#house of beor


Emeldir, who wished to fight beside her love,

chose instead to gather the women & children

and lead them from the terror of the battle

on a path through the mountains to safety.

Henceforth, she was called “the Manhearted.”

Women of House Bëor

Adanel was a Wise-woman who helped preserve the tale of Man’s original sin, when, soon after awakening, some Men chose to worship Melkor instead of Eru. She passed this story along to her niece, Andreth, who became known for her wisdom, as well. Adanel married Belemir and bore Beren, the great-grandfather of Beren Erchamion.

Andreth was the eldest daughter of Boromir, Lord of Ladros. She was raised by her aunt, Adanel, and surpassed her aunt in wisdom. After falling in love with the elven prince, Aegnor, Andreth vowed to never marry as she could not marry the person she truly loved. She was a close friend of Finrod Felagund and often discussed with him the lore of Elves and Men.

Emeldir the Man-hearted was a matriarch of House Bëor who led the women and children of her family to safety during the aftermath of the Dagor Balloch. Due to her bravery, she was given the nickname of “Man-hearted.” She married Barahir and bore the famous Beren Erchamion.

Beldis was a woman of House Bëor. She married Handir, the Lord of the Haladin, and bore a son, Brandir, who was permanently lame. She nurtured her son’s interest in nature instead of combat. She cautioned her son against aligning with Túrin Turambar, but her son fell under the curse of Turín and died by his sword. Her son was the last Chieftain of the Haladin.

Morwen Eledhwen was the Lady of Dor-Lómin and married Húrin of House Hador. She bore three children: Túrin Turambar, Lalaïth, and Nienor. She was described as being elven-like in beauty and possessed a stern, stoic manner. She was separated from her husband and remaining children during an Easterling attack on her land. She lived under elven protection until she was eventually reunited with her husband.

Rían was the cousin of Morwen Eledhwen. She was described as being gentle of heart, a lover of trees and wild flowers, and was known to compose and sing songs. She followed Emeldir to safety during the Dagor Balloch where she wed Huor whose brother, Húrin, married Morwen. When her husband unexpectedly died in battle, Rían gave birth to a son, Tuor, leaving him in elven care before dying of grief.

Morwen was dark-haired and tall, and for the light of her glance and the beauty of her face men called her Eledhwen, the Elven-fair; but she was somewhat stern of mood and proud. The sorrows of the House of Bëor saddened her heart; for she came as an exile to Dor-lómin from Dorthonion after the ruin of the Bragollach.”

The Childhood of Húrin, “The Childhood of Túrin”



You know how in the Grey Annals (…iirc) Bregolas and Barahir are sons of Beor rather than of Bregor? I’m going to go ahead and use that as an excuse to make them look uncannily like their distant ancestor, like… Luthien and Arwen levels of uncanny

For once, this isn’t even about Finrod emotions! It’s about the last formal leaders of the house looking like the first, like some sort of mildly upsetting foreshadowing

 “I will be cautious,” Finrod said, his blue eyes snapping wider as he took Beren’s worry in, and ch “I will be cautious,” Finrod said, his blue eyes snapping wider as he took Beren’s worry in, and ch “I will be cautious,” Finrod said, his blue eyes snapping wider as he took Beren’s worry in, and ch “I will be cautious,” Finrod said, his blue eyes snapping wider as he took Beren’s worry in, and ch “I will be cautious,” Finrod said, his blue eyes snapping wider as he took Beren’s worry in, and ch

“I will be cautious,” Finrod said, his blue eyes snapping wider as he took Beren’s worry in, and changed it to something stronger inside himself. “Believe me, I do not wish to fail any more than Maedhros does. I have you to think of, too.”

a space in your heart for my future

While everyone else is melting over Maedros, I’m over here thinking about the whole Beren-Lúthien-Finrod dynamic from @allthatglittersisnotgoldrush T_T <333 Their interactions are my lembas and miruvor, with a yummy athelas dip!

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A portrait of Beren before he cut off his braids, from @allthatglittersisnotgoldrush! I wasn’t satis

A portrait of Beren before he cut off his braids, from @allthatglittersisnotgoldrush! I wasn’t satisfied with the first portrait I did for him, so I tried my hand at it again; this is more how I envision him!

The beads in his braids aren’t from the AU; authors, I hope the y’all don’t mind! ^^;; I was just really inspired by Beren adding beads to Finrod’s braids, so I thought to myself, what if Lúthien heard about it and did something similar, but with jade beads strung through with red thread (pointing to her Chinese heritage)? Hers would have a romantic touch too, as opposed to the platonic/familial gesture of Finrod’s braids :DDD

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Drawing these two again after what feels like forever! The concept here is that Finrod is in denial

Drawing these two again after what feels like forever! The concept here is that Finrod is in denial about Bëor dying (and it’d be an even bigger punch to the gut since Bëor is the first mortal friend that Finrod will see die) T_T

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