#olivia williams

Miss Austen Regrets Olivia Williams Imogen Poots

Miss Austen Regrets

Olivia Williams Imogen Poots

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Miss Austen Regrets Olivia Williams Hugh Bonneville

Miss Austen Regrets

Olivia Williams Hugh Bonneville

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“The Father”, one of the movies nominated for Best Picture at the 2021 Oscars, tells the story of Anthony, an aging man dealing with dementia and the inability to make sense of what is happening to him. This is the directorial debut of Florian Zeller, who co-wrote the screenplay, based on Zeller’s play “Le Père”. The play is in French, and the main character is called André, but Zeller decided to write the screenplay in English and change the name to Anthony because the only actor he could imagine playing the part was Anthony Hopkins.


“The Father - Nulla è come sembra”, uno dei candidati nella categoria Miglior film agli Oscars 2021, racconta la storia di Anthony, un uomo anziano che soffre di demenza senile e non riesce più a capire quello che succede intorno a lui. È l’esordio alla regia di Florian Zeller, che ha co-scritto la sceneggiatura basata sulla pièce teatrale di Zeller “Le Père”. Il copione teatrale è in francese, e il protagonista si chiama André, ma Zeller ha deciso di scrivere la sceneggiatura in inglese e cambiare il nome in Anthony perché l’unico attore che riusciva a immaginare nella parte era Anthony Hopkins.








#thefather #thefathermovie #anthonyhopkins #oliviacolman #florianzeller #lepère #thefathernullaècomesembra #directorialdebut #play #theaterplay #bestpicture #bestactor #bestactress #markgatiss #imogenpoots #rufussewell #oliviawilliams #anne #anthony #frenchplay #theatre #london #paris #ludovicoeinaudi #cinematography #bensmithard #editing #yorgoslamprinos #academyawards2021 #oscar2021

Film Hype #271. Led by the loathsome yet funny and touching child-star Benjie, we witness the convol

Film Hype #271.

Led by the loathsome yet funny and touching child-star Benjie, we witness the convoluted world of shallow, selfish celebrities and their minions, all of whom are about to be manipulated and destroyed by the young woman who literally represents the fruit of their twisted machinations, Agatha, Benjie’s tormented, apparently psychotic sister. As much as it is a sharp, comic look at a vacant and corrupt world, Maps to the Stars is also a haunting ghost story.

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