
I really doubt using creationism to segue into evangelism is nearly as effective a tactic as fundies

I really doubt using creationism to segue into evangelism is nearly as effective a tactic as fundies like to think.

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“We are oppressed by facts! They’re everywhere!”

“We are oppressed by facts! They’re everywhere!”

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I love it when fundies list out all the boogeymen of the hour because in like 10 years they won’t ev

I love it when fundies list out all the boogeymen of the hour because in like 10 years they won’t even care about half these issues

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And told to you that it’s true by people hundreds of generations away from the original writer

And told to you that it’s true by people hundreds of generations away from the original writers.

Via Kay H.

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  • Disallow scientific education in schools, creating a cycle of ignorance 
pangur-and-grim: singerin:pangur-and-grim:question: why does Ark Encounter, a religious propaganpangur-and-grim: singerin:pangur-and-grim:question: why does Ark Encounter, a religious propaganpangur-and-grim: singerin:pangur-and-grim:question: why does Ark Encounter, a religious propaganpangur-and-grim: singerin:pangur-and-grim:question: why does Ark Encounter, a religious propagan




question: why does Ark Encounter, a religious propaganda “museum” that, among other things, proclaims that a) Noah hand-fed pterosaurs and b) the government is covering up evidence of a second biblical flood on Mars, have some of the BEST prehistoric reconstructions I’ve ever seen?

the top guy is Pakicetus, mother of modern whales. next is a Dicynodont, Cotylorhynchus (a RIDICULOUS stem-mammal), and an Istiodactylid pterosaur.

but truthfully, what I’m most desperate to see is the diorama of giants being fed to a beautiful Carnotaurus


@pangur-and-grim Not just HIS bankroll, sadly. Also a looooot of money from local taxpayers sunk into that crazy ass massive propaganda boat. It’s right up the highway from me in KY. The Ark people talked the county and state into ENORMOUS tax credits and incentives because it was going to be soooooo successful and create insane tourist dollars and traffic…but it didn’t…because it’s *CRAZY TOWNE.*

I can only hope that it’ll go bankrupt, be sold off, and turn into a kitschy, tongue in cheek roadside attraction like those in Rock City outside Mammoth Cave.

this is in response to my tags:

oh dear, that make it significantly less fun

I’m also extremely impressed with the accuracy and realism of their animal models.

I bet the artists were like “Meh, a job’s a job, baby”

And I find it strange how creationists love to show prehistoric animals on the ark.

If I were a creationist, I would find it the perfect excuse to say “…well, those animals all died in the flood, because they didn’t have enough room on the ark”, or something.

(Remember, back when dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals were beginning to be discovered and named, in the days of Georges Cuvier, the strict, unbending belief was that nothing could EVER go extinct.)

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God literally had the worst beta test of all time. Either that or the Bible really truncates Adam and Eve’s “companionship”. How do you go from a sandbox and rib appendages to paranoid schizophrenia and poisoned apples within a 48 hour period?

I hope that God expected to be canceled in His first season.

So less religion means more good people? how can it be possible if Atheists and creationists are goo

So less religion means more good people? how can it be possible if Atheists and creationists are good and evil in the same rate?


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Somewhere I read something which kind of says:- How do you feel about a gay teacher with your childr

Somewhere I read something which kind of says:

- How do you feel about a gay teacher with your children at school?

-Well if the teacher teaches facts, I don’t have any problem.

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EPIC. #god #man #creationism #creationist #idiot #satire #religion #mancreatedgod

EPIC. #god #man #creationism #creationist #idiot #satire #religion #mancreatedgod

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If life is so complex that it needed a designer and creator: Then it stands to reason that the designer and creator must also be so complex that it too would require a designer and creator and so on ad infinitum. So the God hypothesis does not simplify anything- it makes it more complex in direct defiance of Occam’s razor.
