#fjorn writes


This morning, I wrote 4 pages in my journal about some complex, philosophical topics: magical energies, the essence of life, mortality, and connectivity. Read this blogpost to find out how I handled them:

Sooo…I just launched my writing blog/website, steventdunn.wordpress.com! I hope some of you guys will support it—I think it’ll be fun (and hopefully a good way to build a small community of support).

The first post (which I also just published) is “Starting this Blogventure.” You can read that post in full right here, if you’d like:

Thanks in advance for any likes, reblogs, or reads! :)

Sometimes I have to go back to old illustrations to remind myself how much I still like my previous ideas—it’s too easy to fall into the trap of continuously changing things, after all.

I’m also thinking of starting a blog/website for my writing…a place where I can (more neatly) write about my inspirations, share tips, and blather about my current endeavors (i.e. conlang efforts and current worldbuilding focus—religion, history, etc.)…what do you guys think? Please let me know!

Support:shop my tea|buy me a coffee☕️

Switched from blue ink to sepia—and also wrote about a certain trinity of nature goddess. ☀️

I’m also thinking of starting a blog/website for my writing…a place where I can (more neatly) write about my inspirations, share tips, and blather about my current endeavors (i.e. conlang efforts and current worldbuilding focus—religion, history, etc.)…what do you guys think? Please let me know!

Support:shop my tea|buy me coffee☕️

History and harping go together, especially when writing fantasy.

Drawing Mountain Ranges

There are many ways to go about drawing mountains when mapmaking, but here’s a step-by-step guide for how I draw mine. It’s not a method that I came up with all on my own, but I nevertheless hope that my version will be helpful for some folk!

If you like this, please consider following me on TwitterandInstagram, as well. I would greatly appreciate it!

Sorry for not being very active here on Tumblr! I’ve found it stressful keeping up with so many different accounts, so I’ve retreated to Twitter (@Fjorn_Wanders) and Instagram (@fjorn-wanders) as of late.

Nevertheless, I know my Tumblr followers enjoy seeing runes in particular, so I’m posting something here as well this time:

If you think this is cool, please support my writing endeavors simply by liking this post, sharing it, and/or following my social media accounts—I also have a writing blog on Wordpress! I could really use the support to help boost my confidence and to keep trudging forward.

Many thanks to all, regardless!

My latest article for those who’d like to read it:

So…I recently started a proper aspiring-author/active-worldbuilder blog over on Wordpress, and maybe some of my followers here would like it? I write about my writing endeavors there, which is mostly worldbuilding stuff right now, but it will have more about my WIP later on. Here are the posts I’ve made so far:

Starting this Blogventure. (March 16th, 2020)

(Re)Writing the World Tree. (March 18th, 2020)

(Not) Answering those Big Questions. (March 28th, 2020)

Embracing Digressions. (April 4th, 2020)

Sketching an Elven Goddess on Sunday. (April 5th, 2020)

And most recently…

Writing Lore for…Clothing? (April 8th, 2020)

If any of that sounds interesting to you, I’d greatly appreciate any and all support. If it helps, they’re all pretty quick reads—I’ve actually managed to keep my blathering to a minimum, for once. I do hope you’ll give it a look, or at least give this post a share for other who may find it worth their time.

Many thanks!
