
Post-Con Print Sale! - Star Trek TNG and OG Series, Rainbow-Foil Screenprints, and other limited-edi

Post-Con Print Sale! - Star Trek TNG and OG Series, Rainbow-Foil Screenprints, and other limited-edition prints available now in my Store (link in profile). #jbudich #joshuabudich #art #sale #illustration #prints #silkscreen #screenprinting #ink #drwho #gallifrey #anime #neongenesis #startrek #thenextgeneration #mononoke #ghibli #foil #shiny

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Oh, come on, Doctor, catch up. You can do it.

always lovin sacha dhawan’s acting

commissions open, support me on ko-fi.com/gottlieb

I made Braxiatel, Romana, and Narvin from unmodified LEGO parts. Leela’s arms are swapped, her legs are custom printed, and her loincloth (which I hand-painted) is from @brickwarriors

Doctor Who Spoilers…

So I just finished the newest season of Doctor Who and I can’t help but feel that the Master is not only insane, bloodthirsty, and reckless, but also completely suicidal. He wants to die. He craves death. The way he eggs the Doctor on, begging her to detonate the Death Particle. The way his face falls when she doesn’t. He always seems to come back, every time we think he’s gone. I bet every time he faces death he desperately wishes that it will actually be permanent this time. Every time he comes back he gets angrier, he goes a little more mad, he gets even more desperate for death. Because whatever force is controlling everything just won’t let him die. And he resents it. All that resentment just builds and builds. So he takes it out on the Doctor’s Earth, the Doctor’s friends, the Doctor’s own planet. He pushes her and pushes her in hopes that one day she’ll snap. That she’ll finally finish the job and end his misery.

Hey Gallifrey fans! Sadly, I’ve had to close my Etsy store as the BBC have reported my shop (specifically my Gallifrey bundles) for copyright infringement, despite the fact that there has always been a clear disclaimer in my profile explaining that these are tribute works and are in no way officially licensed.

I hope to make more Gallifrey content in the future (I have several in progress) but for now at least I think I’ll take a break from my graphic novel covers.

Thanks for all the lovely comments and tags you all have left over the past year and a bit ❤️

Gallifrey, Volume 2

“There will be a place for you with me, for always, whatever face I wear.”

And that’s a wrap on my covers for season two of Gallifrey!

It’s so lovely to see them all finally together - from the order I ended up drawing them in, they almost show a timeline of how my style has developed over the past year. Now to finish series three!

Prints are available as a bundle here or individually in my Etsy store.

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So my idea was to draw Leela sat on her desk at the academy and I ended up with this so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess that’s the cover for this episode

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so, uh, not only did this turn out gayer than expected, but it also left me with the dawning realisation that if we follow stolen earth/journey’s end metacrisis doctor logic…. pandora may or may not have taken over the capitol completely butt ass naked and honestly that’s a power move

Please do not repost without my permission

Gallifrey, Volume 1

“Leela, we’re going home.”

“Home? To Gallifrey?”

“Where else?”

Today marks one year since I started my Gallifrey project! Thank you to everyone who has liked, reblogged, or bought prints of my art! You are the friendliest and most welcoming fandom I’ve ever been part of and your support means so very much to me ❤️

I can’t interact much on this account as it’s a sideblog, but if you ever see a like/reblog from @leia-stark - that’s me!

Please do not repost or use my art without my permission!

POV you’ve almost been impeached as president but first you gotta go confront a man about his illegal art collection and maybe kick his butt a little, which outfit do you pick for the occasion?

Yes this was a thinly veiled excuse to draw Romana in Earth fashion

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Two Gallifrey covers in almost as many days? I don’t think I’ve ever been this efficient in my life.

This one was very much inspired by scenes from Dalek, I love that episode.

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This has been a bit of an experiment but I’m happy with how it’s turned out!

I’m not a fan of Braxiatel and Romana II as a romantic pairing, but I love the chemistry between Braxiatel and Romana I in this episode and the moment where he holds her before she regenerates is such a stand out scene for me :D

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Full version below the cut, tw: blood, gore.

I totally misremembered how this episode plays out. For some reason, I forgot that Leela ran to get help and thought she sawWynter become the Broken Man. I’m glad she didn’t because poor bby is going to go through enough without seeing that but that’s where the idea for this cover came from.

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My dear ✨Gallifrey fans✨ I need your help! I’ve just had an idea for another Gallifrey cover but it involves multiple future incarnations of Romana after Juliet Landau. So I thought it’d be fun to ask you all to drop a comment below if you have any fancasts or actors/actresses you’d like to see play Romana in the future!

I don’t have a fancast for Romana but Romana III in the edas is inspired by Louise Brooks

Thank you everyone for your suggestions! This is the sketch thus far I still have a couple left to draw from the comments and one more of my own, but after that I still have three regenerations to fill to bring it up to the traditional thirteen so do keep your ideas coming!

My dear ✨Gallifrey fans✨ I need your help! I’ve just had an idea for another Gallifrey cover but it involves multiple future incarnations of Romana after Juliet Landau. So I thought it’d be fun to ask you all to drop a comment below if you have any fancasts or actors/actresses you’d like to see play Romana in the future!


And ‍♀️ I ‍♀️am so sorry President ‍ Romana but ☝️ my ‍♀️ knife slipped and ✋ stabbed Torvald in ☝️both of his hearts

These things happen sometimes.


Leela: How often do you exercise?

Narvin: Three times.

Leela: …a day? A week? A month?

Narvin: Look, I already gave my answer.


Gallifrey: Time War 3

Dhawan Master… againthis is my 4th attempt at this doll; i think i have finally got enough ofDhawan Master… againthis is my 4th attempt at this doll; i think i have finally got enough ofDhawan Master… againthis is my 4th attempt at this doll; i think i have finally got enough of

Dhawan Master… again

this is my 4th attempt at this doll; i think i have finally got enough of a likeness!

here he is doing his best villain impression (he hopes you are suitably impressed) from the Timeless Children episode, with Gallifrey still smoldering behind him.

outfit adapted from @bigchiefstudiosofficial and mattel parts with HT shoes and body, TCE from @scarecrowprops on insta, and of course!!! digital headsculpt from @modernwizard 3d printed by @beetleboo

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