


What the fuck is going on…

“Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.” – H.G. Wells

I’ve seen a somewhat alarming number of white straight women in pagan/heathen spaces advocating for “defending the traditional Western way of life,” specifically as an attack on queer and trans people. You know the values you’re fighting for are basically explicitly fundamentally Christian, right? Once that “traditional way of life” has fucked over the people you don’t like, you think it won’t come after your ability to run your own (probably essential oil or life coaching related) business? You think that rolling back all the progress people have fought for will stop just short of your own rights? What “ancient ways” are you claiming to practice, when their Venn diagram with Southern Baptist beliefs is a single circle?

  • Exploit influence over mindless followers to gain political power
  • Disallow scientific education in schools, creating a cycle of ignorance 