#gay otp


About Your OTP

Who worries about what they will look like when they are older?

- Draco. He’s forever going on about how he’ll die the day a stripe of grey dulls his pristine blond head and has a diet fully planned to avoid that horrifying dad belly he dreads. Harry says he thinks he’ll look beautiful, no matter what but Draco doesn’t believe it.

Who hogs the blanket?

- It really depends on the night. Harry tosses and turns all night (old habits die hard) and it’s usually an accident when he hogs the blanket. Draco gets very cold very quickly and doesn’t really care if Harry gets much blanket at all.

Who eats the other’s uneaten pizza crusts?

- Harry’s one of those people who can eat basically anything and gain no weight so it’s no surprise that he snacks on anything and everything he can find.

Who is more likely to cry over a sad book or movie?

- Harry. He’s not so good at hiding his feelings and he’s really not embarrassed to shed a tear over a good storyline. Besides, Draco never cries (Titanic is an acception).

Who talks smack while playing video games?

- Draco gets the filthiest mouth imagineable when playing video games. Sometimes, Harry even has to warm him about his language.

Who sings along with the radio?

- Both of them. Draco can sing… Harry cannot.

Who would enter them both into a talent show?

- Possibly Harry whilst drunk but Draco would never comply.

Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking?

- It’s common knowledge that Harry’s a star chef when it comes to Wizards so this one really goes without saying. Whether Draco’d do it by accident or out of sheer annoyance is a different story.

Who would throw the other into a pool?

- Harry would throw a (frantically refusing) Draco into a pool and then jump in, himself.

Who shops for groceries?

- Harry. Draco only shops for important things (clothes, cologne, hair gel, etc).

Who kills the spiders?

- Harry, again. Of course, Draco isn’t afraid of them, oh no. He’d just rather stand 10 feet away, on a table, when one’s spotted.

Who is the morning/night person?

- Draco thinks it is most absurd that Harry chooses to wake up early and prance about the house. He’d much rather spend his early hours sleeping, thank you very much. Harry gets (mildly) frustrated when Draco ends up falling asleep with their bedroom lamp on, a book strewn across his chest.

Who proposes?

- Harry does. He plans it all out, romantic setting, mood lighting, expensive ring and when the moment comes Draco isn’t really surprised. Harry says that because heproposed, it should be his name that’s taken. Draco Malfoy become a Potter? Pfft, he doesn’t think so. (He becomes a Potter.)

Dirk: Hey everyone do you dare me to kiss Priest?

Everyone: Uh no?..

Dirk: Haha alright I can’t believe you dared me to do this! 

Everyone: But we didn’t…

Dirk: Guys y’all SO crazy haha here I go!


Love and concern in his every single look! Sorry (not sorry), brotzly is real

c a n o n


Do you need any additional words? I don’t think so. 

(He came here to give Todd an innocent smile and to steel our hearts. He has already given his lovely smile to Todd…)

Eggsy: Ohhh, I bet you look adorable grasping at the sheets on my bed!

Harry: No matter how many times you compliment me I’m not going to make your bed.


Eggsy: So what’s the wi-fi password? 

Harry: Let me remind you, young man, we’re at a funeral. 

Eggsy: With or without space in between?
