

The Artemis Fowl movie feels like the creators just googled everything they thought they needed to know and then just went off that

Like, open source that crap.
One of us starts it, then whoever wants (even several people) can ink it, or change the sketch, color it, recolor it, fix errors, change lighting,
have several iterations going at once, and people adding their names as it goes around.
Ideally it would be in a format people could edit easily. I work with photoshop but I know not everyone does.

I just think it’d be a fun, interesting project, especially if people really let loose on it.

happy pride! the book that turned you into the gay adult you are is like 20 years old!happy pride! the book that turned you into the gay adult you are is like 20 years old!

happy pride! the book that turned you into the gay adult you are is like 20 years old!

Post link







Okay but imagine Artemis Fowl going through his voice change.
Artemis having important conversations with Foaly and his voice cracking all the while.
Artemis speaking over the phone with Holly and her mocking the sudden changes on his voice
Butler trying not to laugh when Artemis explains his schemes to him.
Myles and Beckett asking Artemis to read Shaggy’s lines.
Just imagine Artemis Fowl II going through his voice change

“iF i wIN Im a PrODIgy. iF I LoOse thEN IM crAzY. EIthEr wAY hIsToRY iS WrITten.”

“I was bROKen bOy”

“Trust me, I’m A GeNIUS.”

“BUTler makE my sAndwIch”

“I don’t liKE LoLLiPoPs.”

I feel like crying





Hello fellow Fowlers!

I thought it would be pretty cool if we started a project!

Why do I do this? Well, I do this because from all the fandoms I am in, I love the fowldom the most.

Anyways, I love how the Fowldom sticks together. We’re probably one of the smallest fandoms on this platform, which is sad since tumblr is the ultimative webside for fandoms. No, yet we are one of the smallest fandoms and still we do everything to keep it up.

We have awesome fan art, fantastic blogs (Just to name a few of my favourites: @d-butler, @fowldom-headquartere, @artemisfowlfiles, @duh-arvit, @dearhollyshort, and a loooooot more of course!), amazing headcanons, inaccurate quotes and so much more small things, which can make Fowlers happy even though we’re so little.

I now own the blog @mudboyfowl, and I decided that it would be cool to start a project and keep it going until the day we all agree on to stop it. Could be in a few months, maybe even a little longer, I don’t know.

What will we do? We will plot headcanons together* and they later will be posted on @mudboyfowl (of course you can post them on your blog too, no question!), you can submit your fanart and we could sometimes start a fanart chain: We decide on a, a little bit longer scene from one of the books, and then people get a small part of the scene which they draw, so we have a whole scene, drawn in different styles and multiple pictures and idk I thought that idea was cool. We can also create and write alternative universes together!

(*Of course you can send in your own headcanons, you don’t have to ‘discuss’ it with other fowlers if you don’t want to.)

If you have any idea what other things we could do (I’ve read about writing a musical for fun on here - this idea was honestly so cute wtf), feel free to submit it!

So. Everything will be posted on @mudboyfowl, and later, we’ll have a nice, cute blog with everything the Fowldom wants to be in it and we can always look back at what we did together! Everyone’s idea and opinion gets accepted of course and we discuss everything via Reblogs (causes long posts of course, but will be written in one and shorter for the special blog), or via private messages.

Maybe it even offers a chance to get to know new people who share the same love for Artemis Fowl, who knows! :)

You can of course submit something that is already posted. Just make sure to reblog it and tag @mudboyfowl. I will then reblog it as well and caption it.

I got this idea during class with my friend. What do you think? We of course do not have to do this. You can tell me what you think of this idea, I would be glad to know.

xo, Imane <3

:3 I just wanted to say that I’m really super duper honoured to have been included in that tiny shout out. Also, @alterouspotato is doing something similar to this! :D it’d be great if you two talked about this :P

I’m so glad my musical idea has been well received ^_^ :3 Anyways, the Fowl Project should be a thing! The idea sounds amazing, and even if we’re a small fandom, we must do everything to keep up our momentum!

As for me, I’d like to say - sign me the D'Arvit up.

Thanks for the shoutout, @fowldom-headquartere! -^_^-

@live-long-and-wait-for-sherlock and I started a forum on Fanfiction.net a little while back for RP’s and discussions. We’ve had people sign in but not really any participation, so there’s that if anyone’s ever interested. :)

I am so on board with this. I’m not a great artist, but I’ve always had a way with words. I’ll definitely be offering up some headcanons, and I’m more than willing to write out ficlets based on various headcanons and AU’s if ever we have a need or desire for it. :3

I’m so glad to have all of us here together on this site, keeping the fandom alive. It just makes me so happy!

Wow I didn’t expect this much love and will to do this from you guys! This is truly amazing and it feels so great that people would actually join.

I was rather anxious to post my idea at first, but I just thought “Imane, just freaking do it.”

And it turned out to get so much love it’s wonderful.

Sure, if anybody has started something similar to this, we can always talk about it, feel free to PM me!

xo, Imane <3







Tbh I’d rather have a stage musical for AF instead of a movie.

I was thinking about this today. Like A Very Potter Musical, right?

Guys can we imagine Arty singing his lines just for a sec? Do you even imagine the amount of drama that every Opal number would have??

Holly: Stay back, human
Artemis: *scoffs* Oh please
Holly: you don’t know what you’re dealing wiiiiith~

*killer hip hop playing in the background*
Butler: “argh”? Well yo mothers must be so very proud

*sad piano*
Artemis *in a sad tone* Ever since my father went away/mother really hasn’t been the same/my plots and shcemes/could never fix/this hollow felling in my chest

Oh please

Whenever Juliet enters the scene she throws green glitter into the air

and suddenly

when Artemis and Opal face each other

it turns into a sick Rap Battle




It’s been driving me crazy that I paradoxically want to create headcanons for Butler and don’t want to go against any canon that Colfer has been hiding from us. So I was wondering if we should maybe start discussing headcanons and maybe try to agree on a few. A fandom canon, if you will.

You can completely ignore this if you want or send me a message telling me to grow a backbone and headcanon anyway (which would actually be really helpful as I am an anxiety-ridden cinnamon roll who can almost never take initiative without permission of some kind), but I just think it would be an interesting experience that might bring the Tumblr fandom closer together.

At the very least we need to agree on which countries Butler’s parents were from…

I suck at headcannoning, but I’m game! :D

I’m so joining! :D


I’mma let you finish with your more popular books about 2 dimensional white teenagers but Artemis Fowl had one of the best character developments of all time for all characters and had a gr8 portrayal of women and POC 

“I’m just a girl nobody notices. I am too shy to talk to my crush, he’s the most popular guy in school, captain of the football team and dating the most beautiful girl. Could my life be any worse?”

“I’m a person that found how to use crime for the greater good. I am a criminal mastermind, and I’m just a teen, like you are. I stole an amount of gold you can’t even imagine at the age of twelve, was on a radioactive train, took a whole company down, fought against a power-addicted pixie, was trapped in a dimension and switched an eye with a friend, traveled in time, had an illness that showed completely new sides of me, died and came back. Who do you think you’re talking to?”

“Yes but-”

“This little idiot kidnapped me and it turned out that we had to work later on with him. I had to deal with sexism and discrimination basically my whole career as a captain, and being the first and only female captain, only the best was accepted from me, and I’m not even a meter tall.”

“But I-”

“As a woman, society would say I shouldn’t show that much interest with wrestling and fighting. I should ‘go out, meet boys and have fun’ - instead, I stay at home, spend time with the parents of the kids I babysit all day, every day. I attend wrestling matchs and watch them. I don’t care what you say, I love myself the way I am.”

“Yes but I love a guy that doesn’t know I exist.”

“I was shot and almost died just to protect my principal and would never hesitate to go through that again if necessary. I put his life over mine, since the day he was born, and after his death I couldn’t accept it and myself. I didn’t attend his funeral - I believed he wasn’t dead. I would’ve failed.”

“I‘m the one no one appreciates! I do things too, but who cares about that?”

“I customized and built the best weapons and technic for the LEP. Yet my boss decided to keep the one’s of my nemesis. Everybody knew I had to get everything right, everything had to work. If it did, whatever - no one cares, it’s what the expect from me. If I didn’t, I failed and everybody is angry with me. All I ever wanted to hear was a simple ‘thanks’ and a little more appreciation for everything I do.”

“But Kylie is just so annoying! She, she - always wants people to adore her cuz she has the looks but no one knows the doesn’t have the brain!”

*everybody looks at Opal*

*Opal is examining her nails*

“I have both and only use the brains, honey.”
