#wrong quotes




petition to remake all of the twilight movies where everything is the same except that bella is played by john mulaney who has not been given a script and just has to deal with these circumstances as they come.

john: (walks into the classroom)



Dirk: Hey everyone do you dare me to kiss Priest?

Everyone: Uh no?..

Dirk: Haha alright I can’t believe you dared me to do this! 

Everyone: But we didn’t…

Dirk: Guys y’all SO crazy haha here I go!

Eggsy: Ohhh, I bet you look adorable grasping at the sheets on my bed!

Harry: No matter how many times you compliment me I’m not going to make your bed.


Eggsy: So what’s the wi-fi password? 

Harry: Let me remind you, young man, we’re at a funeral. 

Eggsy: With or without space in between?

Will as a child: Jake I can’t sleep. I’m afraid of Frankenstein.

Jacob: I think you mean Frankensteins monster. Frankenstein was the doctor.

Jacob: Although, admittedly I am more afraid of Frankenstein than his monster. I personally find unethical and irresponsible medical practice far more terrifying than any physical being and so should you.

