Temple mission of utmost importance while Obi-Wan heals. Master and Padawan welcome the change of pace.

Protect and Nurture by Ren - Obi-Wan & 212th, Gen, 7k
Summary: “What do you mean he was taken by slavers!?” Rex winced, looking over his shoulder to make sure no-one had heard. He was hiding in a dark alleyway, and the last thing he needed was for this hiding spot to be blown by an outraged Commander.When their General is taken by slavers, the 212th is half-way across the galaxy. They must wait and pray that their brothers can get to him in time.

Not There Yet by BigFatBumblebee: This is straight-up sickfic, featuring all the best classic tropes. Looking now it seems like there might be some formatting issues in the desktop version, but I read this on mobile without difficulty. Poor Obi-Wan gets frustrated with the motherhenning of Qui-Gon and Tahl. “Meg, did you find this fic because you were searching through the Tahl tag again?” Sure did. Tahl is the best! I loved her interactions with grumpy, feverish Obi-Wan, and how she and Qui-Gon team up to make sure he takes his medicine and rests up. Very cute, worth the read! <3

The Queen, The Cavalier, and The Dragon by FireflyFish: This is so cool! I’m in love with the fairytale motif. This is a post-mustafar fix-it (sort of) with a focus on Obi and Padme parenting the twins and keeping them safe and trying to teach them their family’s history in a way that they can comprehend. I loved Obi and Padme kicking ass together, Leia was great, and Luke was so freakin’ precious omg <3

Problem Patientby JellyJog: I guess you could say that this one is less about the h/c, and more humor with the halls of healing as a backdrop, but I loved it so I wanted to include it nonetheless! Qui-Gon is such an ass and Obi-Wan is so confident and OVER his shit, it’s just peak QuiObi and I got a lot of laughs out of it. I liked Obi-Wan in the healer role, especially when it’s Qui-Gon he’s patching up. <3

Six Times Ahsoka Thought Her Grandmaster Was Dead, and the One Time He Actually Wasby LazarusII & Pandora151: Ouch! Just ouch! I loved the narrative style that really drove home the horror of this scene, I always expect great things from these authors and I am never ever disappointed!! I’m so excited to see where this goes next! I am NOT ready for it, because I assume they will get sadder and sadder as we move forward in the timeline and Ahsoka gets closer and closer to Obi-Wan. But fine, I didn’t need my heart anyways, go ahead and break it </3

Perception by LuvEwan: This is wonderfully unique! I love the tension between Qui-Gon and Dooku, and how weird it is for everyone involved to see Dooku being soft and caring with Obi-Wan - especially poor Qui-Gon doesn’t know what to make of it. I melted for how worried Qui-Gon got, even though he was trying not to motherhen too much in front of Dooku because he assumed Dooku would disapprove. What a good Jedi Dad. <3

Candles Against the Sea by maychorian: I implore you to check the tags on this one! But if you’re like me, and some of the themes warned for are a “maybe” for you, know that they’re dealt with here very tactfully and, I thought, very believable for Obi-Wan’s character. What I love most about this fic is how it deals with grief, and how it shows Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon and their different approaches to dealing with their pasts. And of course, I’m a sucker for fics that reference the Jedi Apprentice series! <3

The Sun Shall Not Smite Thee by maychorian: Ouch! This is a dark one! Just like the other fic by this author, it takes me back to my livejournal days and the Jedi Apprentice series. I loved how desperate and protective and fatherly Qui-Gon was, and it definitely scratched the itch for straight-up Obi-Wan whump. <3

The Past Remains by otherhawk: Please please please read the tags on this one before diving in! That said, I thought this was a really well-written and touching story, my favorite bit was probably Obi-Wan and Mace’s interactions, and just Obi-Wan with the Council in general because despite being one of them, it’s hard to escape the fact that most of them knew him when he was young too and the past still follows him. What I liked about this was also how messy it is - it’s not a black-and-white situation, and the different characters’ perspectives and conflicting memories are laid out to give the reader sort of an omniscient view of the story. <3

The Orchards by Raven_Knight: I died of cuteness! This is so domestic and fluffy, they’re freakin’ baking together, what more could anyone possibly want from a h/c fic? This one is for those of us who are 100% here for the comfort, not just the hurt. I really loved reading these two getting some downtime, and with all the asshole!Qui-Gon fics in this list, I’m really happy to include one that features Qui being sweet and protective and softly joking with his convalescent Padawan while they bond over apples! <3

Protect and Nurture by Ren: OUCH! This one doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to Obi-Wan and the aftermath of Zygerria. I loved seeing Cody, Rex, and Wolffe and their different reactions to the traumatic scenario. Motherhen!Cody cracks me up! For all that this story has a lot of “hurt”, there’s a lot of the “comfort” part too which is something I really appreciate. <3

by Bülent KirschbaumInstagram

by Bülent Kirschbaum


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Guys Cody will be in The Bad Batch season 2.

They released a different trailer online, but i just saw the Bad Batch panel at celebration and he is MOST DEFINITELY IN IT and he said something like “The empire… are we sure we’re doing the right thing?” when speaking to crosshair.

Our boy is showing some doubts And he still had his helmet.

Title: Order of DamnationPairing: VictuuriRating: EChapters: 21/?Summary: “People shouldn’t be afrai

Title: Order of Damnation
Summary: “People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.”

Life had never felt so stifled. Fear and anger resided in everyone, though no one had the power to stand up for themselves. Corruption was everywhere. In this city, so pleasant from the outside, but so twisted from within, no one is safe. There’s no happy endings here. When those who run this world are the ones twisting the knife in your back, what can you do? This is a world of pain, of torment, but there’s a group in the shadows, determined to put an end to this hell. In a world of kill or be killed, these assassins will take back this city, but what are they supposed to do when one of their own falls for the detective in charge of taking them down?

Everyone had been of different minds about it. Who was the one at the top of the insidious chain of horrors that were haunting the capitol? There was only one thing for certain. They were all pointing to Sara. Sara, or her family. She still didn’t understand any of it. It didn’t make any sense. Why would Mickey have caused the world to fall apart around them? Things were already bad in the capitol when Sara had killed for the first time. It just didn’t hold a candle to how awful things had become since then.  But that didn’t mean Mickey had rounded up the gangs, the vicious and cruel members of the society. It didn’t mean he was the one controlling it all. Did it?

The trip home had never felt so long and tense. Sara was already exhausted, but she knew the evening had only just begun. She had to prove to the others that she could be trusted. She had to do this for them, but that meant betraying her brother. Would it really be betrayal? Mickey was innocent. Sara had no doubt in her mind. He was capable of a lot of things in his desire to keep her safe, but he wouldn’t harm anyone. Doing this would be for Mickey, as well. This was the only way she could prove his innocence.

“Sara! You’re home late.” Mickey’s voice echoed through the hallway as she stepped inside, dropping a bag in the entrance.

She felt defeated, knowing she was going to have to do something, that she was being forced to lose faith in her brother. But, that’s not what it was. No, she just had to keep reminding herself that she was doing this to show them that he wasn’t the one they were looking for, that there was some other explanation for their name turning up.

“Dinner’s getting cold.”

Sara smiled as she walked into the dining room, seeing the table set up for the two of them. He’d made them dinner, a sweet gesture, but not surprising. He did those sorts of things for her all the time. She didn’t deserve him, and she knew it. He was smiling back at her and Sara’s heart sank just looking at it.

“Sorry, it’s been… a long day,” Sara crossed the room, gently ruffling Mickey’s hair as she walked by. She plucked the glasses from the table, “Tell you what, you’ve gone to all this trouble, maybe we should indulge tonight.”


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Thanks to these massive mass outbreaks, I FINALLY GOT MYSELF A SHINY ALPHA!

And actually…

I GOT 2 OF THEM! Fought 4 alphas at once for the first one, then the second one spawned in right after I caught the first one! RIP my poor team, but I caught them both!


My favourite part of the new chapter❤️


Alfred is the straight supportive grandpa, he is a great ally and everyone loves him, he makes the best rainbow cookies

Bruce is a disaster bisexual dad with a preference for women

Dick is a disaster pansexual icon, this man does not give two fucks about gender, he just loves to love everyone

Barbara is either bisexual or the best straight ally(second place to Alfred, of course)

Jason is pansexual and Polyamorous, his datemates are great and he loves them with all his heart

Tim is a chaotic gay with a coffee addiction and bad sleep habits, Kon always has to make sure that he takes care of himself

Steph is a raging chaotic bisexual, she’s like a Golden Retriver, must protect her at all costs

Cass is the best, I love Cass, she’s my smol bean and nobody’s allowed to touch her… she is either a lesbian icon or an asexual icon… or both… in any case Cassandra Cain is an icon

Damian is asexual and I also see him as demiromantic (also, I’m pretty sure him and Jon have something, it’s so pure and wholesome I just love it)

Duke Thomas, my baby is pansexual, another smol bean that must be protected at all costs… also, I think he is Non-Binary, but he uses he/him or he/they pronouns

Selina is the bisexual mom

And of course, as everyone should know this by now, Kate Kane, our lesbian wine aunt/gay cousin, honestly she’s the best, she will kick butt if someone tries to insult/disrespect you

in the light of the new *canon* information (finally), Tim is now a chaotic bisexual with a coffee addiction and bad sleep habits

Amazon Prime Video to Stream Final Evangelion Film on August 13Amazon Prime Video announced on Thurs

Amazon Prime Video to Stream Final Evangelion Film on August 13

Amazon Prime Video announced on Thursday that it will exclusively stream Evangelion: 3.0+1.01: Thrice Upon A Time (Shin Evangelion Gekijō-ban :||), the new version of the “final” Evangelion film, worldwide (except Japan) on August 13. Evangelion: 3.0+1.01 is the new version of Evangelion: 3.0+1.0: Thrice Upon A Time, and it began playing in Japan on June 12 for the film’s “last run.” The new version contains “minor revisions” to some animation sequences, but does not change the film’s story.

The film will stream with dubs in 10 languages including English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian. The film will also stream in Japanese with subtitles in 28 languages.

In addition, Amazon Prime Video will stream the first three films: Evangelion: 1.0 You Are [Not] Alone, Evangelion: 2.0 You Can [Not] Advance, and Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo in over 240 countries and territories.

The film opened in Japan on March 8. The film ranked #1 in its opening weekend. The film sold  2,194,533 tickets for 3,338,422,400 yen (about US$30.6 million) in its first seven days in 466 theaters in Japan. The film sold 33.6% more tickets for 45.1% more yen than the previous Evangelion film during their respective first seven days. The film earned the equivalent of US$3.4 million in 38 IMAX theaters during its first seven days— the second-highest opening week for IMAX screenings of a domestic title in Japan, behind only last year’s Demon Slayer – Kimetsu no Yaiba – The Movie: Mugen Train. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 also played in 82 theaters equipped for 4D screenings. 


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i finally got around to getting the firefox youtube dislikes extension and i think this enhances my experience immensely

i did not expect this to get notes. anyways heres the links to Return YouTube Dislike:https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/return-youtube-dislikes/andhttps://returnyoutubedislike.com/

and also heres the link to YouTube Enhancer (has really cool features like filters and the rewatch statistics bar): https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/enhancer-for-youtube/

you may have to play around with the settings to get a result that you want, but go nuts, have fun, go watch your favorite youtube videos

 While I started drawing early 2008 many things have changed finished school, moved places etc. but  While I started drawing early 2008 many things have changed finished school, moved places etc. but  While I started drawing early 2008 many things have changed finished school, moved places etc. but  While I started drawing early 2008 many things have changed finished school, moved places etc. but

While I started drawing early 2008 many things have changed finished school, moved places etc. but what stayed is I’ve always wanted to create my own story and now after this long time it feels closer then ever to achive

Thats why I am planning to finally start my comic in 2020 I cannot tell when yet, but I am confident to make it happen below is the first glimpse of one of my characters Jade who will be appearing in it

She is my oldest OC yet and I hope to finally give her a place in her own story called “ Jades Journey ” for now!

I don’t wanna drag this to long so to keep it short:
-I will try to update on JJ as frequently as possible

-Ask me about it if you are interested!

-The storys first page will be hostet on all my social media but then switches updates to it’s own seperate website Have a wonderful time in 2019 and hope to see you in 2020

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“welcome to the hotel california” — don felder & joe walsh (eagles)

“welcome to the hotel california”
— don felder & joe walsh (eagles)

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