

I tried something new with my boy Finrod

Drawing these two again after what feels like forever! The concept here is that Finrod is in denial

Drawing these two again after what feels like forever! The concept here is that Finrod is in denial about Bëor dying (and it’d be an even bigger punch to the gut since Bëor is the first mortal friend that Finrod will see die) T_T

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The recent ask inspired me to draw Finrod again, this time much younger :) Little Artafindё finally has long enough hair to partake in his older cousin’s braiding experiments.

A little requested Findarato Valinor-era reading some scrolls

Also, quality has been eaten and if you want to see better - please open this image

This still needs some polish, but it’s serviceable. 

Lirnes lindë curuvarwa,
Nastiéo, latiéo, úvórimarëo,
Pantiéo, paliéo, vartiéo.
Epeta Findaráto tassë soltola,
Lirnë lindenen paniéo,
Seliéo, mahtiéo túrenna,
Fóli muinëon,  túrëo vë mindo,
Ar estel alarácina, eterúnamëo, uswëo;
Ahiéo ar quaptiéo venwë,
Remmar cennëon, rácinë neumaron,
I mando latyala, i limil ya hatë.
Pontinna ar pónanna cúnanë lindenta.
Taltala quélala, vë vor ampoldavë
I lirië tiunë, Findaráto mahtanë,
Ar ilya ingolë ar túrë colles
Eldamaro minna quettaryar.
Mussivë i yarussë hlarnentë i aiwi
Lindala vahaia Ostossë Findaráto,
I cenië i ëaro ava,
I númenya Palurin pella, litsessë,
Litsessë marillava Eldamaressë.
Tá i umbaressë hostaina; huinë túlala
Valinoressë, i carnë sercë sírala 
Ara i ëar, yassë Ñoldor nahtaner
Falmari, ar mápala tuncer
Ninqui ciryantar ninqui lanníva
Londellon calyainë calmainen. I þúrë rama,
I ráca carë naulë. I alataquácor ramyar.
I helcë nurru i antossen i ëaro.
I móli nainala Angamandossë nyerë.
Raumo lamya, i nári urya –
Ar Findaráto ataltanë epë i mahalma.

He chanted a song of wizardry,
Of piercing, opening, of treachery,
Revealing, uncovering, betraying.
Then sudden Felagund there swaying,
Sang in a song of staying,
Resisting, battling against power,
Of secrets kept, strength like a tower,
And trust unbroken, freedom, escape;
Of changing and shifting shape,
Of snares eluded, broken traps,
The prison opening, the chain that snaps.
Backwards and forwards swayed their song.
Reeling foundering, as ever more strong
The chanting swelled, Felagund fought,
And all the magic and might he brought
Of Elvenesse into his words.
Softly in the gloom they heard the birds
Singing afar in Nargothrond,
The sighting of the Sea beyond,
Beyond the western world, on sand,
On sand of pearls on Elvenland.
Then in the doom gathered; darkness growing
In Valinor, the red blood flowing
Beside the Sea, where the Noldor slew
The Foamriders, and stealing drew
Their white ships with their white sails
From lamplit havens. The wind wails,
The wolf howls. The ravens flee.
The ice mutters in the mouths of the Sea.
The captives sad in Angband mourn.
Thunder rumbles, the fires burn-
And Finrod fell before the throne.
