










okay i have a loki question

how the fuck did odin sneak him into asgard?

like, heimdall saw that shit right? odin comes back through the bifrost and heimdall is just “…………….”

heimdall: that’s a baby

odin: yes! he’s my son! ………..loki. i’m going to dress him in green and black, because that worked great last time

or odin comes back and is trying to figure out, how to play it, and heimdall and frigga are just waiting for him and completely deadpan

frigga: ah, husband! you have returned from war in time to meet your newborn son. who i had. after being pregnant. secretly.

odin: what



loki: *baby noises*

odin: right

honestly, i just need heimdall going up to frigga like “you won’t believe what your husband just did”

odin: he’s a replacement for the child I had to lock away in the shadow realm.


odin: I’ll do better by this one.  I know I will.


heimdall: You mean Frigga will.

Odin: Please can we keep it? It’s cute and changes colours and smiles at my empty eye socket. I promise I’ll take care of it I’ll feed it every week and I’ll dress it in green and black and I’ll teach it to throw knives and it will be great!

Heimdall: Frigga, he stole a baby. Say something.


Funny as this is, I think it gives Odin way too much compassion and fatherly skills. I picture it more like this:

Odin: I return to Asgard with the abandoned son of Laufey, who is now our political prisoner.

Heimdall: ……that’s a baby.

Odin: ……..well, yes, technically.

Frigga: …….he’s my son now. 

Odin: I’m not sure if - 

Frigga: don’t talk to me or my son ever again

Odin: But, Frigga…

Frigga walking away with the baby: You know, for a guy who gave up an eye to have the ability to foresee the future and all that, you really are pretty blind.

Odin: So, I have no depth perception. Sue me.

Heimdall: they wonder why I don’t go to family dinners…

I know a great many followers of Norse religions who believe Odin should’ve gotten his eye back.

ODIN: I have returned victorious! See, I have brought–

FRIGGA: My child.

ODIN: What?

FRIGGA: I’m your wife; if you’re bringing a baby into my bedchamber, it had damn well better be mine.

ODIN: …but this is…

FRIGGA: The next words out of your mouth had better not be, “an innocent baby that I’m going to keep imprisoned for political gain.”


FRIGGA: Give me my son.

ODIN: …o…kay?

FRIGGA: Better start telling people this is your son, because I assure you I will have no problems telling people this is Laufey’s son.

ODIN: Heimdall! Please announce to the realm that I have a new son!

It keeps getting better….!

“FRIGGA: Better start telling people this is your son, because I assure you I will have no problems telling people this is Laufey’s son.”

i can’t just get over the fact that this smiley and beautiful woman, my Frigga, was about to die just hours later after we saw her… she absolutely didn’t deserve that shit.
