#florian zeller

Anthony Hopkins and Director Florian Zeller on the set of The Father.

Anthony Hopkins and Director Florian Zeller on the set of The Father.

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“The Father”, one of the movies nominated for Best Picture at the 2021 Oscars, tells the story of Anthony, an aging man dealing with dementia and the inability to make sense of what is happening to him. This is the directorial debut of Florian Zeller, who co-wrote the screenplay, based on Zeller’s play “Le Père”. The play is in French, and the main character is called André, but Zeller decided to write the screenplay in English and change the name to Anthony because the only actor he could imagine playing the part was Anthony Hopkins.


“The Father - Nulla è come sembra”, uno dei candidati nella categoria Miglior film agli Oscars 2021, racconta la storia di Anthony, un uomo anziano che soffre di demenza senile e non riesce più a capire quello che succede intorno a lui. È l’esordio alla regia di Florian Zeller, che ha co-scritto la sceneggiatura basata sulla pièce teatrale di Zeller “Le Père”. Il copione teatrale è in francese, e il protagonista si chiama André, ma Zeller ha deciso di scrivere la sceneggiatura in inglese e cambiare il nome in Anthony perché l’unico attore che riusciva a immaginare nella parte era Anthony Hopkins.








#thefather #thefathermovie #anthonyhopkins #oliviacolman #florianzeller #lepère #thefathernullaècomesembra #directorialdebut #play #theaterplay #bestpicture #bestactor #bestactress #markgatiss #imogenpoots #rufussewell #oliviawilliams #anne #anthony #frenchplay #theatre #london #paris #ludovicoeinaudi #cinematography #bensmithard #editing #yorgoslamprinos #academyawards2021 #oscar2021

I feel as if I’m losing all my leaves. The branches, and the wind, and the rain. I don’t know what’s happening anymore.

Anthony, The Father (2020)

 Top 5 movies watched in april:The Father, dir. Florian Zeller (2020)Shiva Baby, dir. Emma Seligman  Top 5 movies watched in april:The Father, dir. Florian Zeller (2020)Shiva Baby, dir. Emma Seligman  Top 5 movies watched in april:The Father, dir. Florian Zeller (2020)Shiva Baby, dir. Emma Seligman  Top 5 movies watched in april:The Father, dir. Florian Zeller (2020)Shiva Baby, dir. Emma Seligman  Top 5 movies watched in april:The Father, dir. Florian Zeller (2020)Shiva Baby, dir. Emma Seligman

Top 5 movies watched in april:

  1. The Father, dir. Florian Zeller (2020)
  2. Shiva Baby, dir. Emma Seligman (2020)
  3. Honey Boy, dir. Alma Har'el (2019)
  4. Nobody, dir. Ilya Naishuller (2021)
  5. Bad Trip, dir. Kitao Sakurai (2021)

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“Toby Stephens delivers a sublime performance, imbuing Pierre with the slick suaveness of a practised politician.”


“…a perfect casting  choice of a man who is losing control of the story in his head. Stephens is able to flex his  range and is exceptional in the most emotionally demanding moments.”


“Man 1, is superlatively performed by Toby Stephens. […] Stephens has a casual entitlement but also shades of Dostoevsky’s Raskolnikov in his secret desire to be caught, to confess and be punished.”


“Stephens is compelling as a man losing his grip on reality and lost in the forest, especially in a poignant speech about mask wearing, yet with a sharper tone on occasion, it is still believable that he may have gone too far.”


“Toby Stephens gives a gripping portrayal of a man whose privilege saves him from total collapse and Zeller’s exploration of guilt and lies feels fresh and sharp.”


“In short, a wonderful theatre (Hampstead in North London), a superb production (directed with aplomb by Jonathan Kent),  a scintillating cast and marvellous set design. What more could you ask for?”


Production photos by THE OTHER RICHARD.


Production photos of The Forest, Hampstead Theatre by The Other Richard (x)
