


Aurelio Andreazzoli and his snake


Oh Stefan Kuntz is so fine


Jose Mourinho and that long


Souness bulge looking big once again


More hot daddy, Claude Puel

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[運動型] 長天田徑+足球仔⚽️

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Orange against Côte d'Ivoire,Watch LIVE HD in Coffeeshop IBIZA Amsterdam! #nederland #football #ne

Orange against Côte d'Ivoire,
Watch LIVE HD in Coffeeshop IBIZA Amsterdam! #nederland #football #netherlands #amsterdam #weed #coffeeshop

4 juni 2017, 19:00 - 21:20 uur. (bij Coffeeshop IBIZA Amsterdam)

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True Love While I have been known to mainly focus on Barcelona the team on my personal blog it is no

True Love 

While I have been known to mainly focus on Barcelona the team on my personal blog it is no secret it has never been my team. It was a team I used to respect and admired because of what the institution used to represent. But mainly I followed their games because of Xavi. I still love and admire him. He’s an amazing player and love his honesty both for life and football. The passion he feels for his team is what I feel for mine even though I don’t play in it nor do I actually play the sport… though I tried and failed badly lol 

Anyway, this blog was dedicated to that passion. However, my beloved teams have always been Juventus and Club America (Mexico). This post is about Juventus though. I didn’t have anyone to share my passion for this team so I mainly watched matches alone. No online friends who felt the same way as me. Until recent years that is. 

Since I was a child and first became aware of Juventus I became in love. I saw things in this team and with players I had not seen before and haven’t seen since. Being far away and with a language I can mainly understand when spoken only it has been hard to follow up on players and interviews but that never mattered. I love this team with such a passion I tend to lose sleep over it. Sometimes because I have to be up at 3 am to watch matches and sometimes because I’m so nervous about certain matches. 

Passion & Frustration 

I have felt just about every feeling there is to feel during my years of following Juventus. Well known scandals that made me feel ashamed for my team but weirdly enough it didn’t cause me to turn my back on them like so many others. I don’t feel proud of that moment and nor think its okay to do it. Took me a while to forgive but also feeling loyalty to the history of the club.

Now in recent days after our last champions league final I have felt kind of the same. Confusion as to what happened to our players after halftime. Something definitely happened but no one is saying anything. Its impossible to play such an amazing first half and completely give up on the second on a final. 

What frustrates even more though is the so called supporters turning their backs on players who have done nothing but fight and taken this team to where it is now. To say its all Allegri’s fault we lost and some saying he does it on purpose. Who wants to lose a champions league final? Why? One thing is to point out bad performances by individual players and another to say they need to go forgetting all the hard work done in a year. 

All I say is respect players’ overall work and respect the team you claim to love and support. Juventus has been making history with the help of Allegri and its so ugly how many are treating him and blaming him yet never have they thanked him for all the good things he has accomplished. So fast they forgot the trophies won. Some as recent as a few weeks ago. 


I love you. I respect you. I will follow you always.


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 MARCH 29: Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal reacts during the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qualifier

MARCH 29: Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal reacts during the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qualifier

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Is it football season already? (Wallace Kirkland. 1947)

Is it football season already?

(Wallace Kirkland. 1947)

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Hypnotist Franz Polgar messing with Texas football players(Michael Rougier. 1948)

Hypnotist Franz Polgar messing with Texas football players

(Michael Rougier. 1948)

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