#gay yearning



I know we live in different states but I really wanna wrap him in blankets and tuck pillows around him so that he’s comfortable, watching his favorite shows and kissing his face. Play with his hair and scratching his back, rubbing his neck and shoulders, just listening to the background noise and his breathing.

Yea…ANYWAY I’m not telling him that, like I COULD but then it’s gonna be a spiral of “oh AND” so no :). I also really wanna basically crush hug him and tell him that I’m proud of him but we’re KEEPING THAT TO OURSELVES BESTIE!


Honestly bestie, I really just wanna rant about my OCD intrusive thoughts and compulsions to a dude who ALSO has OCD so we can just feed off each other’s energy, ya know? Like “don’t you hate it when-”, “OH I FUCKING HATE THAT LIKE ONE TIME-”, “guess what someone told me today -”, “I KEEP GETTING THIS DAMN INTRUSIVE THOUGHT-”, “dude nothing’s happening rn right, cause like-”.

I just wanna have something in common with a guy so we can both bitch about it man :)))))).


I have so many beautiful pictures of him and I love him so much. I wanna write him love letters and poems and songs, I wanna paint him art, I wanna do so much and he’s so gorgeous. He’s so pretty and he’s so cute and nice, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND I WANNA SCREAM!!!


I gave him flowers a few days ago and it turns out he’s NEVER gotten them before??? LIKE HOW??? Who in their right MIND wouldn’t give him flowers??? He’s so pretty and amazing and sweet and nice, and you’re NOT gonna give him flowers??? Jesus H CHRIST bestie.


I stole one of his hoodies yesterday and he had the GAUL to take the other one BAAAACK, I SEE HOW IT IS ✋, I SEE HOW IT IS!!! NO EXPLANATION NEEDED✋✋✋!!!! /j /sarc /lh /nm

it’s the little things. when we hold hands and his thumb does the rubbing thing or he holds mine a little tighter. when he rests his head on my shoulder while reading batman. when we had our first hug and i couldn’t breathe because we were so close. the little things are so lovely.

his small obsession with batman. his huge obsession with king dice. the way he rambles on about how his watch has the exact seconds and milliseconds. how he continuously tries to get me to watch jojo’s. this boy<333.

constantly daydreaming about painting a boy’s (or boys’) nails, sewing on patches together, introducing them to pirate metal, sharing our current interests and then exploring new interests together.

tummies <333. guys who have soft tummies, guys who have flat tummies, big tummies, bloated tummies, built tummies, tummies with stretch marks, tummies with scars; all the different kinds of tummies.

instead of someone playing with my hair, they could put it up before i leave the house. put it in a pony/pig tails, braid it, half up half down, etc.
