#first main focus voice acting so epic


CRAIG:Token, people are asking about that Damien kid.

CRAIG: I don’t even know how he’s relevant to all of this, but last I heard, youwere the one who talked to him last.

TOKEN: Who the hell is on your blog asking this kind of stuff, dude?

CRAIG:Dude I don’t fucking know. People.



TOKEN: He was kind of like…

TOKEN:Not helpful at all.

TOKEN:He just told me all of this isourfault.

TOKEN: But he did say if I needed anything that I could call him, I guess?

CRAIG:Yeah that’s what they’re saying you should do.

TOKEN: He didn’t really… give me a phone number or anything, though.

CARTMAN:Ugh, can you guys shut up?

CARTMAN: It’s hard enough sleeping on all this hay without you guys yappingacross the freakin’ barn all night.


TOKEN: We’re trying to figure out what to do next, fatass.


CARTMAN:Do it where I can’t hear you guys.

CLYDE:D’you think… if we got his help. he’d get ridda the demons for us…

TOKEN:No, I don’t think so.

TOKEN: He told me unless we like, literally have a favor from the king of hell, we’re pretty shit outta luck.

TOKEN:I really wish I had been thinking a little more at that moment, I would’ve asked him for his number.

TOKEN: Even though… he was the one to tell meto callhim.

CLYDE:Well… maybeeeee…


CLYDE:Have you tried jus’ typing a bunch of sixes into the phone…

CLYDE:Heheh… gettit… ‘cause he’s like from hell and stuff and… 6… 66… yeah… nice…


CLYDE:Jimmy would’ve laughed at that…

CLYDE: I’m sure…




TOKEN:…Yeah, I bet he would’ve, Clyde…

TOKEN:Get some sleep, bud.

CARTMAN:Guys seriously I’m gonna hurl a bale of hay at you if you don’t shut up soon.

CRAIG: Go die Cartman.

CARTMAN:So I can come back as a stupid demon like the rest of those losers?

CARTMAN:No thanks.



TOKEN:I mean I guess it isn’t the dumbestidea Clyde’s ever had.

CRAIG:You’re seriously gonna try typing666 into the phone?

TOKEN:That or like,ten sixes to make it a proper number.

CRAIG: Is 666 even a real area code…?

TOKEN:Dude, I don’t know.

TOKEN: What else am I supposed to do right now.

TOKEN:I don’t suppose anybody in here has his number?

CRAIG:Nobody likes hanging around him and his stupid glasses.



TOKEN: I’m just gonna try this and see if it works.




TOKEN: Ugh, great. It just went straight to voicemail.


TOKEN: You know what.

TOKEN: I’m not even gonna bother leaving him a message, I doubt he’s going to listen to it anyways…

CRAIG: Cool, what a waste of time.
