#gay yearning


Your hair is a curtain against my face, yet somehow I wish we were closer

Anyone wanna have a sleep over and sit in my room at 3AM and play video games while the romantic tension builds?

Not yearing or anything but i would love a boy to call me his lover like it would be amazing

All i want is to lay down in a boy’s lap and watch movies with him like is that too much to ask for

honestly if a boy ever plays with my hair and cuddles me i will immediately fall in love. this is a threat

hey bro.. ummm what if we stayed up playing minecraft together and talked about everything then eventually we end up falling asleep in each other’s arms

imagine teaching a boy how to draw so eventually you could draw a portrait of each other by a fireplace while it is pouring rain outside

oh god to be in a boys arms and him telling you everything is gonna be alright then he kisses you on your forehead

see its lowkey homophobic that im not dating a punk boy that will drink ungodly amounts of monsters with me and fuel my chaotic side

it’s a such a SHAME I cant watch movies into the ungodly hours of night with a boy while we cuddle and share snacks

in conclusion, it’s kinda homophobic that I’m not doing anything chaotic with a boy as we feel the wind in our hair then kiss in the rain

do you ever just sit and wait.. hoping that your phone will light up with a notification that will make you smile… i know that i won’t get one because it’s like 9pm but.. i don’t know

in the past when i was in relationships i would always say stuff like “i love you and i just want you to be happy so if you find that with someone else i’ll be okay” and that was never really true.. i just felt it was the right thing to say.. it always hurt so much when someone left.. but with her if i’m not making her happy then i don’t want her to waste her time on me.. i’d do anything to make sure she’s happy.. it will sting if she moves on but if that’s what’s going to make and keep her happy then i’m happy.. and that’s the first time i’ve said that and truly meant it..

i’m good at writing and the words just flow so easily most of the time. i can write childrens stories, i can write essays, i even have a 15 chapter story i wrote in 6th grade, but when it comes to writing about her and how she makes me feel.. the words just suddenly stop.. it all just becomes this emotion.. this feeling that i cant describe. it’s impossible to put into words how perfect she is. the word perfect doesn’t even begin to describe her and no analogy, no metaphor, would even be able to help you completely understand the way i feel when i think about her. i can keep saying she makes me feel warm like that one particular sun spot on the couch on a warm spring day but thats the bare minimum of how it feels. i can say things like safe, and comforting, and calming but again those words even fail to explain just exactly how i feel when shes around. i’m no poet and i’m not some big english major or some shit but i just know that there is not a single word, not a single sentence, not a single metaphor or analogy, not a single image, not one single fucking thing on this huge ass planet that could properly describe the way i feel about her, or how amazing she is, or how i feel around her… it’s so complicated but so simple at the same time..


i miss her.. and not in a “we haven’t talked in a while” way because we talk almost daily.. i miss being in the same room has her… i miss seeing her smile and hearing her laughing in front of me instead of through earbuds.. i miss her calming presence that makes my heart flutter and everything feel like the warmth and brightness of sitting in that one sun spot on the couch during a nice spring day… i miss us just walking and her talking about anything honestly.. like the cool facts about the abandoned buildings we went to on our last date.. basically i miss her.. a lot.. and she’s pretty much all i think about..

she put up with my obnoxious ass for like an hour while we played minecraft,, that’s how i know she’s good,,, is when i say i’m gonna blow shit up in minecraft and she just goes along with it,, n e ways we built a bench like tommy and tubbo and i made my basement floor crafting tables and it was very fun and chaotic and i loved it,,


Actually it’s MUCH safer to sleep with a “boyfriend belt” :/, like it’s actually been proven that like, you can die without one :/. A boyfriend belt helps you NOT fall off the bed, and it helps like, keep you warm, which is probably pretty important :/.

So since he’s (my bf) NOT sleeping with a boyfriend belt, like, ever, he’s seriously risking his health :/. And as a person TRAINING TO BE IN THE MEDICAL FIELD, I can’t LET him DIE, so I OBVIOUSLY need to help :/. So, in order to make sure people are safe, I will give a public service awareness about how to be, and use, a boyfriend belt :).

In order to properly get into the boyfriend belt position, you need to do another technique doctors like to call “big spoon little spoon”, now obviously the boyfriend belt is going to be the “big spoon” and the one being buckled in is the “little spoon”, ya still with me?

Now, once in your proper roles, the boyfriend belt must then wrap one arm around the ribcage of whichever side they’re on, and the other arm will then scoop UNDER the neck and properly secure itself on top of the “little spoons” chest or shoulder. The “little spoon” then can lay on top of the arm of the “big spoon”, as if it is a oddly hard and uncomfortable pillow far too small for ones head.

Once these tasks are completed, the boyfriend belt must then pull the “little spoon” into the desired, or required, tightness. The required tightness is anything of or above “crush the soul out”. But this can change depending on disabilities, comfort, and preference :). Adjust your boyfriend belt to your comfort, and be safe :).

If not sleeping with a boyfriend belt, be aware that falling off the bed to your inevitable demise is a real possibility hundreds encounter around the globe :/. Sleep at your own risk :/.

A boyfriend belt is used to crush the second, third, etc, sleeping party into oblivion so that they are saved from falling off of the dangerous edge of the bed. They are also used as emotional support, and can be used as a source of heat if needed :). Boyfriend belts are often recharged as they are used as well, for the most obvious reasons :).

Studies show those who do not have a boyfriend belt are more likely to die day to day, some studies even suggesting that BREATHING without a boyfriend belt can be a serious health risk one needs to urgently address :). If you fear you are suffering from the well known condition “no boyfriend belt syndrome”, seek treatment out immediately :).

Anyway, /j /lh :). Have a great day gay wads


I know we live in different states but I really wanna wrap him in blankets and tuck pillows around him so that he’s comfortable, watching his favorite shows and kissing his face. Play with his hair and scratching his back, rubbing his neck and shoulders, just listening to the background noise and his breathing.

Yea…ANYWAY I’m not telling him that, like I COULD but then it’s gonna be a spiral of “oh AND” so no :). I also really wanna basically crush hug him and tell him that I’m proud of him but we’re KEEPING THAT TO OURSELVES BESTIE!


Honestly bestie, I really just wanna rant about my OCD intrusive thoughts and compulsions to a dude who ALSO has OCD so we can just feed off each other’s energy, ya know? Like “don’t you hate it when-”, “OH I FUCKING HATE THAT LIKE ONE TIME-”, “guess what someone told me today -”, “I KEEP GETTING THIS DAMN INTRUSIVE THOUGHT-”, “dude nothing’s happening rn right, cause like-”.

I just wanna have something in common with a guy so we can both bitch about it man :)))))).


I have so many beautiful pictures of him and I love him so much. I wanna write him love letters and poems and songs, I wanna paint him art, I wanna do so much and he’s so gorgeous. He’s so pretty and he’s so cute and nice, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND I WANNA SCREAM!!!


I gave him flowers a few days ago and it turns out he’s NEVER gotten them before??? LIKE HOW??? Who in their right MIND wouldn’t give him flowers??? He’s so pretty and amazing and sweet and nice, and you’re NOT gonna give him flowers??? Jesus H CHRIST bestie.

it’s the little things. when we hold hands and his thumb does the rubbing thing or he holds mine a little tighter. when he rests his head on my shoulder while reading batman. when we had our first hug and i couldn’t breathe because we were so close. the little things are so lovely.

his small obsession with batman. his huge obsession with king dice. the way he rambles on about how his watch has the exact seconds and milliseconds. how he continuously tries to get me to watch jojo’s. this boy<333.

constantly daydreaming about painting a boy’s (or boys’) nails, sewing on patches together, introducing them to pirate metal, sharing our current interests and then exploring new interests together.

tummies <333. guys who have soft tummies, guys who have flat tummies, big tummies, bloated tummies, built tummies, tummies with stretch marks, tummies with scars; all the different kinds of tummies.

instead of someone playing with my hair, they could put it up before i leave the house. put it in a pony/pig tails, braid it, half up half down, etc.
