#fritz smith


Got bit by an art bug and decided to design outfits for the Fnaf humans bassed off the animatronics they’re associated with

It was fun

There’s a few peeps I forgit but I’m out of inspiration so maybe I’ll make a part 2


MEET THE FAZCREW!! aka the main four that run around the pizzaria and manage it

williamandhenry are the founders of the establishment, and the ones that really keep the business afloat. they go around fredbear’s talking with the folks and performing onstage :]

william focuses on the business and entertainment side, while henry focuses on the mechanics and engineering

☎️phone guy (goes by all pronouns btw)!! hes the guy that manages all the pizzaria’s marketing. they answer all the phone calls they get, and is overall the coolest guy to talk to,, she helps introduce new employees and security guards to the establishment :)

and lastly, fritz smith (goes by they/them)! the oddball, youngest, newest, and quietest of the four, but is the main backbone of the place. they deal with the mechanics, fixing the animatronics and repairing machines as they go by. they like to stay away from the crowd and man the establishment backstage.

theyre super close friends with phone guy and henry, seeing henry as a dad figure and pg as motivational support!! william to fritz is. terrifying. mainly because of how energetic will is and how . EXTREMELY TALL he is to fritz

i cant wait to make more fritz and william content bc. as much as fritz is besties with phone guy and henry, william is absolutely terrifying to fritz HQGWJWHSN

imagine this goofy ahh dude towering over you and ur just a. really tiny tv person.

fritz. tHEY ARE TERRIFIED from williams over the top demeanor. will and fritz are two completely different people with personalities in opposite directions

anyways you are VERY FREE to ask anything about the fazcrew and fritz :]

MEET THE FAZCREW!! aka the main four that run around the pizzaria and manage it

williamandhenry are the founders of the establishment, and the ones that really keep the business afloat. they go around fredbear’s talking with the folks and performing onstage :]

william focuses on the business and entertainment side, while henry focuses on the mechanics and engineering

☎️phone guy (goes by all pronouns btw)!! hes the guy that manages all the pizzaria’s marketing. they answer all the phone calls they get, and is overall the coolest guy to talk to,, she helps introduce new employees and security guards to the establishment :)

and lastly, fritz smith (goes by they/them)! the oddball, youngest, newest, and quietest of the four, but is the main backbone of the place. they deal with the mechanics, fixing the animatronics and repairing machines as they go by. they like to stay away from the crowd and man the establishment backstage.

theyre super close friends with phone guy and henry, seeing henry as a dad figure and pg as motivational support!! william to fritz is. terrifying. mainly because of how energetic will is and how . EXTREMELY TALL he is to fritz
