#french vocabulary


Fat Lip Vocab

casualty- une victime, qqn ou quelque chose blessé ou perdu (typiquement en guerre ou catastrophe naturelle)

victim- une victime

society- la société

old people- personnes âgées

mullet- une nuque longue

brat- un gamin

abortion- un avortement

to be sick of- en avoir marre de

to waste time- perdre du temps

to crave- désirer, souhaiter ardemment

to fall in line- rentrer dans le rang

don’t count on me- ne pas compter sur moi


verdoyant (adj) - green, verdant

fantasmagorique(adj) - fantastical 

ardent(adj) - intense, burning, passionate, fiery

insalubre(adj) - unhealthy, unsanitary 

factieux(adj) - factious

mâtiné(adj) - crossed, blended 

énigmatique(adj) - enigmatic, mysterious

impair(adj) - odd (number)

propice(adj) - favourable, suitable, acceptable

païen(adj) - pagan

féru de (adj) - keen on, passionate about

Words taken from: Prague, ville de légendes et sortilèges

pencilfury:Des fruits avec un ananas méchant (Fruit with a nasty pineapple).


Des fruits avec un ananas méchant (Fruit with a nasty pineapple).

Post link


*The difference between many of these verbs is very slight, as it is in English - for example, on what basis do we make the distinction between ‘he grumbled’ and ‘he grunted’? For this reason, giving a one-word translation has been hard, and many overlap.

chuchoter - to whisper

murmurer - to murmur 

marmonner - to mumble

grommeler - to mutter

bafouiller - to stammer 

bredouiller - to babble

bégayer - to stutter (speech disorder)

hurler - to yell, scream

crier- to shout, scream

aboyer- to bark

dire d’une voix rauque - to croak

bougonner, grommeler - to grumble

grogner - to growl, grunt

siffler- to hiss

gazouiller- to chirp, babble (baby noise)

pousser un cri strident / un hurlement - to screech, shriek

beugler, gueuler, brailler - to bellow 

éclater de rire - to burst out laughing

hurler de rire - to shriek with laughter

pouffer de rire - to giggle

glousser- to chuckle

ricaner - to snicker 

soupirer- to sigh

pousser un soupir - to heave a sigh

haleter - to pant, gasp (out of breath)

avoir le souffle coupé - to gasp (surprise) 


Another post inspired by @asian-lang-stubyblr‘s post about learning 625 common words in your target language, this time in French (my previous one was in Dutch). Note that I am learning, so if you have any corrections, please tell me and I’ll fix them.

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