#flying machine

 Hello everyone! This is my latest creation, a tiny flying ship with three figures working on it. Th Hello everyone! This is my latest creation, a tiny flying ship with three figures working on it. Th Hello everyone! This is my latest creation, a tiny flying ship with three figures working on it. Th

Hello everyone! This is my latest creation, a tiny flying ship with three figures working on it. There is a steersman at the helm, a lookout on the top looking through a telescope and a stoker shoveling coal into the steam engine. The flying machine has been made out of tiny watch parts and the entire scene has been bulit inside a vintage pocket watch case. The front has been closed with a piece of glass from an incandescent bulb that I have cut to size. Enjoy!

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Retro-tech futuristic helicopter by Chris Foss. Those Stainless Steel feels, bro:https://www.pintere

Retro-tech futuristic helicopter by Chris Foss. Those Stainless Steel feels, bro:


Scanned from Hardware: The Definitive SF Works of Chris Foss.

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“Air4″ Renault 4L Volante,By TheArsenale and Renault “Air4″ Renault 4L Volante,By TheArsenale and Renault “Air4″ Renault 4L Volante,By TheArsenale and Renault “Air4″ Renault 4L Volante,By TheArsenale and Renault “Air4″ Renault 4L Volante,By TheArsenale and Renault “Air4″ Renault 4L Volante,By TheArsenale and Renault “Air4″ Renault 4L Volante,By TheArsenale and Renault

“Air4″ Renault 4L Volante,

By TheArsenale and Renault

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Birds and Human Flight

Birds and Human Flight

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Dick’s Dastardly Mean Machine concept art! Scoob edition!

Dick dastardly is Richy faveso vile villian!

Dude looks so lost like he just entered the workshop and forgot why
