#sapphic aesthetic



happy lesbian visibility day to my fellow cowgirls who love cowgirls!! ❤️


“She’s gone now,” Evelyn says. “The love of my life is gone, and I can’t just call her and say I’m sorry and have her come back. She’s gone forever. I regret every second I didn’t spend with her. I regret every stupid thing I did that caused her an ounce of pain. I should have chased her down the street the day she left me. I should have begged her to stay. I should have apologized and sent roses and stood on top of the Hollywood sign and shouted, ‘I’m in love with Celia St. James!’ and let them crucify me for it.”


A sapphic vampire show with angst and slowburn, created by V.E Schwab coming out during the fruity month??????

idk why but like,, i’m craving a date where we bake those shitty Pillsbury halloween cookies and try to replicate my ma’s apple cider recipe. then we make some microwave popcorn and watch trash horror films until 2 am

tell me if this is just a me thing or whatever, but my go-to gift is and will always be food.

imagine knowing your partner so well that you know exactly how to make their favorite dish? you know how spicy their chili has to be for them to enjoy it, or you know that they like a little bit of instant espresso in their chocolate cake? And then you set them down and watch them take that first bite, and you see how their eyes light up as they realize that you remembered something they thought was so unimportant, but not to you.

i know i’ve made posts about making food for or eating food with your girlfriend before, but that’s because food is one of those things that is universally used and can still be very personal❤️

do i think hallmark movies are repetitive, heteronormative, and a little misogynistic? yes.

would i start watching hallmark movies if they made one about a big shot femme CEO falling in love with a small town butch and learning the true meaning of christmas? also yes.



if any girl wants to get into a sword fight with me and pin me to the ground with a foot on my chest and her sword to my neck, sweat dripping down her neck, breath heavy, and her brows furrowed in concentration, trying to decide whether or not she should let me live,,,

i wouldn’t,,, object,,,


i’ve just now seen this and everyone else can go home, this is the funniest reblog i’ve seen

carving pumpkins, hayrides, and stomping on crunchy leaves would be so much better if you did it with your girlfriend

i like to sit and ponder about what life is gonna be like once i can finally be with my girlfriend physically. imagining all the cute little dates, conversations we’ll have… it truly makes my day

one day I’m gonna own a cottage in the country and live there with my wife and my cats and my sheep and my cows. and we’ll plant a garden together and we’ll go on really pretty walks together and we’ll have picnics together and we’ll bake bread together. and that’s all life will be

wouldn’t it be so beautiful if I was to have a girlfriend and I was to lie my head on her stomach and listen to her read a book to me. wouldn’t that just be so fucking beautiful?

what if I was to send pressed flowers to you in the post? what if you sent pressed flowers to me along with your favourite line from sappho’s poems? what if we went on a date for a picnic in a meadow? what if we were to buy a cottage in the forest and move in together? what if we were to get 50 cats to live with us?

you know, just what if? just a hypothetical
