



It’s October! The spooky times are around the corner and we have a prompt for you

Have you every thought to yourself: “Gavin could wear a potato sack and still look drop dead gorgeous in it!”?

Well, you’re not alone and this is exactly why we would like to spice things up a bit, rejuvenate the fandom and give everyone a chance to use their imagination. Thank you @ventiquemr for the bombastic name!

The rules are as simple as it gets:

  1. Sky is the limit! You can draw our birdcop in (or out) any outfit you want (just make sure to flag suggestive ones as NSFW)
  2. The prompt starts as soon as you see this post and dures until Halloween ‘21.
  3. ❕❗❕❗Please don’t forget to use the tag #gavsHOWLoween so your artwork doesn’t do under the radar❕❗❕❗
  4. You can nominate your fellow tumblers so that nobody is left out but don’t have to. It’s up to you ;)
  5. You aren’t familiar with drawing but still want to contribute? No problem! We have two solutions for you ^_^
  • You can use these templates by the most talented @goldenginkgo729 and drabble as you’d like:
  • You can also just take any image with the outfit of your choosing and just put our Jupiter’s face on it (please make sure to give credit to the original ;)).

6. You want to participate, but take another LI? Go ahead! But please give credit where credit is due ;)

7. The best would be to repost this and add your creatively dressed Gavin under it ^_^ As everything else, it’s up to you.

8. Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!! The main goal is to have a good time in the fandom and remember, there is no such thing as bad drawing


Special thanks go to @cheri-cheri for being the muse for this prompt.





It’s October! The spooky times are around the corner and we have a prompt for you

Have you every thought to yourself: “Gavin could wear a potato sack and still look drop dead gorgeous in it!”?

Well, you’re not alone and this is exactly why we would like to spice things up a bit, rejuvenate the fandom and give everyone a chance to use their imagination. Thank you @ventiquemr for the bombastic name!

The rules are as simple as it gets:

  1. Sky is the limit! You can draw our birdcop in (or out) any outfit you want (just make sure to flag suggestive ones as NSFW)
  2. The prompt starts as soon as you see this post and dures until Halloween ‘21.
  3. ❕❗❕❗Please don’t forget to use the tag #gavsHOWLoween so your artwork doesn’t do under the radar❕❗❕❗
  4. You can nominate your fellow tumblers so that nobody is left out but don’t have to. It’s up to you ;)
  5. You aren’t familiar with drawing but still want to contribute? No problem! We have two solutions for you ^_^
  • You can use these templates by the most talented @goldenginkgo729 and drabble as you’d like:
  • You can also just take any image with the outfit of your choosing and just put our Jupiter’s face on it (please make sure to give credit to the original ;)).

6. You want to participate, but take another LI? Go ahead! But please give credit where credit is due ;)

7. The best would be to repost this and add your creatively dressed Gavin under it ^_^ As everything else, it’s up to you.

8. Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!! The main goal is to have a good time in the fandom and remember, there is no such thing as bad drawing


Special thanks go to @cheri-cheri for being the muse for this prompt.


It took me a while but here goes nothing  (*>ω<*)

- Please keep in mind I’m really NOT a drawing talent!

- Zoom in at your own risk :D

1) Werewolf Gavin’s clothes are stolen, so a trash-can cover has to do the trick..

2) Commander Bai lost the bet against Tang Chao :/

3) Gavin dressed as his doppelganger Yagami Light

Now that I put myself out there, I nominate @tomochii-chan @goldenginkgo729 and @cheri-cheri. XD

Try not to laugh challenge

R.I.P. Greenie. You are dearly missed. Especially Gavin


My final contribution to GavsHOWLoween

I always thought Gavin’s character was loosely based on Mamouru Chiba so took a pic of him and put @goldenginkgo729 s face template on it. Needlessly to say, I didn’t draw anything haha.

