#fun facts



some new gravity falls secrets







[Image Description: Screenshot of a tweet by damita jo (@KiaSpeaks) reading “For the first time in 30years, Muslims, Jews, Christains, Sikhs, Baha’is, Hindus, Buddhists & Indigenous nations will observe holidays simultaneously, with Ramadan, Passover, Easter, Vaisakhi, Mahavir Jayanti, Theravada New year, and the Gathering of Nations all occurring in April.” End Image Description.] 

Happy Everything

It was also Bengali new year yesterday!

[ID: drawings of five oc’s with dark purple pixel lines and colored solid pink. next to each of them[ID: drawings of five oc’s with dark purple pixel lines and colored solid pink. next to each of them

[ID: drawings of five oc’s with dark purple pixel lines and colored solid pink. next to each of them is the company they have ties to. the first image is of janus and trip. trip is a tall wide-shouldered bodyguard, wearing a suit, sunglasses, and a loose braid. he’s holding an arm up for janus to hold onto. janus is shorter and fat, wearing a dress with a bowtie, a feather boa around zir shoulders, and with cornrows. ze’s holding trip’s arm and leaning away, making a peace sign. their company is called skate mate, stylized as SK8M8 with a skateboard underneath.

the next image is of torque, red, and jeff. torque is a short kid wearing a robe with the hood up over its head. it’s also wearing robotic gloves, and its company is called delta with a spiral triangle beside it. red is a short fat person with mismatched robotic parts replacing everything but their face. they’re wearing a lab coat and have their hands in the pockets. their company is redlight studio, with two glowing antennae on either side of the word “studio.” jeff is a tall skinny guy with short hair wearing a suit. he has his hands clasped together and a big smile. his company is radlabs written with only straight lines in the letters. end ID]

janus (ze/zir), trip (he/him)
torque (it/its), red (they/them), jeff (he/him but in the cis way)

not completely set on the names and everything yet but these are the bosses for the game im going to give up on making eventually. jeff will be the only killable character

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Countdown to Season 6: 14 Mondays Left!
-> 3x11 behind-the-scenes fun fact courtesy of Tim via TV Insider
