#gareth edwards

Godzilla (2014) Directed by Gareth Edwards Director of Photography: Seamus McGarvey (A.S.C., B.S.C)

Godzilla (2014) Directed by Gareth Edwards

Director of Photography: Seamus McGarvey (A.S.C., B.S.C)  

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Godzilla (Gareth Edwards, 2014), Rampage (Brad Peyton, 2018).TumblrChannelTwitterGodzilla (Gareth Edwards, 2014), Rampage (Brad Peyton, 2018).TumblrChannelTwitter

Godzilla (Gareth Edwards, 2014), Rampage (Brad Peyton, 2018).




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Films seen in 2017. #60. Star Wars: Rogue One (2016). 7/10

Films seen in 2017. #60. Star Wars: Rogue One (2016). 7/10

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ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY (Gareth Edwards, 2016)Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was pretty much ever

ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY (Gareth Edwards, 2016)

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was pretty much everything I wanted it to be. Starting with a smash cut to open the film, you immediately know that you are in for a different Star Wars experience. I love the “war film” vibe that permeates Rogue One. It’s a nice change of pace from the nostalgia-filled adventure vibe that Star Wars: The Force Awakens has. Director Gareth Edwards has a nice command of scale and action. The end battle sequence is truly monumental and is now quite possibly my favorite set piece in any of the Star Wars movies. The Darth Vader hallway scene really is a bad ass as everyone says it is. My biggest gripe about this movie would be some of the forced humor that’s thrown in. It muddies the tone of the movie just a little too much for my taste. And, I am not so sure about the CGI used to recreate Tarkin and Leia. Part of me likes it and part of me doesn’t. Past that, Rogue One does a great job of telling about a band of strangers coming together and realizing they are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to offer the universe what it really needs … “Hope.”

Side Note:
I saw this on its opening weekend and have been trying to get back to see it again before typing out some quick thoughts. Alas, that has not happened yet. I really want to see this again in a theater.

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Gwiezdnowojenna orkiestra pod batutą Disneya ani myśli zwalniać tempa, zaś kolejne spośród ogłoszonych przed kilkoma miesiącami punktów jej planów nabierają kształtu.

Zabawne w tym wszystkim jest zaś to, że ledwie wczoraj zastanawiałem się, kiedy ujawnione zostaną pierwsze szczegóły na temat zaplanowanych spin-offów sagi Star Wars, mających trafiać do kin na przemian z kolejnymi epizodami nowej trylogii. Cóż, najwidoczniej nie było mi dane czekać zbyt długo.

Gareth Edwards, reżyser bijącej aktualnie rekordy popularności najnowszej inkarnacji Godzilli (w wydaniu amerykańskim, ma się rozumieć) został oficjalnie zatrudniony na stanowisku reżysera filmu z uniwersum “Star Wars”, który trafi do kin dokładnie w dniu 16 grudnia 2016 r. Ma być to pierwszy ze wspomnianych spin-offów, który - o ile plotki okażą się prawdziwe - traktować będzie o postaci młodego Hana Solo, bądź Boby Fetta.

Wynika z tego co następuje:
- prace pre-produkcyjne filmu muszą być już w bardzo zaawansowanym stadium,

- Disney i LucasFilm zdecydowanie chcą kuć żelazo, póki gorące, a plany snute względem marki “Star Wars” zostaną zrealizowane: każdego roku, począwszy od grudnia 2015, na wielkim ekranie naszym oczom ukazywać będzie się napis “Dawno, dawno temu, w odległej galaktyce”, poprzedzający seans kolejnego gwiezdnowojennego obrazu,

- grudzień będzie tradycyjnym miesiącem premiery kolejnych filmów z serii, podczas gdy okres wakacyjny zarezerwowany zostanie dla produkcji Marvela - tym samym firma uniknie potencjalnej kanibalizacji swoich flagowych produkcji,

- Gareth Edwards prawdopodobnie nie stanie za kamerą zapowiedzianego przed kilkoma dniami sequela “Godzilli”. Wygląda jednak na to, że rozstanie z Legendary Pictures przebiegło w dobrej, zdrowej atmosferze - powyższy obrazek opublikowany został na oficjalny, profilu studia na Facebooku,

- kinomanów oraz entuzjastów sagi “Star Wars” czekają naprawdę obfite lata i Moc zabawy. W to mi graj!


Legendary Pictures potwierdziło, iż po realizacji swojego gwiezdnowojennego projektu, Gareth Edwards zasiądzie na fotelu reżysera sequela tegorocznej “Godzilli”. Co więcej, według plotek, Edwards nakręci nie tylko drugą, ale też trzecią część trylogii o królu potworów. Co tu dużo mówić: w ciągu najbliższych lat bardzo mocna pozycja młodego reżysera jeszcze się umocni. I tak oto na naszych oczach rozpoczyna się naprawdę wielka kariera!
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TheGodzilla bandwagon is in full effect and I for one am ALL the damn way on board. The recent trailers and clips have done an excellent job of creating the hype for a movie that had the potential of sucking really hard.In fact, it is the film to beat this year in my opinion. And with an impressive slate of films that makes up 2014, that is saying something.

Next up we have a Japanese trailer that was recently released as well as an IMAX poster for the movie. I am going to say it now, Godzilla needs to be seen on the biggest screen possible.

Check them out below and I dare you not to be hyped after seeing this trailer.

Here is the trailer

And how dope is this poster?



About The Film

In Summer 2014, the world’s most revered monster is reborn as Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures unleash the epic action adventure “Godzilla.” From visionary new director Gareth Edwards (“Monsters”) comes a powerful story of human courage and reconciliation in the face of titanic forces of nature, when the awe-inspiring Godzilla rises to restore balance as humanity stands defenseless.

Gareth Edwards directs “Godzilla,” which stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson(“Kick-Ass”),Oscar® nominee Ken Watanabe (“The Last Samurai,” “Inception”), Elizabeth Olsen (“Martha Marcy May Marlene”), Oscar® winner Juliette Binoche(“The English Patient,” “Cosmopolis”), and Sally Hawkins (“Blue Jasmine”), with Oscar® nominee David Strathairn (“Good Night, and Good Luck.,” “The Bourne Legacy”) and Bryan Cranston (“Argo,” TV’s “Breaking Bad”).

Original Article http://bit.ly/1qeDLGc

The Goddess will be returning in a whole new epic way. Gareth needs to finish that damned Star Wars

The Goddess will be returning in a whole new epic way. Gareth needs to finish that damned Star Wars movie already. I need to see my girl in EPIC action!

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LucasFilm released a short behind-the-scenes featurette for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story with the ca

LucasFilm released a short behind-the-scenes featuretteforRogue One: A Star Wars Story with the cast and crew of the film.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is in theaters December 16th.

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As promised by director Gareth Edwards, the newest (and final) official trailer for Rogue One: A Sta

As promised by director Gareth Edwards, the newest (and final) official trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story was released showing all kinds of new footage and some interesting plot points.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens in theaters December 16.

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On this week’s episode of The Star Wars Show, Rogue One director Gareth Edwards announced that the f

On this week’s episode ofThe Star Wars Show,Rogue One director Gareth Edwards announced that the film’s newest trailer would be released tomorrow! To keep us all content until then, he also revealed the film’s brand new movie poster!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will be in theaters December 16.

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The panel for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story also featured a “Celebration Reel” very similar to the on

The panel for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story also featured a “Celebration Reel” very similar to the one shown for The Force Awakens at Comic-Con last year, which takes us behind the scenes with the cast and crew while also showing some nice new footage.

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Star Wars Celebration started today in London and featured the panel for Rogue One: A Star Wars Stor

Star Wars Celebration started today in London and featured the panel for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story which included the debut of the film’s new teaser poster.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story will be in theaters on December 16, 2016.

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This week’s cover of Entertainment Weekly spotlights the upcoming Star Wars: Rogue One, and features

This week’s cover of Entertainment Weekly spotlights the upcoming Star Wars: Rogue One, and features an exclusive preview of the new movie and a detailed rundown on some its new characters.

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Let’s start with some photos of last night’s Rogue One premiere in Beijing! (21/12/16) PLet’s start with some photos of last night’s Rogue One premiere in Beijing! (21/12/16) PLet’s start with some photos of last night’s Rogue One premiere in Beijing! (21/12/16) PLet’s start with some photos of last night’s Rogue One premiere in Beijing! (21/12/16) PLet’s start with some photos of last night’s Rogue One premiere in Beijing! (21/12/16) PLet’s start with some photos of last night’s Rogue One premiere in Beijing! (21/12/16) PLet’s start with some photos of last night’s Rogue One premiere in Beijing! (21/12/16) P

Let’s start with some photos of last night’s Rogue One premiere in Beijing! (21/12/16)
P5 is Donnie’s family, his son showed up in little Chirrut costume.

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