


you just lost the game lol

Love it when a major client poses something as a general question so that I take the call individually when actually it’s a very specific question with an extensive amount of potential exposure for them and something my boss definitely should be on the call about.


10 years is a long time.

usually that length of time expands as distance psychologically, and gives us space for healing, but obi-wan has not moved on at all—physically he’s abiding in a liminal space on the edge of civilization, bound by a sort of invisible tether to anakin’s child, and psychologically, he’s still dreaming about him, still living in a fog. hearing anakin’s name still makes him flinch like it’s a physical blow.

the fact that after a decade he’s still waking up with nightmares, still living in that same mental space full of unprocessed trauma, like he hasn’t let himself process, despite all his solitude and time for meditation and reflection, he hasn’t allowed himself to let go in all the ways that matter. he is still clinging on to the past, and it makes sense!! to lose your entire world, all your loved ones, betrayed and hunted. i wouldn’t let go easily either.

he’s really and truly not a jedi in the beginning of the show, because he’s not practicing the jedi philosophy at all—he’s not helping others. not letting go. it’s like when he was enslaved on kadavo during the clone wars, and beaten when he tried to help others, until he stopped trying, because he thought it was better, that he couldn’t help without harming. it sapped something vital from him, something that was missing in the show as well, until he made the choice to try.

the show has chosen a beautiful character arc for him, and one that is going to rip my heart into a thousand pieces. he is going to let go of anakin, and release that lingering, itching sense of failed ownership over his future. he is going to give up on anakin, and by doing so, he is going to gain resolve, purpose, and hope. he will find his way back to the force, hear the voice of qui-gon, and build a home, instead of lingering on the fringe of civilization like some kind of ghost.

it took 10 years for him to release his guilt and shame, and we get to watch him be freed from that chrysalis, bless and thank.

‘Obi-Wan is going to give up on Anakin.’ 


when he casually gropes your tits and pinches your nipples mid-conversation to remind you that your body belongs to him…… wow, yes please.


now im screaming and crying and throwing up abt the fact that flint’s fate at the end of the show is largely predicated on the degree to which any given viewer trusts silver’s word. this, in turn, depends almost entirely on what any given viewer thinks they know about him or wants to believe that they know about him. like of course. of course that’s how it ends. like we are left to look at flint’s ending through madi’s eyes, through the eyes of someone who once loved silver (a version of silver? which version?) but cannot recognize him any longer—and one of the last questions that the narrative asks is, who was right? who do you think was right? silver or flint? can you know someone without knowing their story? is the past always relevant or can it be irrelevant? is silver lying? if he is, how much is he lying and about which part and why? how can you tell? how do you know? do you know him? how much do you know him? does it matter? and its like please please please i want to get off this ride let me off let me OFF



America’s Favorite Pastime

Rated X | 2260 words | Posted on AO3


He keeps backing out into the hallway, and she keeps tugging him back through the door by his shirt collar. Up on her tiptoes in her highest heels, her mouth is like a siphon pulling both his willpower and his ability to think critically out through his mouth. He knows they are seconds away from a bad choice. Not bad because they shouldn’t be doing it, but because they made an agreement. Slow. They agreed to take it slow.

In his defense, when they made that agreement they’d only just barely kissed, close-mouthed and briefly. He hadn’t known that she kissed with her entire soul, that he’d feel like he was being concurrently devoured and set on fire. He had never heard these sexy little whimpers that are currently sending blood rushing to his cock, or felt the hungry press of her teeth into his bottom lip.

Keep reading


[ID: A digital illustration of various drawings of Edward Teach from Our Flag Means Death. From left to right Ed is looking to the right and smiling, in the next drawing Ed is looking up and to his right with a curious expression, in the next drawing Ed is looking up and to the left with a smile, and in the final drawing Ed is looking ahead with a concerned expression. Behind the drawings of Ed is a drawing of a treasure map. End description.]

The sweet goth pirate has stolen my heart <3

the grasp he has on me
