#friday fic rec


Happy Happy Late (for me at least) Friday!

I desperately needed to read a bit of happy this week, so I hope you’ll join me in reading this extremely fun fic.

There’s Something About Harry by Barry_Manilows_Wardrobe (28,007 words, rated M)

Harry Potter is just your average Parapsychologist. In conflict with his Department Head, D. Lucius Malfoy, and sometimes venturing into a paranormal world in order to help people in distress.

Who just happens to be surveilled by MACUSA and the Ministry.

This fic was bright and silly and incredibly fun. In this alternate universe, Harry is American paranormal psychologist, hunting down zombies (ahem, inferi) and ghosts and other mystical things much to the chagrin of his colleague and fellow psych professor, Dr. Draco Malfoy. After an incident, they’re forced to take anger management classes and something besides anger begins to simmer between them.

I understand this fic might not be to everyone’s tastes - if it sounds wacky, well, that’s because it is! But I hope you give it a chance, not in spite of its wackiness but because of it, which makes it feel fresh and new. It reminded me of that Roger Ebert quote about The Mummy:

“…I was cheered by nearly every minute of it… I can say that I was not bored and sometimes I was unreasonably pleased.”

I was unreasonably pleased by this fic, cheered by every minute of it, and laughed out loud several times, which was exactly what I was looking for.

❤️ Lots of Love and Happy Friday ❤️
